In reply to Post #15 Perhaps a bit unnecessary. He’s a nice guy with a great sense of, admittedly dry, humour.
In reply to Post #28 Not really, shops don't generally just shut up shop they clear stock first?
In reply to Post #29 I think this post sums it up perfectly. What a sad state of affairs the direction of Carp fishing has gone.
In reply to Post #29 Agreed.
And I hear so many times how certain manufacturers are good for the sport.
I totally disagree, I'd rather fish with crap gear and have less people attracted to fishing.
In reply to Post #1 We are heading for a world where we have 5 main manufacturers being sold by half a dozen tackle shop conglomerates, with a huge customer base who cannot find anywhere decent to fish because they are behind gated "syndicates" charging four figures for "scaley bangers"
I guess this is what the consumer wanted.
This is the future chaps, buckle up!
I ordered recently and my order is on its way so it seems odd that people are suggesting they are closing down!
In reply to Post #15 At one point they got rid of all their reps,shops had to order direct from sticky and it was taking far too long to get TA and Sticky orders sorted.I think they did get most of them back
In reply to Post #14 That's what I heard regarding A.D and ESP/Drennan
In reply to Post #19 I totally agree, but neither of those brands strike me as media juggernauts unlike OMC etc, and while I really like those brands it feels to me like they're lagging behind from a marketing pov and I'm sure that translates into sales too, though I could be wrong.
Would I want ESP & Drennan to be like OMC marketing wise, no, but if it means their survival in the crowded market place then yes.
Re covid type anglers leaving, I think that'll hurt the social media hyped brands more, I'd imagine ESP & Drennan to have a more loyal following with those anglers who'll stick around.
In reply to Post #19 Absolutely agree. Shows the state of where things are at if OMC is a best seller.
In reply to Post #20 It's what i've heard mate - most of the guys are southern anglers on the TA books. The premises are now up Sheffield way so i can imagine all the editing and product development is now done up there.
Maybe they will relocate...
In reply to Post #21 100% Frothey. The amount of gear up for sale on sites is unreal and the realisation to the majority is that the biggest edge in fishing is "time"....no matter what anyone tells you.
No change in syndicate prices though, still going up each year.
Carp fishing had massive growth over Covid. Those “anglers” have now got bored of the insta camping thing and loads are giving up / selling up. So the market has lost a lot of custom. Just look at all the venues that were rammed 24/7 a couple of years ago, hiked prices and now struggle to fill spaces
In reply to Post #15 is this just gossip or substantiated claim?
"team will slowly erode away" why? same question for people looking for jobs..
| Sgfc | Posts: 4321 |  | aka The Combover Kid | |
In reply to Post #17 Imagine consciously removing the ESP and Drennan brands in your fishing shop empire to replace them with OMC.