In reply to Post #12 Seems to be a 6 month wait on most orders with this company..
People are ordering rods. Not custom built Rollers for ****s sake..
Customer service is zilch and always has been...would've even contemplate spending a penny there...
Great rods BUT......... I ordered a set of rods and they eventually arrived nearly 6 months later after being told they were ex-stock.
I sent countless emails, phone calls & VM's, FB messages, Insta messages.
I even sent a legal action warning letter via recorded post.
Nobody ever answered.
I missed the use of the rods for a large French venue I wanted them for.
Eventually they answered and apologised and said the rods would be with me the next week. 3 weeks went by .
In reply to Post #9 The power of the Forum. Word as filtered back. Tom who owns the company used to post on many moons ago. Maybe he popped on. Glad you got it sorted. Even though it did take six months..
In reply to Post #8 Difficult to do, as the R1 blanks are built specifically for them by Harrison.
I acquired the rods second hand.
All sorted now.
Thanks for the comments.
Spend your money elsewhere. Plenty of other rod builders offering a better service.
In reply to Post #1 Msg him. https://www.facebook.com/cotswoldrods
I bought some rods off Cotswold rods probably 10+ years ago when they weren't even full time rod builders. Unfortunately they were exactly the same then - poor comms, ignore the phone, false promises etc... I thought they would have learnt some valuable lessons since then but obviously not. It's a shame cos they obviously have fantastic skills given the quality of what they produce.
In reply to Post #4 Hopefully you won’t need it , but it’s the after sales that lets them down.
They put out nice work but unless I lived locally and could go in I would avoid in favour of somebody who picks up the phone.
In reply to Post #1 I bought a pair of rods from them in October and I was really happy with the service. Order processed within a couple of days and he phoned me about the order as there was an issue with the handle I was requesting. Rods posted that day via courier. I have heard plenty of negatives about the contact, so I was sceptical about ordering but thought I would just give a positive to the thread given my recent experience
Here we go again. Haven't we been here before with this company. Quality product by all accounts. Less than quality service..
In reply to Post #1 If you use the search function on here you will see many of the same story, no Comms, late if ever delivering at all
Can anyone tell me if Cotswold Rods are still operating, please?
Ordered a replacement R1 tip section in July to replace one that I broke.
Communication has not been great and cannot get a reply to WhatsApp messages or phone calls.
Last I heard was tha the tip was ready on Friday, 22nd November saying that it had been built and would be sent out the following week.
Getting very frustrated to the point of driving half way across the country to have a word.