In reply to Post #32 >>>>sending a can of beer to his mate from one side of the lake to the other<<<<
Many years ago on a weeks works fishing trip, it was absolutely hammering it down with rain, my friend at the opposite side of the pond in his shelter looked a bit glum with the conditions.
So, I carefully wrapped a carp magazine up in carrier bags to waterproof it and tied it to the carrying handle of the bait boat and a can of beer in the hopper. I then sent it straight acoss the pond to his swim and carefully avoided his lines using my binoculars and bumped the boat into the bank under his rod.
He must have been asleep and hearing the bump of the bait boat suddenly woke up as he flew out of his chair and grabbed the magazine and beer and gave us a big thumbs up.
But, regarding drones, the only exeperience of others using them I have, and its very rare is for them to send them up high and take aerial pictures of the lake etc and share them with others and it bothers no one.
But, some use them and fly very low taking pictures and videos of carp in the weed basking in the Sun. Thankfully its only happened once, but one person did it and went into other peoples swims doing it along a weedy treeline, very low and spooked all the carp basking as they bow waved off in all directions, probably the shadow passing overhead or they saw the drone above them, spooked a fish and caused a ripple effect with them all. It led to an argument and all they could do was defend themselves by saying they just wanted to take some pictures of the Carp to see what there was in the lake and didn't think it would bother anyone.
But, I have come across the odd idiot with a baitboat, go for a cruise around your swim, when you go round to see them, their argument is they are not fishing and they are just mapping out the pond to see where the features are etc.
In reply to Post #33 Scozza - straight up mate, that is what goes on.
In reply to Post #31 Blokes will jump out their motors and fly drones around before even getting their gear out
Each to their own, just another nail in the carpfishing coffin as we know it for me, ffs
One of the key parts of the puzzle is finding the fish, one serious question from me, where is the merit in the captures, zero for me or extremely tainted
Bloke fly's drone to the other side of the lake and finds fish, drives round and jumps into the swim. Takes bait boat out 200 yds. with sonar and locates plateau. drops bait on a clear spot the size of a dustbin lid with the aid of a camera. seriously, I couldn't look myself in the ****ing mirror, no wonder i am disillusioned with the modern scene and the desperation that comes with it ffs
Look at me with this fish in my arms... that I did not deserve
Is it robot carpin or shooting fish in a barrel
I see a vid of someone sending a can of beer to his mate from one side of the lake to the other. Perfectly acceptable use of a drone if you ask me..
In reply to Post #30 We have it on a pit along the M4. Blokes will jump out their motors and fly drones around before even getting their gear out, fly around the whole lake and then setup on top of the fish. Geezer that runs the place allows it. If they cant find the fish they jump back in the motor and go home. One of those is apparently a celebrity in the carp scene writing pieces in mags about watercraft - couldnt make it up.
In reply to Post #20 Could not agree more. Unfortunately many of our so called leading lights are using them.... like your goodself i veiw all their captures as none and void and that includes some captures of people i am friendly with.... its a joke and a bad one at that.
In reply to Post #27 Yeah I agree, it’s great viewing, but that’s where it ends for me
Saves on the shoe leather I suppose.
I personally like drones for footage and seeing a lake from a birds eye view but not for actually fishing.
I fished a lake a couple of years ago where two members turned up in the car park, sent a drone up, located the fish but saw the pegs in the immediate vicinity were taken, got back in their cars and went to another lake!
In reply to Post #25 It’s even (for the videos sake of course) seeing when it lands in the right spot. Think it was dovey on Cathergina where he managed to get it exactly in this small hole with (I’m sure) the aid of the drone.
In reply to Post #20 I think that it is safe to say that most anglers who use drones are simply using them as a shortcut, and actually probably neglect basic watercraft, which probably does not put them that much of an advantage. The problem that I have found over the last couple of years is that I have seen a handful of exceptionally good anglers who are now also using drones to locate carp. They literally now have every bit of info available, and it is impossible to compete with them. Of course, carp fishing is not a competition, but undoubtedly it is making it harder for the rest of us!
Drones ? Hordes of them in modern angling, the machines too.
In reply to Post #20 I don’t share your views on many things but I do agree with you here.
In reply to Post #21 Funny you should say that 😂..
In reply to Post #20 Put your alarms away Pard and get your cane out....