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 New Posts  Jb flavours… how much do you really use?
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Posts: 3849
   Old Thread  #38 27 Jan 2025 at 11.00am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #37
That's why it's big mistake for me to post anything here on this thread in the first place. I should stick to just solely posting photos on that other thread and keep my mouth shut I already said it earlier. Time to pull back.

There was no reason to get involved here in this thread other than stupidity on my part. Which ended up on a conversation about other stuff. Lesson learned again.

Posts: 546
   Old Thread  #37 27 Jan 2025 at 8.46am  7  Login    Register
In reply to Post #36
I came to read about JB flavours
Posts: 3849
   Old Thread  #36 27 Jan 2025 at 8.06am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #35
You are CopperMill right? I hope I'm remebering the name right. You sent me a friend request under your bait firm. On a personal profile. Same as all the other small bait firms do now. So they can send friend requests as a business. I only accepted as you were from here and I remember you from Cemex.

You're from Cemex Wayne. You know exactly who I am better than most too. Even if you ain't CopperMill, you're just another one similar.

It's all good. I just cannot talk to carp fishing public anymore without any of you guys wanting to get involved. That has led to big arguments right from the start of me being here. The enzyme gang and all their alias's and friends from other forums. There are blokes behind profiles on here in the industry. They just don't let on. That's the sneaky world we live in nowadays.

I've not posted on social media apart from here for months. Cannot do that. It's to busy as it is and to much to do. The moment I mention anything about that online, there are always instantly problems. See post 6. Or check out yourself.

Me personally, I wish you guys would not read a word I said. But that's never the case, and others see it clearly too.

Posts: 5248
   Old Thread  #35 27 Jan 2025 at 7.52am  5  Login    Register
In reply to Post #34
My friend Mozzi?

Apart from the odd interaction on here I’ve got absolutely no idea who he is. He’s certainly not a friend. I’ve never met the bloke or spoken one word to him off of the forum.

Who is it you think I am? You’ve got completely the wrong end of the stick here. You say you aren’t being offensive but you’ve posted on here that you had to remove me from your facebook for spreading stuff about your Mrs, even though I don’t know either of you, don’t even know your names, have never had a personal facebook account, has far as I’m aware have never been friends with you on facebook unless you added me and didn’t introduce who you were. So anyone reading your post is now gonna unfairly think I’m a complete 5hitbag for something I know absolutely nothing about. That is actually offensive to me.

Where did I say “some do it different” I’ve just read back my post and I can’t see anything like that at all.
Posts: 3849
   Old Thread  #34 27 Jan 2025 at 7.45am  0  Login    Register
I'm not confusing you with anyone else whatsoever. I'm certainly not being offensive to you. Just clear and concise.

Yeah I know, you don't look at anything. You can't say anything different in front of your customers. Any sane person knows that.

I understand why all you fellas do what you do. For some exposure. You're looking for threads on here to get involved with for some extra exposure. And I understand why too. Because you do not get that exposure elsewhere on the other platforms. So all roads lead to what you do for your business. That's what the end of your post was about.... "Some do it different"... You're talking about yourself. Your friend Mozzi was here doing identical. So many others before him.

You run a hook bait firm. You use carp fishing flavours like everyone else does in your bait. I'm talking about something else here. Something different. Instead of just sitting back and learning something, you guys have to get involved, and try to show your expertise. I understand why too, I really do. The stuff that I have been saying on the SHB thread would be pretty offensive for you. Me saying you lots are doing it wrong. Same as all the other blokes doing what you do. There's lots on this forum. Some of the others are just not honest about it. At least you are. Under this profile anyway. That's exactly why Winkle was here just after I posted it. Frustration at what he's just read on SHB. Venting on here.

