In reply to Post #9 Off topic slightly but what is the FF Secret Agent like? Similar to the original?
In reply to Post #12 Good luck with it fella! Lots of options for you and lots of anglers out there using them with success!
Well got my baits 1st impression is they looked n smell great the tuna don't half smell looking forward to trying them in next few weeks when it starts warming up
In reply to Post #10 Not sure where the 'for you' came from on my reply!
Let us/me know how you get on, very interested
In reply to Post #9 Orded 20kg of herb and 5 kg of tuna and few outher things to see how I get on
In reply to Post #8 That's a coincedence for you
I've got great memories of Fenugreek being a fabulous addtive (secret agent) in fact last year I bought the Forgotten Flavours Secret agent from Johnson Ross, still haven't used it. For that reason alone I'd err towards the Herb. I found Fenugreek deadly in winter, when everything tends to tale off, so if it's good in summer too...
In reply to Post #7 That's what I'm doing got 5 kg of s7 left and want to change not happy with it any more since the changed it dew to euro laws withe th Robin red
In reply to Post #2 I'm sorely tempted but I'd have to give up S7 to do it...hmmm
I used baitcraft for the first time last year.
I went for Skipjack from late spring and did really well on it. Got matching popups and a few other hookbaits from them and been impressed.
Plan on sticking with the same this year 👍
In reply to Post #1 I keep saying i'll try the skipjack but I've done so well with the herb I can't bring myself to change, maybe order both and let me know how the tuna goes
I imagine most folks will recommend Herb as it's stood the test of time and gets a lot of positive posts on here, try a search.
In reply to Post #2 Got a sample of the tuna when In test bit not used any thing apart from the hookbaits and pellets just after people's thoughts on both baits
In reply to Post #1 I'm looking to purchase my first batch from handcraft of the herb. I'm exited about using it after hearing many good reviews about the herb.
Looking to buy some but can't make mind up out of both whats people's thoughts on both types 🤔 👍