In reply to Post #2 I’ve never had an issue with condensation whilst using the inner dome either, never bothered with a wrap for that reason
Does keeping the door open/front off still eradicate condensation like it did on bivvies in the old days?
In reply to Post #1 Wraps are much better than a cap or internal shield. Pretty much eradicates condensation. You'll still get condensation with a vapour shield just won't be visible. Plus can also get condensation on sides. The vapur shields just stop any drips. A wrap actually creates no condensation whatsoever inside the bivvy.
In reply to Post #1 It really is not if you use the internal dome. I bought the wrap for mine and 2 years later it's still brand new never used 😂
Have been considering a bivvy upgrade to have a bit more space so been having a look at theTitan T1 camo pro and just wondered is the overwrap really necessary? I appreciate it’s all about cold and warm air creating condensation but as it’s a pretty big volume, does it still suffer badly like the smaller bivvys, like my trakker tempest does?
Many thanks