In reply to Post #28 Awesome treats at a fair price.
She’s getting used to getting those treats out now as she throws it up in the air and the odd one falls out.
As for the peanut butter for the life of me after tidying up I can’t find it. Lol.
All good fun mate.
In reply to Post #27 VERY slowly T thanks for asking
They've still got a 1/3 of the xmas bone left. We've opened one of the packs and put it in the canister supplied, our male dog has only recently started eating them, probably so Daisy doesn't get it
Honestly, it'll probably last the year. B&M do Chicken mini swirls, they're not much more than 1cm across, if that, by about 5mm wide. Hector gets 1 of those every time he obeys commands...so not often (joking) so maybe 4 a day. Each one of the bigger Laughing dog biscuits gets broken into 4....and there's lots of then :-0
How's yours liking the kong now? Our little one (3.5kg) has great fun throwing it about the place until the chicken comes out. She's even managed to get a frozen meatball out....that's stmped us!
In reply to Post #25 How are the hampers going mate?.
In reply to Post #25
I’ve put the treats in smothered with a little peanut butter. she’ll eat the peanut butter out but then hasn’t worked out how to get the treats out yet.
In reply to Post #24 The big bone is partially no more, but the rest of the hampers will be wrapped up for xmas day. The young one is leaning from the older one that cardboard boxes (when offered) are great fun to destroy and usually contain a reward for them, so that'll be fun in itself.
Those treats will last ages, they don't eat very much per day being so small.
How's the Kong going, tried anything solid in it yet. Our young one has been watching the older one throw it about to dislodge the food, so funny to watch her try but she's picked it up quickly
In reply to Post #18 Are you managing to hold out until Christmas Day or has the Mrs given in and gave them their treats?.
In reply to Post #22
I’ll put some in tomorrow.
In reply to Post #21 at least SHE enjoyed the experience.
In reply to Post #20 Yes mate and little did I realise that my daughter filled it full of peanut butter (type for dogs) and she enjoyed it and then a few hours later left a trail or 4 through the garden.
In reply to Post #15 Did you get/try the Kong T, what did pooch think if so?
In reply to Post #18 Hee hee hee bless them.
Loving the one in the box…..lol.
Hmm, they seemed to know it was for them
The big Merry Christmas bone will last them ages..lol
That photo will self destruct shortly
In reply to Post #16
In reply to Post #15
Our hampers arrived today but the Mrs said she'll open/look at them tomorrow night.
In reply to Post #14 Orders for delivery tomorrow.
Also purchased other items too which I’m sure didn’t need.
Sounds fun mate.