In reply to Post #3 I remember going in there when his Mum and Dad were running it. He knows his stuff and to be fair he does well keeping the shop going what with online shoping and bigger shops
In reply to Post #2 Cheers for the tip
In reply to Post #2 Wow, there's a name from the past! knew Clive in the late 80's when I fished on the old Hardwick syndicate. As we both had Wednesdays off from respective jobs (he was in the tackle shop I worked in a north London greengrocers) we would see each other at the lake most weeks. Nice guy who knew his stuff
Sorry to hijack the thread.
In reply to Post #1 contact Didcot Angling Clive should be able to tell you
Hi all, does anyone know if there is an angling club who has the River Thames stretch by Shillingford bridge? Near Wallingford. Old threads on other forums seem to suggest High Wycombe and Thames angling Club but I cannot even find if they still exist. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Also has anyone heard of carp being caught there?