In reply to Post #69 "pumping his sausage like there was no tomorrow"
In reply to Post #70
In reply to Post #67 I'm sulking now...
...I get more of a laugh when I'm trying to be serious than I do when I attempt humour!
In reply to Post #66 I'd probably mount a table on a runner below it, was thinking of the days of me doing 24 egg mixes through a caulk gun.
The bloke who showed me it was about 104, pumping his sausage like there was no tomorrow
In reply to Post #67
In reply to Post #66 Sorry…..I’m in bits here 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
It may be my toilet humour, but when I read the bit about “using a wheeled roller /conveyor belt to support the sausage weight” I started to smile a bit.
By the time we got to “ if it were allowed to hang there then the more that got extruded the more the sausage would weigh” I was giggling.
However at “You could try and support it with one hand whilst extruding with the other, but that’s going to become awkward/ a pain” I totally lost it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.
My bad, my toilet humour as I said. Thank God that a Curry and Boddingtons bitter is an alternative to a high fibre diet 🤣🤣
In reply to Post #65 Never seen one of those before, at first glance looks like a good idea...
...however, if you were to try and use one of those, the extruded sausage would need to lay onto a wheeled roller/conveyor type effort to support the sausage weight.
If it were allowed to hang there then the more that got extruded the more the sausage would weigh. That would stretch the sausage making it thinner, so boilies would be correct size going down to slightly more misshaped.
You could try and support it with one hand whilst extruding with the other, but that's going to become awkward/a pain.
Anyone tried a wall mounted clay extruder? Was messing about with one recently and thought it would have been perfect for me when I was making my bait
In reply to Post #21 Ah……One day I will tell the story about the little secret room I had in the cellar on an army base in Germany. A leaky bottle of N Butyric acid and the call out of a German gas company and the Fire Brigade and anti Terrorist measures once I’m sure I’m in the clear and no longer responsible for the bill
The original battery, from our original unit is finally now well on the wane. It's still working, but now only guns out three or four tubes before it needs charging again. It's deteriorated rapidly this winter. I've purposely abused this battery to see what they can take.
It's taken six years of constant use on this little battery to ruin it. If you are using them at home they will last you forever I'd bet, if you roll bait once every couple of weeks. Lithium deteriorates on total cycles charged. So they really should last you forever if you are not constantly recharging.
That's from the original grey topped cell, 2.0AH 20v. Same as in Baitmans photo.
At one point (back in 2010'ish) I had a couple of ladies that rolled some of my bait for me.
They had the ideal extruder. Well, at the time I thought it was the bees knees.
It wasn't the exact model below but worked exactly the same with the lever you lean you leg on in order to get the plunger moving up slowly.
So simple to use, retract plunger to bottom and pile a 10kg mix (probably more) straight in without mucking around shaping the paste to fit it into a tube.
In reply to Post #60 That will make things easier I suppose you could incorperate a sausage stuffer. You probebaly already know, rollers for the sausage extrusion prevent bunching of the mix on extrusion, coupled with cat eye as mentioned, auto cutter, sloped table straight into roller
For your perusal, schematic of my sausage stuffer, 3ltr not 4ltr, there is gearing but it doesn't show much.

In reply to Post #59 The gun will be mounted on a stand and operated with an electric linear actuator.
I am trying to design and build an electric automated extruder and cutter, pneumatic would be easier but I need a quieter setup than a compressor.
In reply to Post #57 It's not going to be much fun holding a 11lb gun while extruding.
I used to make my own sausages and I have a 4ltr stainless jobby. They're designed to extrude wet sausage mix, as far as I can remember they have no gearing, the only leverage is the handle.
Just found this:
In reply to Post #55 This has got me thinking now do I make 2 different extruders 🤣
A gun for 3-5kg and a hopper with paddles and auger for larger mixes.
In reply to Post #54 They look amazing, though quite pricey 🙈
I will probably be making something to aid in rolling out the mix to the right diameter for the tube before putting it in, hoping this will help to remove any air in it too.
If I can’t get all 5kg in at one go I don’t mind, I will add what’s left into the next mix and go again. I will be rolling about 20kg in a day with it once a week so after a few uses I will average how much can fit in at a time and adjust the amount of mix I make to stop any leftovers.
In reply to Post #54 Yeah I totally agree. Over about 3-5kg then a cylinder type extruder would become a right pain as you can’t have air pockets in the mix. Trust me the results are spectacular when you do. lol.