There's so many of you. I'm not confusing you with anyone. You just all have the same SP.
Posts: 5248
   Old Thread  #33 27 Jan 2025 at 6.54am  6  Login    Register
In reply to Post #32
I think you are confusing me with someone else. I genuinely have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I’ve got no idea who you are or who your Mrs is and I certainly wouldn’t be on your personal facebook, in fact apart from my bait page I don’t even have a facebook account. I just clicked on the wrong reply button when trying to reply to the original poster about flavours and in all the years I’ve been on here I’ve only ever had this one profile, I did have a couple on the CEMEX/RMC that were obviously fake with silly names but all the regulars on there knew it was me, like Fireman Spam and Spod-u-like etc. I honestly am at a complete loss as to what you are talking about. As far as selling bait. I’ve been making it for twenty five years so that’s nothing new either. You’ve got completely the wrong end of the stick or you’ve got me mixed up with someone else on facebook, and I will be honest I’ve not looked at the SHB thread in months so I’ve got zero idea what you think I was replying to. I’m totally confused by what you’ve said. I also don’t understand what you’re saying about what I’ve written when I try to sell bait on here. I’ve never tried to sell bait on here, I wouldn’t think more than a couple of members on here would even know the name of my company and even then they’d only know that cos they fish the same waters as me.
Posts: 3849
   Old Thread  #32 27 Jan 2025 at 6.40am  2  Login    Register
You were not replying to the OP. You were replying to me. Just like post 6, Winkle wanted my attention. Ten minutes after I replied to a normal CarpForum member, you were reacting to my post. It took you ten minutes to write that. You were also more importantly, reacting to what I had written on the SHB thread. Same as post 6, old Winkle. You guys have real problems with honesty.

The difference with you and Winkle to the normal members on here, he wanted a pop up company, and you have your food bait hook bait company, that's now more a boillie company you say. You're here to engage with me, not the opening poster. You're one of the fellas from here that I had to remove from my personal social media along with the rest. But you were one of the main reasons for that. Because personal stuff about my missus that was only seen there, started making it's way on here under fake profiles. You're someone who openly admits on here, to having had loads of fake profiles to wind people up on Cemex. Now you have a bait firm selling food hook baits.

If anyone has a read of what is written when you try to sell your bait. You are not looking at the people you are mentioning in this thread, you are looking directly at me. At every word I say. I understand that. Others do too. But I have had problems with very strange men doing the same thing as what you are doing here, ever since I joined this forum. People who can't quite say what they want to say under their own profiles in reality.

So yes, the moment you fellas all turn up, with your confusing posts, or trying to get a rise from me, I'm gone. I have to write all this out. As otherwise I just look like some crazy going off at random people for no reason. Me and you guys know the real truth though, eh.

Somebody much wiser than me said to me last year regarding this forum. "Mark, you are an idiot sometimes". "Watch out for who posts, just after you". "It's normally always someone involved in the bait industry". "It's normally always trying to get a reaction from you, or just a bitter reaction to what you are saying". "It's gone on since your first posts on that forum, just walk away Mark".

This is me walking away from that in this thread, that's all. I should not have even reacted to Winkle. I should never be posting on here outside of the SHB thread whatsoever anymore. There's some incredible people on this forum. But there's also some very strange and bitter men, who all had a go, or are having a go at doing what I do. It might not have worked out, or be working out so great for them. And that becomes my fault inside their crazy heads. The reality is they used to be customers. Then decide they can do that better as they want a business. Start out as inspiration for them, end up being hated by them when I am then their main competition. Once it does not work out. Me and all I say is the devil. It's not just online. Most of the hook bait companies are run by people who fished the same lake as me. They started up after I left. It just comes with the territory.

If I start saying stuff on the SHB thread like I did the other day, that winds up these people tighter than a drum. It's like a vicious circle. I have always tried to help Karlos bring new people to this forum. The people who follow me the most though online, are people trying to do what I do. That is one lesson I have learned better than any other. Carp fishing is full up with people who just copy what someone else is doing. We all know this. It's always been this way. This bait section is full up with people who absolutely detest me in reality. Because they have their own bait firm, want their own bait firm, or had their own bait firm and it did not work out for them. Some are just promo team members as that's carp fishing these days. That;'s why there's so many rows in this bait section constantly. To these people I am the anti Christ. When normal people say nice things to me on here, I cringe. Because I instantly know that will upset the fellas who want that themselves.

