In reply to Post #1 blitz them in a coffe grinder, give them a glug with a liquid for a day & add them to your stick mix.
chuck one in the edge in some clear water & watch what they do to the water column
In reply to Post #1 Most of the shop bought pop ups are just over flavoured lures anyway. Made up of glass spheres for buoyancy and something to bind it all together. Most will last a lifetime if kept right. And will be perfectly usable. The odd top up on your chosen attractor and good to go.
In reply to Post #3 As long as they'll keep a hook up, old ones like that are prime for something like a course of being soaked in a goo or similar to really freshen up the flavour.
I know it's not that popular here but that Isotonic on some old stale light pop ups really does bring them around to something else as long as that suits your fishing.
Ken as ever did a really in depth article on this on the haiths blog with more natural attractors:
I must admit I used the Nash pineapple popups and caught one but it worries me.
In reply to Post #1 I caught on a richworth pineapple pop up that must have been 20 years old
It still bin them
How long can you use them for, I’ve just found some in my garage over 20 years old ? They don’t smell of pineapple or tutti frutti anymore 😢