In reply to Post #46 Yes I would agree in that situation they would be better as the large spool and heavy flour is going to come off in large coils. Personally though I still wouldn't use it at range when it's going to sink onto the lake bed and get covered in silt and weed or whatever is down there.
In reply to Post #45 This man gets it. I wasn’t talking about casting fluoro as far as I could cast mono/braid. I’m talking about casting it as far as it can. In which I case I believe 50mm butt rings and wide spools have a bigger impact.
My spod rod that uses thin supple casting braid has a 40mm butt on, my fishing rods have 50mm on them if I’m fishing a water with a braid ban and use fluoro I wanna get it as far as I can. Anything further than that I’d reluctantly use mono
So does anyone else think 50mm butt rings do make an impact on distance when using a thicker fluoro?
In reply to Post #44 Surely if you choose to use fluorocarbon for whatever reason, you would want to be able to cast it as far as possible. Hence large spool, heavy lead, and therefore high test curve rod
In reply to Post #42 Because distance casting most are using as thin a line as possible to increase distance plus the fact that flouro is heavier than mono again making it a poor choice.
In reply to Post #42 Only guessing but maybe wondering why using a thick flouro for casting at range when flouro is far from the best casting wise.
I think i get your original point again guessing that a lot of people have the view that thick flouros and heavy mono's behave better with 50's particularly when using wide spool reels?
In reply to Post #40 I suppose the better question would be why would you not?
In reply to Post #40 Well I for one have tried Flouro on ss2600 and my god it’s shocking, you need as bigger spool as possible (imo) to get Flouro to behave. I have recently gone back to Flouro and it behaves reasonably well on a 5000t but wouldn’t do anywhere near any spool smaller.
In reply to Post #39 Why would you use a thick diameter fluorocarbon on a large diameter spool if you were fishing at distance.
All this talk about 50mm not adding distance. Don’t anyone believe that would still be the case if you was using a thick fluorocarbon mainline on a wide spooled big pit like an xt10000? I think it does. Have not “scientifically”tested this but sure that it would effect distance in this instance. Maybe not if using a lighter mono/braid with a reel with a narrower spool like that is on the Daiwa tournies
In reply to Post #31 Century may be able to supply, I've got a few beach casters with them rung 40mm to 10mm. Failing that I've heard good thing about the atlas deep draw guides.
In reply to Post #33 Most beach casters are rung hibrid nowadays for either fixed spool or multiplier.
In reply to Post #33 Correct along with lure rods . When i first started targeting carp i and a few others were using multipliers on the big cheshire meres.
In reply to Post #32 It would have little to no affect on stiffer rods, 4 or 5lb ballista blanks were regularly fitted with 30 & 40mm ringing 'back in the day' as were others like my Greys FX4.
50mm ringing is a modern trend, it's simply that with little proven evidence of actually making any difference. What little difference it might make is only really discernable in the hands of casters making records where a meter or 2 might make a difference, the vast majority of anglers even with lessons are not capable of that. It does however allow the tackle companies to play to your insecurities that you might not be able to reach the fish but your neighbours with 50's fitted will.
Another reason quoted was larger spools means the line comes off in larger loops which need to straighten out before hitting the 1st ring, sounds feasible but again little proof.
Quite interested in what Jeffire has posted, off for a nosey.
In reply to Post #32 Have a look at fuji,s post Theory New Guide Concept it will put you in the picture and dispell the myth regarding larger guides = distance .
In reply to Post #32 Beachcasters are rung according to whether a fixed spool or multiplier are going to be used.