Hello mate, I got the 12'9 3.5tc 50mm distance ones.
Their advert says 3.25, so before I ordered I checked and they confirmed they were 3.5's because that's what I wanted. Might be worth double checking again before you hand over your hard earned.
The 50mm don't look like 50mm. They're proper eyes not like the current fad of really slim eyes raised away from the blank, if I didn't know it was a 50 to my eye I wouldn't have believed it. It just looks right on the rod.
Ive got a couple of mk2's that will become utility rods now and I had mk1's in the old days. These feel a little lighter in the hand but are more powerful so I'm guessing the action will be a bit stiffer when I play a fish.
I've dicked around with rods since I've got back into carping but for £150, I'm well chuffed with them. They're an improvement over previous editions but keep everything in line with their heritage and like the other versions look mint 👌
In reply to Post #21 What TC did you go for? seriously thinking about getting some from Bristol Angling at £150 each to update my Mk1 Hearns
In reply to Post #15 I appreciate the OP. is sorted, but I finally got to try out my MK3 Terry hearn distance rods today.
Sadly didn't get to play a fish, but using man maths (turns of handle returning the lead on my tournies) I think I was hitting around 150m with 12lb GR60 straight through. I'll probably never fish at those ranges but it was fun to really welly a 4oz lead for half an hour to warm up!
Hopefully, I'll get to play a fish on them next 😃
Hi all
Thank you for all your post replies.
I've now sorted a set of rods via the classified ads. 3 x 12' Free Spirit eClass Gold 3.5lb
Now to get them on the bank!!
In reply to Post #18 £100 cheaper buying new
Second hand Terry hearns - have a look at hampshire tackle.
In reply to Post #14 +1 for the CFX, great rods. I’ve got the 12’ 3.25’s which are a great all rounder. I also used to have a set of the continentals which were lovely for distance fishing as they still had a reasonable playing action.
In reply to Post #15 I've just seen these, i have original Terry Hearn rods which are very good.
See if Bristol Angling are still selling the Terry hearns for 150 each, they had classics and distance when I bought some.
Probably struggle to find better at that price
CFX are forever rods too.
I can't think of any reason why I would ever change mine - they do everything I want them to do & can be built to your exact spec for a few quid extra.
if you are buying something special then get them built specifically how you want them mate - you'll never regret it.
In reply to Post #12 Thanks for the replies and suggestions
I’ve save an eBay search for some CFX rods however @jeffire - I’m in no rush so can wait if a good set of suitable Harrison’s would be achievable.
Just new to make sure I don’t spunk the bonus on something else!!!
In reply to Post #1 You will get a top set of second hand harrisons for that . If i was,nt between houses with all my stock in storage i would dig a new set out for you , unfortunately i cant get at anything for a while !
In reply to Post #10 Good advice. Good quality Harrison rods often come up for c.£600 a set and they will be better quality than any new rod purchased at that price point
In reply to Post #6 Keep an eye out for a second hand set, lots of people sell their gear for many reasons, some of it relatively new. Put a search in ebay and save it so anything new gets alerted to you. It may take a while, but there are real bargains to be had. Just make sure it's top quality and don't just jump on the first thing that comes up unless it's absolutely right for you.
In reply to Post #1 The cfx rods are very good for the money, You wont go wrong with them