Ive been using a Solar Sly Pod for years, just fancy a change now. Maybe a carbon pod, either a century or dobbins ( bit flash for me ) or Defiant mps 🤔
In reply to Post #1 They are bomb proof but can take ages to get level. Best pod I've ever had was the solar sod pod. I only use my pod when grounds to hard for sticks.
In reply to Post #6 Tip of the ice berg mate 😄
In reply to Post #4 You've been through more tackle than Katie Price has been through morning after pills.
In reply to Post #1 Ive got the carbon one and have had it for maybe 5 years , ive used it loads and it still works and looks the same as it did when i bought it. Its a great light pod. Ive also got a MPS titanium pod . I carry the NBrice one mostly because its lighter and i dont always use it if i had to keep one it would be the n brice one.
Had the N-Brice carbon for a while. Nicely made but a bloody nightmare to get straight. I then bought the Jag Prolite pod and that was just as bad but not as well made as the N-Brice.
I have loads of pods and in my experience these are the pods I preferred and I havent seen anything else (past or present) that would tempt me away now, unless needed for very specific reason (ie rods high etc)
My favourite compact pod is the Cygnet Compact Pod.
My favourite easiest to use/bomb proof/value for money/budget pod is the Fox Trek Pod - Brilliant pod!
My favourite premium pod is the Defiant MPS Trident (Titanium of Carbon ... I still have both versions).
The only mainstream brand pod i can think of that i havent used is the Solar Worldwide (i have had other Solar Pods ... I think one was called Sod Pod?)
I have the Nbrice carbon stainless, the JAG 316 SS 3 rod compact and a Nano pod.
I wouldn't say it's not a patch. I like them all equally but think maybe the NB is a bit more blingy. I have 4 pals with the same as mine the gunsmoke and stainless version and they all love them. Have other pals with all the JAG ones and they love them. Horse for courses but I think regardless of the choice of both you won't be disappointed. All quality products. I did hear that the newer NB seem to be a different quality to the older ones and are now extortionately expensive since Wolf took them over. How true that is I don't know
In reply to Post #1 Ive had the carbon one. Not a patch on jag and even more expensive than jag as well.
Has anyone had one , are they any good ?