It becomes very hard for me to talk to normal members like in this thread. Some of you want to ask me things. But that will involve other people from the bait industry who want what I have getting involved. That's all. It's no biggie. But it needs explaining.
Posts: 5248
   Old Thread  #31 26 Jan 2025 at 8.43pm  1  Login    Register
He original poster was talking about hookbaits. Thats why i gave examples of two successful anglers with a very different approach to flavour levels in hookbaits.

I know John Baker has spoken about this loads as have others. He advocates very little flavour in hookbaits/BOLD>

Posts: 780
   Old Thread  #30 26 Jan 2025 at 5.57pm  1  Login    Register
In reply to Post #25
Frank has mentioned more than once that the high levels of flavour are mainly used in his hookbaits. His feedbaits are normal or low dosed with flavour
Posts: 88
   Old Thread  #29 26 Jan 2025 at 1.53pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #28
Thanks for the reply. As soon as they arrive the experimenting will start👍
Posts: 3849
   Old Thread  #28 26 Jan 2025 at 12.31pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #27
Quote.... I'd suggest that the JB type flavour levels are for adding to a food bait that is fed and prebaited, so it has a longer working life. The FW levels are for single hi vis pops as a one off attractor.

Nail on the head. He's confusing two completely different things. Which is exactly why I'm telling Roy to make up his own mind. What's needed to make a cardboard pop up attractive, is not the same as food bait.

It's also specifically why it's time for me to hot foot it back to the SHB thread now. This thread has reminded me why. Can't be certain which of some members profiles I'm speaking to anymore.

It's only some flavours. But they are very HIGH quality for you home rollers.
Posts: 4425
   Old Thread  #27 26 Jan 2025 at 12.17pm  1  Login    Register
In reply to Post #25
I'd suggest that the JB type flavour levels are for adding to a food bait that is fed and prebaited, so it has a longer working life.

The FW levels are for single hi vis pops as a one off attractor.
Posts: 3849
   Old Thread  #26 26 Jan 2025 at 11.30am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #21

I'd imagine that's exactly why fishing ingredient suppliers had to start writing 'not for human consumption' on the bottles of fishing flavourings. So some clueless vape customer don't end up purchasing bottles of out of date Strawberry, or Pineapple/N Butric flavouring that's not for human consumption to add to their vape mixture and inhale
Posts: 5248
   Old Thread  #25 26 Jan 2025 at 11.30am  1  Login    Register
Flavour levels is such a personal thing. Within a normal range I don’t think there’s a right or wrong answer.

Take two bait gurus
1. John Baker advocates ultra low levels.
2. Frank Warwick pioneered over flavoured pop ups.

Both highly successful anglers over many years.

Some of the levels that I’ve seen Frank discuss that he’s used would stun an elephant. Others put absolutely zero flavouring in and rely solely on ingredients, hydros and essential oils.

I can’t say either approach is wrong or right.
Posts: 3849
   Old Thread  #24 26 Jan 2025 at 11.20am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #20
Quote... We'll see... any idea on the dosage?

No offence intended whatsoever Roy, don't take this the wrong way. I don't know what you ordered mate. I do not want to know either. Someone else's opinion about a dosage level on a fishing bottle of flavour, means absolutely zero anyway. It's only some other persons opinion. They might fish for 5lbers or be absolutely clueless in reality. They just sell fishing gear/bait. That's often the case. I bet you're not clueless at all Roy. You will figure it out when it arrives mate.

It's human nature to question, because you have not seen it yet. You will see when it arrives and know for yourself mate.

It's only flavour. Just good quality human grade gear. It's where fishing flavours all came from in the first place. The food industry. It's been going slightly longer than the carp fishing industry too.
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