In reply to Post #56 Still no answer from the cowardly Lefty.
In reply to Post #51 Do you think we should stop every illegal immigrant landing on our shores?
Do you think we should send the ones already here back?
Are you willing to house one or two short or long term?
Asking on behalf of the majority in this country.
Basically, vote Reform,buy a nice sharp pin,and ...educate oneself that climate change is caused by the UK,buy a scalextric car..and you'll have nothing ,but be happy..
Klaus said so....
( oh and enjoy the countryside before the terrors of diversity ruin it )
My initial post pointed out that one of our members who sits on a very high horse telling us how to live our lives (according to his views) has become suddenly absent just after this present Governments chaotic arrival. I am concerned about his views as he teaches young people.
I was then taken to task by RKB ( who is no stranger to this section of the Forum) for saying this. In subsequent posts he goes on anti Reform, anti Farage tropes despite my repeatedly saying I’m not a Reform or Farage fan although I think it’s good it’s stirred up the other political party’s who have been ignoring the public who vote for them. His last post ends with him wishing Farage dead. There is also a reference to racism which has not been mentioned in any of my posts.
StarkCarp1980 then jumped on the wagon after having an argument with another member on the thread. Again his main thrust seems to be Reform and Farage but other than this seems to fail to make any sense apart from trying to insult. He has said nothing of consequence and seems incapable of any coherent thought.
JamieNow also pitched in with a rant from the USA which seems to encompass everything wrong in the world and somehow he has an inside line on the truth from some mysterious news source that we in the UK are denied. He doesn’t say what this mysterious source is. Is it Fox News (USA version of GB News), CNN ( USA version of GMB complete with Lorraine type format). Maybe it’s the newspapers like New York Times ( left leaning and anti British) or perhaps it’s the Arkansas Pig Farmers weekly. We don’t know. He also seems to have an unhealthy pathological hatred of Reform and Farage, a common thing on this tread.
I have repeatedly stated that I’m not a Reform fanboy and I don’t think Farage is suitable leadership or PM material. I’ve not mentioned anything racist. I’ve not mentioned immigration legal or illegal and not mentioned dinghies in any shape or form. I have mentioned the current Governments sleaze, corruption etc as per my post 41. No one has bothered to respond to any of these points, just to rant on about Reform and Farage. People often quote that the Tories have done nothing in 14 years which is quite true, but equally Labour have had 14 years to sort themselves out and have policies, but have descended into a ****show and the last 6 moths have been farcical with the electorate disillusioned and feeling lied to.
Anyway, getting bored with all this. It’s a new day with lots to do.
In reply to Post #52
You have used up nearly all the letters in the alphabet but still managed to say nothing of note.
In reply to Post #45 I’ve never read such a load of s**te in my life. You read one post and deemed the rest immaterial, I’ve honestly not read anything more dumb in my life.
And you accuse me of posting “noise
Anyway feel free to carry on posting drivel, I won’t be wasting any more time replying
In reply to Post #41 Why?
Because this thread was started with an inherently racist intent, which is not a political view in any way, shape or form.
I will say that the UK would be in a better place if Farage hadn't walked away from that plane crash in 2010.
In reply to Post #49 stuck in my own views? LOL
every days a school day mate - always open minded to others & respect their opinions - we're all entitled to them - doesn't mean I should agree with them though - but when you read enough of them from lots of different places and critique them, you begin to notice patterns of contradictions which I put down to underlying objectives, ignorance or complete bullsh1t. there's a huge difference between facts & opinions & unfortunately MSM prefers to deal in the latter. It's what made me look at this thread in the first place - the ***** being spouted about the farmers & inheritance tax. Who exactly will that mainly affect? 1% of the people owning half of the land & none of the people really complaining about it. I'm very sympathetic of the real farmers - they truly got screwed by Brexit with the hits to their subsidies.
I've never said Farage is an idiot - I said he's an appalling man - a populist & a con man that helped destroy the country & is responsible for a lot of suffering & downturn in British people's lives. I said IMO the people who think he has anything valid to say are complete idiots. once bitten twice shy & all that... Maybe you can tell me why I should respect him & listen to what he has to say? This is the same guy that said a Brexit no deal was the only acceptable way to leave the EU & Andrew Tate was an important voice to listen to FFS. Stirring things up - LOL - not all change is good. Hitler was a good disrupter. As is Trump. Be careful what you wish for...
I mentioned the Daily Mail as your comments about the US echo some of the stories & sentiment I have read on there - sensationalist ******** with little truth about what's really happening. Shock horror - I'm a Daily Mail reader & have been all of my life.
why don’t you go into politics and use your laser like insight to sort it out? round & round in circles - upset at others views, no solutions of your own & telling them that they need to sort it out. now who does that sound like...?
In reply to Post #48 Hmmm I don’t think you are too receptive to opposing ideas but hey Ho it’s a free world. You seem to have entrenched opinions.
Just to play the game. We aren’t a dead deal as a country yet. I have served my country in foreign lands and maybe have a different mindset.
