You might have noticed that the profile pictures have all had some airbrushing done to them to remove the backgrounds. This is because when they are left as rectangles the page didn’t look anywhere near as nice.
To get your profile picture prepared just send it through to We’ll airbrush the background off and upload it to the server so that it appears against ALL of your posts (past, present and future)
Profile Picture Guidelines
As the forum gets more popular, more and more profile pictures come flooding in to be airbrushed and uploaded to the server. Recently though quite a few photographs have been received that are not good enough quality for the forum, once these are uploaded they become pixelated and make the forum look untidy.
The following is a perfect example of the type of profile picture we are looking for, it is taken with a proper digital camera, not pixelated, was not submitted in a small size, and has the anglers whole body in the frame. Granted he's no pretty boy, far from I would have thought, but all in all a good profile pic!
This next picture is not really upto scratch for the forum, the image is pixelated once made to the correct size for uploading, due to its size it is also very difficult to airbrush. Also it is framed so that it is just the fish in the picture, and not the anglers head.
When sending profiles to be uploaded could you please follow these guidlines:
Images must be submitted at over 500 pixels wide, and not stretched to that size. It must also be in JPG form.
Images from camera phones are generally not good enough to be edited in photo software. Unless the camera on the phone is of good quality, and the lighting conditions are good, could we please not send camera phone pictures. Also please only send images with decent resolution!
Some scanned original prints also come out poor quality, if sending scanned photographs please make sure they are big enough, and scanned with decent quality scanner.
Please make sure the head of the angler is included! Headless photographs can look messy once airbrushed and put into profiles.
Photographs taken in the day will always look better than night shots once airbrushed. Rather than choosen your biggest fish as a profile pic, choose the best photograph!
Thank you....
Email Address for Profile pictures