In reply to Post #1 I don’t use much abs shelf life but keep opened bags in the fridge and unopened in cool dark space. They are a bit firmer but I am happy to use them equally alongside freezer baits
I have done the same as you. I have always used freezer baits from ABS but have now bought some shelflife to try, there freezer bait is great so can not see why there shelfliife will be any different.
In reply to Post #2 Great thanks very much.
In reply to Post #1 Quality is superb, will be firmer than frozen bait as is air dried for 2 days longer. In my experience they keep for several months if kept cool and above all dry. I keep mine in the bags unopened in a vermin proof dustbin kept in the shade in the garden. Or in a cool cupboard in the porch.
Used ABS freezer baits for ages but need to switch to shelf life as freezer space is limited. Anyone got feedback on how they compare and how long they keep. Thanks.