Your Farage hatred seems to be a bit OTT as I said before, bordering on zealotry. But as I said before I’m not a fan other than a fourth main party entering politics has stirred things up.
I don’t read the Daily Mail - why would I. That’s just a bit like me saying because you live in the USA that you watch Fox News and believe it all.
All governments everywhere employ spin doctors to take the public gaze away from the bad and focus elsewhere. It’s been going on for hundreds of years.
Post Brexit whether you voted for or against, liked it or loathed it, it was the job of the politicians to deliver it. So to my mind, Bercow should’ve serving life for treason, Dominic Grieve ( dual Brit/French nationality by the way) shouldbeserving life in a French jail, May, Francois, Rees-Mog along with Starmer, Long Bailey should also be serving long sentences where they could be shown the ropes by Blair, Campbell, Brown, Osbourne and Cameron.
Corbyn and Abbott should be in a secure mental hospital. There are countless others who at the moment I’m too tired to mention.
The one thing I often wonder when talking to someone who knows everything what’s going on in the world and has entrenched views is why don’t you go into politics and use your laser like insight to sort it out?
Speaking of tired, it’s gone midnight here so I’m off. You do need to lighten up a bit though. Getting so wound up isn’t good for you
In reply to Post #47 I'm not worried by any of it - fretting about the UK? don't flatter yourself - it's all controlled by people who have us bent over a barrel & want us arguing with internet strangers to keep us distracted & to keep the page views up to drive advertising $$$- Oh wait - that's a conspiracy theory
the US is screwed - it's become too bigger a country to be ruled democratically. too many different people all want their own way. can't believe that I'm saying this the orange wotsit may save the country - it will just mean that a hell of a lot of people will suffer along the way - but hey - at least they'll have their free-dums.
having lived in the UK, Canada & having friends & family in the US, I can assure you that it is just like anywhere else in the world - good parts & bad parts - don't believe the crap in the Daily Mail - there's a reason they write like what they do - most visited news website in the world? Kerching!!!!!! the main difference I've noticed though - the negativity - nobody complains like the brits do & I've realised what a miserable, materialistic bunch we are - always moaning about the old days & keen to look down on others - remnants of the old class system. Canadians & yanks are so much happier - nicer to talk to & much less stressed. The UK makes for the best comedy though - never met anyone who can tell a joke like a brit.
climate change is full of propaganda too - you sound like farage - blame it on the foreigners why should we make an effort if others aren't? usual crap spouted as disruption by big business. Why should you bother if others aren't? Gandhi once said "be the change you want to see" but what did he achieve? LOL
seriously - it's too late now - we're past the point of no return. the scientists are still arguing between themselves - nobody seems to have noticed that they've changed what they're arguing about though- it's gone from whether it's going to happen to how fast it's happening. we're fvcked. maybe not in our lifetimes but certainly in our kids. If it's not the lack of food /water or nuclear war, AI will get us. Geoff Hinton (Look him up - it's his fault btw) recently asked where in nature is a creature ruled by something less intelligent than it - never has been in all of life - only 2 billion years of evidence to look back on.
Nature will prevail - the green & pleasant lands will return - there just won't be many humans living there.
as a FYI - I think the UK should be admired for the efforts they've made - policies introduced by Brown & maintained by the Tories - energy independence from renewables will be a great investment in the long term plus not burning those nasty fossil fuels. I wish JT had done the same over here but that would mean less demand for all of the oil sands in Alberta...
Yes but at least you have put your viewpoint forward and it can be discussed, agreed with, disagreed with and debated. You haven’t Weasled your way out as the other posters who disagreed with the thread have. Given a chance they didn’t have the courage of their convictions, but just spouted few derogatory words and retreated.
No I don’t time responses to posts, but I noted that the poster was replying, I left the Forum to do something else came back a good quarter of an hour later and noticed he was still formatting a reply. I was disappointed when it arrived as it contained nothing of substance to show as I was expecting better.
You have done the opposite. There are a lot of opinions expressed, some valid, some going in the direction of the conspiracy theorist, some are generalisations that can’t be proven or disproven, some are just biased opinions. As a matter of interest I’m not a Reform supporter and although Nigel Farage is a good disrupter he’s nota political leader in my mind. I think your Reform/Farage rant isa bit OTT to be honest, there’s bigger idiots out there.
I have two mates from my army days who both emigrated, one to USA and one to Canada and believe me they both say it’s much worse out there.
Climate change- separate issue altogether and needs more space than this thread but your pissing in the wind if you think anything will be done or theUK can make any difference whilst we are all buying cheap **** from Temu or AliExpress whilstChina and India are spewing 70% of the planets pollution in the air.
If I were you I’d stop fretting about the UK and start digging a bunker in the USA and it’s not for the loonies outside firing at the USA but the loonies inside.
Sorry my keyboard is a bit iffy so some words run together but you an gettheghist .