That’s where the hopper type extruders come in to their own. If I was just home rolling for myself I think I’d actually like to have a mixer, extruder and steamer that just did about three kilos at a time. That would give a nice relaxed one person workflow. Home rolling is meant to be a fun extension of the hobby, not a chore. So I think smaller volumes on your own are just less hassle. Sometimes when we’ve needed to turn out a load of bait in couple of hours there’s been three of us using the machinery. One mixing, loading and extruding. One manning the roller end, changing trays etc. One boiling and rotating the drying baits etc to recycle the trays etc. it’s not relaxing.
Not sure if this helps, you may be happy with 5kg capacity.
I have a BoilieBenz extruder/sausage gun...it's takes just under 10kg.
I can try to get dimensions next weekend, all my bait making stuff is at another property
This webpage shows you the new version of the Boilie Gun, mine is not this flashy. There's some rough dimensions on there.
I used to knock up 96 egg mixes and it was quite annoying that I couldn't quite fit it all in the gun in one go...and even to get the 9 or 9.5kg in I used to have to take a while packing the paste down in the tube with my fist to remove as much air as possible.
Basically I'm hinting at go a bit bigger than you think you'll need to make the product less hassle to use
LINKY POO™ https://boiliemaschine.de/en/product/big-guns/
In reply to Post #52 Fingers crossed 🤞😁👍
In reply to Post #51 I am ordering everything I need in a few weeks.
I’ll start a new thread for the build, fingers crossed all goes to plan 😂
In reply to Post #50 Definitely interested to see the end result 😃
In reply to Post #49 I will be using a 600mm long, 100mm diameter (96mm internal) aluminium pipe.
The plate for the plunger is 6mm thickness, will give an available volume of 4.31 litres.
Based off the weight of your mix per litre it will fit 5.01kg. Each mix weight by volume will vary slightly but 5kg is a nice round figure.
In reply to Post #46 My 4.2 kg mix / dough requires 3.6 litres total volume.
So volume = 3.14 x radius squared x length of your tube.
You will need a very wide tube and matching plunger unless you want use a tube of standard bait gun diameter.
Maintain the standard width and your tube will be over 2 metres long.
In reply to Post #47 Looks similar to what I’ve planned but mine will be powered with an electronic piston.
If it works it will extrude 5kg of mix in 2 minutes, then needs 18 minutes cool-down before the next 5kg. Will give me time to get the boilies rolled (wishful thinking with a manual table for now)
Planning on making a conveyor and auto cutter too then after a while get a rolling machine.
Watch the end of the this video...... he's using a sausage filler with a manual crank handle.
Found one on eBay with a large capacity:
In reply to Post #45 That is really helpful thank you.
Judging from that if I make it 100mm longer and account for the lost room for the piston it should do 5kg a time.
My 24 eggs mix takes 3 kg of base mix. Weight with eggs is 4.2 kilo.
It takes 6 full runs in the dewalt gun.
From memory the gun capacity is 600ml but check the specs online.
I’m looking at designing my own electric powered extruder. Does anybody know a rough weight of base mix per litre once it is made up ready to gun?
I am getting back in to bait making in a few months so do not have any ingredients to mix up yet, I will be doing it on a larger scale to supply a few friends.
The tube I am looking at using has a volume of almost 4 litres.
In reply to Post #21 Quote.... I can remember years ago Tony from Premier telling me one of the lads dropped a litre glass bottle of injun oil, which obviously smashed, took a very long while for the smell to subside 😂😂
I am so nose dead to it all now. The sense of taste never changes though, and that's what matters.
I give my postman a nice tip every Christmas, so we have become friendly. I wear a snugpak jacket while at work. It soaks it up the vapors from the hook bait heaters like a sponge. When I explained to the postman one day that i was not some stinking tramp really, it's to do with my work.... He replied pissing himself that he would never have mentioned it, but the smell from me (the jacket) is so overpowering its sickening. We laughed so much.
Every delivery driver who comes to us must think that I'm an absolute stinking freak
In reply to Post #39 Yeah I’ll try it
I have certainly gotten away with 4 sausages in the past, I’ve had the Solar multi nozzle for over 30 years I believe. I bought it when they first became available.
Which I think was early 90’s
In reply to Post #40 No, I don't think so. Solar stopped making them yonks ago and on a previous thread someone said 5Mix had stopped selling them too. 2 people on here at the time asked about mine but I thought if I sell it I might well regret it.
In reply to Post #33 Can you still get the triple or 4-way nozzles?
Can't seem to find them online.
