In reply to Post #3 Sorry, no idea on latest regulations as do not go there.
In reply to Post #2 thanks for the info, its really appreciated,not chasing monsters just fancied it along time ago but never got there.does look a fabulous place to while some time away.
any explanation of the new rules for 2024 ,i see 6 night zones but wasnt sure about the 1m height rule near private property?
also looks like a few other lakes in the area to investigate!
In reply to Post #1 Neither lake is renowned for big fish however, if you are happy to be sat in nice surroundings with the chance of a stray biggy but, more chance of doubles and twenty's fair enough.
hi anyone been on this one? lppks like a beutiful destination.see they had a vindage in 2015,so hoping its not just full of stockies.
see there are new riles for 2024 and 6 night zones but didnt quite understand the 1m height from private land thing?maybe somebody can shed some light on that|
not after hard earned secrets just want to fish this lake .its on my bucket list|
also pareloup if anyone wants to enlighten me.
personal message if you dont want the world to know.not after swims or number of wraps just general info if im wasting my time.did that in2006 ehen i fished lac au duc after the vindage |ha|