I have just found a 'special offers' section on the Mistral web site 10kgs for £35
In reply to Post #1000 i find homemade bait and curry powder the best mate
In reply to Post #1000 i find homemade bait and curry powder the best mate
try coppins pellits they are an ace base mix when uyou are tight for cash.
i think 25 kilo works out bout 28 pound
In reply to Post #1000 anyone from PM Pellets on here?
or has anyone used them?
In reply to Post #1000 every 1s posting how much cheap bait they can get but are you guys getting the results on it?
In reply to Post #184 alright mate try www.ccmoore.com/
In reply to Post #189 alright these do soya flour mate www.ccmoore.com/
In reply to Post #198 im new to carp really but i have used alot of bait and methods to see which did get me to most and almost every place i fished what did the best is sweetcorn its very cheap so you can get a nice carpet out there and me and my mate had 10 runs and we didnt even go for long with just one tin just shame we didnt land them all
im new to carp really but i have used alot of bait and methods to see which did get me to most and almost every place i fished what did the best is sweetcorn its very cheap so you can get a nice carpet out there and me and my mate had 10 runs and we didnt even go for long with just one tin just shame we didnt land them all
In reply to Post #196 im on boiled eggs now, dipped in strawberry WTF
In reply to Post #195 what???
In reply to Post #1000 im on boiled eggs now, dipped in strawberry
In reply to Post #193 chicken feed with molases, mixed with the usual secret things does the trick every time. can get kilos of the stuff on the cheap aswell from most animal feed shops!
In reply to Post #188 give me a rought idea of what you have Terey