In reply to Post #38 My mix is firm and not sticky, but as the paste is extruded is seems to bind to the ones alongside as the 4 way means some are on top of the others.
The 3 way allows them to fall alongside each other.
Try it and you may find the same.
Wrt blanking one off, I used the screw in cap provided by solar, but I also used a two part epoxy (milliput) on the inside to fill the cap and also make a shaped side to help channel the paste and ease the flow.
I don't still have it so can't add pictures.
In reply to Post #33 With my mix if I make it wet then let it sit for 30-45 mins the sausages aren’t sticky, so I’ll try it with 4 nozzles then if I do have an issue I’ll blank one off.
The nozzles aren’t so easy get nowadays, shame 5mix stopped trading
In reply to Post #30 Should be quicker with multi nozzle as less pressure required
Agreed - buy cheap, buy twice.
Thanks for everybody's replies 😁👍
In reply to Post #34 Same.... it might be fine in the summer with a softer mix.
When you are working in the garage in the winter, its a stiffer mix, its cold and you are trying to do some 8mm baits - there's a decent amount of pressure in that barrel. Those eletric guns are meant to put out some decent force and you can hear them struggling in the above situation. Metal barrel all the way.
Spend a bit more on the UK ebay ones - in the long term you'll be thankful (at its still 3-4 times cheaper than a dewalt/makita).
In reply to Post #32 Personally I wouldn't trust a plastic barrel but it's your choice
Hopefully it's better quality than some, the plastic can 'give' and the mix gets behind the plunger.
In reply to Post #28 I did the same with my old solar 4 way nozzle.
Four sausages stuck together but three rolled apart and fell side by side with no grief.
In reply to Post #31 Yeah I just spotted the delivery charge 😭
I have the DeWalt batteries so thought it would be perfect.
In reply to Post #29 £25.79 for the gun (without battery) but it takes DeWalt batteries...
£26.49 delivery charge :(
Thanks for the feedback
I'm caught in 2 minds, get rid of my rolling gear or buy one of these guns next time.
I've got the 5Mix multi head, so my thoughts were if it's slow with one nozzle it'd be mega slow with a multi nozzle head like mine
Anyone given one off AliExpress a try?
In reply to Post #27 Back in my bait making days I used the Solar 4 head nozzle but always blanked off one nozzle. I found with 4 I couldn't stop the sausages sticking together, 3 was much easier.
In reply to Post #25 Obviously depends on nozzle size and stiffness of mix,
I’m soon going try my 4 nozzle head for 12 & 10 millers as they are a bit slow with a single nozzle.
I’ve extruded 14mm through single nozzle with a softish mix and had to turn the speed down
In reply to Post #25 There's a speed knob on the orange ebay ones - i can"t give you a cm per second number but it goes from painfully slow to not quite fast enough to not be able to snip or cut a sausage and keep going - if that makes snwae
The top speed is still way better than gunning out by hand.
In reply to Post #24 It'd be a nightmare, don't even think about it unless you were to mount it horizontally and use some form of clamo to push it.
I've asked this before but can't remember getting a answer. What speed/rate do the battery caulk guns protrude the sausage at? I seem to remember seeing 8mm/sec and thinking caulk is a lot softer than the boilie mixes I've used, especially if you knock a few 2kg mixes up at once and they're 'resting' whole you're extruding.
In reply to Post #23 I thought so but worth double-checking 👍
In reply to Post #22 Unless you are making 40mm boilies I think that will struggle to push the dough out! You need some mechanical advantage (lever) to push boilie dough out this is meant for sloppy mortar mix
Has anyone used something like this?

From eBay:
In reply to Post #20 Thanks mate, yeah as you say you are nose blind to it all
I didn’t mind the smell as it was a proper maple flavour smell which is one of my favourites.
It was only when my missus came home there was a problem, she’s very sensitive to smells, she won’t go into shops if they have incense sticks burning as it affects her throat, anyways she comes in and wonders what the smell was. It was pretty strong considering it was just a little Jiffy bag 😂
I can remember years ago Tony from Premier telling me one of the lads dropped a litre glass bottle of injun oil, which obviously smashed, took a very long while for the smell to subside 😂😂
In reply to Post #13 I'm glad you got it. The jiffy bag smell you mentioned in your PM.
The boxes of padded envelopes have been stored in our bait cabin. First time they have ever been stored there, for just two weeks. They have clearly soaked up the mix match of smells that come out of our bait heater. Thanks for the heads up. That can never happen again storing them in there.
