In reply to Post #36 It does make sense. Like a dial.
In reply to Post #34 Extended sides/ snag ears what ever you like to call them.
You can switch from sound on the receiver. To sound on the alarm. By turning the alarm speaker cover round a notch. Speaker cover is basically a switch. Hope that makes sense.
In reply to Post #34 Snag ears,
In reply to Post #33 are you saying the speaker has a cover to reduce the volume?
extendable sides?
In reply to Post #32 Yes, had a quick look. Not much more to them than the originals. Apart from the obvious speaker. Which you can switch the sound from the head to the sounder box by turning the speaker cover round a notch. Compatible with both receivers. And not forgetting extended sides
In reply to Post #31 Anyone seen theese in the flesh at the show?
In reply to Post #28 Quality alarms I made my own sounder box for them . Was powered from their output jacks worked remarkably well.
Albeit if the weather conditions were in the slightest damp you had to revert to bottle tops.
In reply to Post #28 1st alarms I had. That and Shakespeare 1.25lb test curve rods, over Walthamstow. Caught aswell pub chucking to no man's land lol
In reply to Post #28 Shame they forgot the anti-damp
In reply to Post #19 It's funny to think that the first alarm to have some sort of "anti rock" built into it was the much maligned Daiwa Sensitron back in the nineties.
In reply to Post #26 I did not know that. I’ve been bad mouthing the ATTS as useless in any kind of big weather for years but maybe the newer ones were actually ok
In reply to Post #25 I've just looked and it's on the underlit ones not sure about the original ones
Did they have the anti rock from the start or was it added to later models? Mine must have been from around 2010 and if they did have that feature it didn’t work
Yep they already have anti rock.
So they’ve updated the casing to make it more modern and functional and added a speaker..
So no longer waterproof.
Do they come with a Gardner black bag for each head when it rains ?
In reply to Post #22 I thought the older version already had the anti rock feature