In reply to Post #47 Cult have cleverly renamed it a 'Technical Bivvy Coat' . . . . .however its still a Dryrobe
Daft IMO - unless you use a Tempest 200 where are you supposed to hang the thing when its wetted out etc?
In reply to Post #47 I have a dry robe so do the kids and mrs - We use ours mainly when we are camping or at a festival or at the beach - trips to and from the shower or getting changed they are idylic and do the job very well - or if out for long periods in the rain (Festival) they work and are low maintenance - Essentially they are great at what they are meant for - too big and bulky for me to use in my fishing but in the right environment they are great !!!
In reply to Post #1 Cult Tackle and Skeetex have got them on sale....
In reply to Post #45 Lol - you have been sold! Each to their own - tbf they do have a purpose / function
In reply to Post #44 nope, they really are not the same! .... a poncho is slip over head, dont cover arms fully and float about the body (unless belted). These are zip front, have full sleeves and are slimmer fitting.
In reply to Post #43 Ok its a lined poncho . . .
to be fair ... it isnt a Poncho ... I have both
In reply to Post #41 I bought a poncho last year off amazon, basically the exact same as the Nash one but with a different pattern. Perfect for summer rain, can be used to cover the barrow (or boat in my case) when getting to a peg and even has eyes on it so you can peg out for a quick shelter with some storm poles.
Ok it didn't keep him warm but when it rained my mate donned one of those plastic ponchos they sell when it rains at Thorpe Park.
Ok he didn't look very carpy but it packed away to the size of a fag box
In reply to Post #39 Exactly, with carp tax no doubt
In reply to Post #36 Revolutionary - tis called a poncho!
In reply to Post #37 In all honesty I really don't care what people wear, it's just friendly banter.
If you're happy to wear a tent in public then more power to you.
I own one purchase for when I’m surfing/swimming when we go to Cornwall each year but my question is who on here wears
Berghaus ect mountain climbing brands to walk the shop
Who wears a pair of trainers and tracksuit bottoms to go the pub
And no I don’t walk my dog in mine but will wear it sitting out into the night socialising whilst camping beach bbq ect
I had a chat with the owner of Catchdry this afternoon and they're going to be bringing out an unlined version, which will be perfect for when it's peeing down but not cold.
"unpopular opinion?"
I've always gone under the assumption that people who wear these things clearly don't care about other people's opinions.
Otherwise you wouldn't buy one, right??