In reply to Post #43 holy sh1t
timing how long people take to reply to your posts?
reform voters are idiots. farage's big mouth was what got the UK in it's current mess. cameron was worried the cons would lose out on some voters so suggested a brexit vote to try & shut him up. putin & his cronies saw an opportunity to disrupt europe & used his propaganda machine to spread a load of lies & not only split the country from Europe but divided the people as well. pretty much finished off the UK as a global power - only thing left is the nuclear arsenal. absolute global laughing stock.
dickhead nigel continues to blame everyone else with absolutely no answers of his own. the same reason idiots look up to him - he represents them perfectly. as clueless as they are but hey - he's a bit racist & likes a pint. absolutely appalling man. you think musk supports the reform party because he cares about the UK? LOL LOL LOL he just wants instability cos that makes people invest in the US making him & his chums $$$$ - "wah, wah. wah - I'm upset a stranger on the internet has called me an idiot!" - think about that for a moment - LOL.
Think it's bad now, you wait to see what's coming.... Climate change is past the point of no return & a billion people are going to start going hungry. Migration is bad now? Who's gonna hang around countries with no food? It's ok in the UK though - warmer summers are great aren't they? top up your tans & a few more fish on floaters who cares if the glaciers are melting? they're thousands of miles away. until all of that fresh water going into the oceans starts changing the currents. What has the AMOC ever done for Northern Europe? Maybr look at the winter temps of places on the same latitude elsewhere in the world - Hmmm - I wonder why the UK is warmer - could it be sea temps? Oh bugger. Nevermind - stick another log on the fire - the famers will save us.
the world is fvcked & life is gonna get a whole lot harder but hey - tough times make tough people
PS - what do I know? I don't even live there. Still have a passport - still a citizen, still care & still read the news just like all of you but the people giving me the information have no interest in controlling my UK political views. Watching from the outside looking in...
Not so rosy here either. It seems I'm about to become a yank
In reply to Post #44 I have read the OP’s first comments. It’s quite immaterial to what has unfolded since.
Your first comment was to tell a poster that he was in your view a Reform voter.You did this in an unpleasant way, with a condescending attitude as to his right to think for himself, ie outside what you think is acceptable - as a self professed political agnostic this is a bit surprising to say the least.
Your second post was to take him to task over what you had or hadn’t said, but again pointed out that in YOUR opinion he was a Reform voter and again as a self professed political agnostic was offensive, condescending and in YOUR view wrong.
Your third post was to accuse me of throwing around words like communist without knowing what it means, parroting buzzwords of a favourite politicians although I had done nothing of the kind.I note that at this time we are still waiting for your description and explanation of communism as you are obviously better versed in the world any other of us mere mortals.
Your next 4 posts were just noise as you attempted to negotiate a way out of your random derogatory comments to total strangers but still wanted to sound relevant.
You aren’t relevant, your contributions to this debate a have been shallow and irrelevant, devoid of any depth or accuracy. I merely mentioned the amount of time you took to compose your reply as after taking that amount of time it was maybe hopeful to be more concise, factual, even thought provoking but in the end it was fairly vacuous and given the opportunity to put forward your case you bottled it.
So in essence you have no real input into this debate other than to accuse people of belonging to a political party that you don’t like and think most of us can’t read. Sorry but 4/10 for effort and 1/10 for factual content.
Goodnight, close the door on the way out.
In reply to Post #43 Read the OP’s first few posts, complaining about dinghy’s, foreigners, the WEF, and using words like “indigenous” are sure fire signs someone is a reform voter, so that’s not an accusation but an observation.
And yes I am anti reform, in the same way I’m anti any political party it’s just that like conservatives of old, the new reform voters take every opportunity to tell anyone and everyone their political views.
Read the post I made about buzzwords and billionaires again, maybe read it slowly if you need too, that way you might have more of a chance to understand what I said instead of what you think i said.
I also said you throw around words like communism and hard left without any real understanding of what they mean, and you do so in order to get a reaction from
People who challenge your narrative or disagree with you.
I also didn’t realise I had to reply in an amount of time you feel is acceptable.
In reply to Post #42 Well hello, welcome back.
Actually and surprisingly I agree with you on a lot of your points regarding political parties.
I too do not have any great political alignment to any party, I distrust them all.
However, ( there’s alway a however isn’t there) you joined a thread with a specific title and your first point was to accuse a forum member of being a Reform supporter without any reasonable cause to say that, so the inference is that you are anti Reform party. After a brief spat with said poster your next post was to say to me that I believed what billionaires said so again implied that I was a Reform voter and in thrall to Elon Musk. Your overall tone was …..shall we say …..somewhat to the left for a non political person🫤
Most of your posts after that decendered into mumbling about buzz words and emojis, but one interesting fact emerged. You said that things like communism and the fact that I /we didn’t really understand it, so I think your opportunity to tell us what it really is about is here and waiting. So please do enlighten us.
I noted that your reply below took 17 minutes to compose so it could be a bit of a late night to hear your dissertation on communism and its effects on the world. It will be well worth waiting for though.
The anticipation is exquisite