A few weeks ago Gary Peet of the Tackle Box came to pick up the shops stock. He was in the cabin for an hour. First 'outside' person ever to enter. When he went home, his missus made him remove all clothes and shower, as he absolutely stank apparently.
Before Xmas, I was in Brazil. Everyone was complaining for a week about a horrific smell on our balcony. I could not smell it as bad as everyone else. Eventually it was narrowed down to the hard case for my MacBook Pro. I use it in the cabin, it had soaked up the same vapours from all the baits for months. It stank of baby sick. I had been on a ten hour transatlantic flight, in business class with this case. Stank the gaff right out without knowing. I'm nose dead to it all now.
The adapted driers I have rigged up for the hook baits spit out a warm vapour that absolutely stinks, soaks into anything clearly, including your jiffy bag with your charger in.
In reply to Post #18 I've contacted the seller and there are more on a slow boat from China as we speak. He's going to message me when they're in stock again and I'll post up on here if it helps?
The ebay one is out of stock.
Are there any other options?
Has anyone tried the LINKY POO™ Makita one?
In reply to Post #16 The cordless caulking guns are excellent, obviously if making large quantities of bait a big pneumatic gun is the way to go, but for knocking up a few kilos the cordless are great and certainly far better for your hands than a manual gun
In reply to Post #15 Spot on then thanks, not rolled my own bait for a while cause the standard guns messed up my hands this seems like a better alternative.
In reply to Post #14 Nothing to rig up with these ebay ones. You put the paste in it and they take the standard witches hat nozzels
Not sure about the Makita etc mastic guns, they might be different.
How do you rig one of these up for rolling bait been looking into getting one for a while but can’t get my head around it.
In reply to Post #11 Thanks mate 👍
PM on way
That's the original orange gun charger. I have loads of those. If you want that one below send me a delivery address.
In reply to Post #10 I just bought one of these as I misplaced the charger for the orange gun like yours and I have several 5ah Makita batteries
LINKY POO™ https://amzn.eu/d/8ftaOJy
If you get a mo could you please send me a pic of the charger for the original orange gun
Yes I had to purchase a charger for the extra generic Makita battery I got from Amazon. It was only £12.The generic Makita battery that comes with the gun has an extra small circular charging port that accepts the same chargers as the older guns. The generic ones from Amazon & eBay do not have that or accept that charger that comes with the gun.
But on the massive plus side you can easily get spare batteries and a charger for the newer guns on the link in this thread now. You can pick up an 8ah that lasts 4 x as long as the smaller lithium batteries cheap. A battery with the charger is only twenty odd quid on eBay.
They have also geared the guns motor down. Much better now.
In reply to Post #8 Might be worth a look on Ebay as you can buy converter plates, eg to convert a Dewalt to a Makita footprint, so you can use the batteries on different tools/chargers.
In reply to Post #7 You’ll need a charger for the Makita type battery as it’s different to the original
I thought I'd get another one. Purchased from this same eBay place again last week. The new unit is slightly different battery wise, most definitely better. The main body of the gun is identical. But they now take a completely different battery. My older batteries which I have plenty of now, do not fit this newest unit.
But, the newer batteries they are now using are a ripoff Makita battery. So you can buy generic spare batteries from Amazon. Unlike the older versions. I purchased a generic battery yesterday, it's arriving today. Not sure if the same chargers will fit this battery, or I will have to purchase a charger. I will report back.
They have upgraded the plunger now too, which seems much better. We are using these guns all day everyday, the biggest PITA for me is the plunger coming undone when you take the tube off to clean. I ended up gluing them on. On this newer version of the gun the plunger attachment turns, but does not come off. Much better.
Our original gun which can be seen in these photos has been running daily, for 5 years now. The original battery is still going strong. It gets some serious abuse.
They literally are the best thing since sliced bread.
Pay zero attention to the sellers amounts left. He claims to have three guns left, but when you buy one the listing gets updated to three again. I'm guessing they have plenty of these newer type units. He used to take a much lower offer. He no longer will. Most he will knock off is a couple of quid.

I have had the dewalt gun for 3 years now and no looking back.
220 quid, I think they are a lot more now though.
In reply to Post #2 worth every penny.
its totally seen off using two hands on the gardner gun handles trying to squeeze out 10mm baits in a cold garage and the paste is stiff.
In reply to Post #3 Thanks guys
In reply to Post #2 Same as mine and works very well. I did see they are back on ebay a week or so ago and the price was £79.99 then....funny how quick it goes up when demand goes up. Imagine if fishing bait/tackle was like that!
This one... it's back on ebay!
Any recommendations please?