In reply to Post #1 Secret Garden might be good for you but it's a longer drive I think.
In reply to Post #2 Les Rivets all day long
It’s 9 acre lake all to yourself and don’t worry if this isn’t what you consider small. My two lads and I had over 50 fish just fishing a couple of hours a day
Heated outdoor swimming pool and house in very secure grounds
Highly recommended, oh and they have a few mid 50s in the now I believe
In reply to Post #1 Take a look on Angling Lines for some options. You're not asking for the impossible but these kind of places tend to get booked up well in advance and if any good get lots of repetitive custom (I fish a 6 acre lake that would fit the bill but I've got bookings up until 2029 just to ensure that I get summer dates for the family and I think they are pretty much fully booked up until then so no point in name dropping them at the moment)
Am I searching for the impossible?
I'm looking for a small, intimate and picturesque French venue for 1 or 2 anglers. This is a holiday for me and the wife so there needs to be lakeside accommodation with a pool. The prettier the surroundings and accommodation the better as it's a had sell to the wife !
Don't need big fish, happy with fish to 40lb.
Preferably within a 5 hour drive of Calais.