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 New Posts  Moved to USA, need to roll my own baits
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Posts: 1735
   Old Thread  #10 29 Jan 2025 at 2.17pm  1  Login    Register
In reply to Post #7
Really he wants to be entertained and buy products. They are two completely different things.

I occasionally catch that guy looking back at me in the mirror and have to try and have a word.

Not just as an angler either. Easily done!

An interesting read as ever
Posts: 3777
   Old Thread  #9 29 Jan 2025 at 11.06am  4  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1
Specifically for the opening poster. Whatever you decide to roll. Here's a way to open up the bait to the water faster for you. Only do this if there is no pest fish.

Put your baits, just after they have been boiled into some kind of wire tray like a worm or maggot riddle or similar. While they are still steaming. Roll the baits around constantly to rough up the outside edge. Like you would if you were preparing great roast potatoes for Sunday dinner. You know how you rough up the outside before putting them in the oil to make a crispy outer. Do it with your freezer baits after boiling. Do it more than you would potatoes for roasting.

You will see the outside of the individual baits rough up. As they then dry and shrink, they will start to look like normal baits again on the outside. But when they go into the water, you have opened up the seal on the bait. Water will enter these fluffed up parts more quickly. Making your bait soluble and attractive to the fish quicker. It's the same bait. But a simple process, can make it better.
Posts: 3777
   Old Thread  #8 29 Jan 2025 at 10.48am  2  Login    Register
And everything that Jamie is referring to at the end of his post, and also everything I spoke about in that last post regarding fermentation. That stuff can all of it be applied in your freezer bait that you all love to make in a boillie form. I know that for a fact.

You will not find out that stuff yourself from boillie recipes though.
Posts: 3777
   Old Thread  #7 29 Jan 2025 at 9.51am  3  Login    Register
Quote... alternatively tell him to avoid the aggro making them & learn how to ferment particles as they'll outfish any boilie 10 / 1 when you're targetting wild carp.

That's not just wild carp. That's the most pressured carp in the UK as well. But carp anglers don't always want to hear the truth, they would rather be entertained.

I get asked questions constantly regarding bait, emails, messages, it's impossible to answer them all, even when they are paying customers. These days they always quote something they have seen on an underwater camera. So their opinion, is clearly the general opinion.

I will set up an underwater camera, make a film. The film will be about making carp feed and catching the carp. Not selling anything whatsoever. It will entertain no one at all. Because you will see ZERO. The carp will come in, and the water will be so cloudy that the camera can pick up nothing whatsoever. When the dust settles, there will be five big carp in sacks. The gravel on the spot will all be gone. The spot itself will be two foot deeper, just a hole. But no one got to watch anything, thus no entertainment there for the carp angler. But you would learn.

The carp angler is kidding himself that he wants to learn. Really he wants to be entertained and buy products. They are two completely different things.

If you are intelligent, you will see that the above is a total misnomer. Watching something under the guise of learning. You're learning nothing. Nothing of any real consequence. Anything of any real consequence to be learnt about making carp feed, would ruin the entertainment.

It's the same as internet bait men testing things on hand fed carp in sterile little tanks. Or believing and referring to papers about Koi carp regarding the carp we fish for. Koi carp that live in sterile man made ponds and are programmed to do things the way that suits a human. Those things in no way correlate to the wild and pressured carp that we fish for, that live in a natural environment. Nada.
Posts: 3777
   Old Thread  #6 29 Jan 2025 at 8.28am  2  Login    Register
In reply to Post #5
I should not, but what the hell. So much of what you say is the truth Jamie. Stuff you have found out from experiences on the bank. Not some text book or manual or podcast on how you should do things.

What you said about Fishmeal, you were kinda right. But not entirely. A lot of what you quote there are based from animal protein, like Fishmeal. They do encounter animal proteins in their natural environment. They will readily accept them.

But they live in an environment where plant protein is far more available to them. As humans we name things. To separate certain products. But to a basic fish, things are more simple. These are fish who were designed originally to detect plant protein more than anything else. Clearly things that are grown from the ground will excite them.

If you break it all down, that's a really important factor. Spices, from plants. Sweetcorn, from plants. Semolina & maize you mentioned, from plants. Hemp, from plants. Even the flavours (oils & acids) and enhancer's we use all have their base in plants. Often mimicking nature. Why mimic nature, when you can use or enhance the real thing?

Plant protein is a massive thing for carp. I wrote recently about how the carp will detect any new weed growth, literally before it even sprouts. They will be there as they can sense that in the water more than other things. Any simple animal can be programmed to do something different for a constant food source. That does not mean that what they have been trained to accept, is the only or the best way.
Posts: 7356
   Old Thread  #5 28 Jan 2025 at 1.43am  0  Login    Register
keep it simple

you don't need fishmeals as the fish are wild & weren't fed them when they were younger so don't have a taste for them yet - same as trout pellets.

never caught one on any baits that contains milks either.

powders - semo, maize flour, chick pea flower, methi (fenugreek powder), garlicpowder, cheese powder, smoked paprika, ground up freeze dried liver dog treats from Costco.

liquids - maggi seasoning (take a look at the ingredients ) , squid sauce (fish sauce), cod liver oil & few drops of black pepper essential oil from the drug store.

glug with molasses & a sprinkling of vitamin c.

alternatively tell him to avoid the aggro making them & learn how to ferment particles as they'll outfish any boilie 10 / 1 when you're targetting wild carp
Posts: 1904
   Old Thread  #4 27 Jan 2025 at 11.05pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1
Tell them to contact nutrabaits as they supply a company in the the US. They post on their Facebook page about adding things to the order
Posts: 7
   Old Thread  #3 24 Jan 2025 at 7.31pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #2
Thank you
Posts: 771
   Old Thread  #2 24 Jan 2025 at 5.29am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1
Maize meal 20%
Semolina 20%
Full fat toasted soy meal 20%
Bird food (type clo) 20%
Calf milk replacer 10%
Cinnamon 3%
Egg replacer 7%

For each kg of dry ingredients
20ml of molasses
50ml of corn steep liquor
X ml of sweetener

Posts: 7
   Old Thread  #1 24 Jan 2025 at 1.49am  0  Login    Register
A friends moved to the USA and wants to start making his own bait. Can someone suggest a nut mix or seed mix that pretty simple as finding ingredients over there isn't as simple as it is here. I can send some bits over but sending 20kg of basemix probably isnt going to work.

Thank you
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