In reply to Post #2 As per this - just remember to camo tape your Berroca tube
In reply to Post #1 I do that. Gardner Q ring spilt rings or a standard spilt ring for naked ones with naked type beads (fiddlier but the the q rings can get "stuck" on the tapererd part of the bead).
I tie the chod section onto the ring of a ring swivel, so it ends up like a double ring swivel, beacause I like the extra movement, but if not just use a standard swivel and you will end up with the normal set-up.
As others have said it is fairly easy to tie on a new section but you do gain a bit of time not having to for the bend etc. I do overnighters mostly so I prefer it.
In reply to Post #3 I also use the Korda round quick change swivels and slide a small Nash tungten swivel knot bead on which also stops the pop-up from being too buoyant.
I keep the same swivel on (esp high performance swivel) and just have an old PVA tube of pre tied chod lengths.. then just cut and crimp a new one on.. fastest process I've found and with the crimps the lengths are spot on every time.
In reply to Post #1 Can use a size 11 quick change swivel, crimp a loop into the chod material, then cover with a Gardner tungsten hinge bead. Can add a bit of putty to the crimp if you use quite a buoyant pop up. Used like this for years with no issues.
In reply to Post #1 Yeah like Beyoncé said, I just cut my old chods off at the swivel and then retie new Chod sections onto the swivel without removing anything from the line. If I’ve had a fish or want to remove a section of line I just slide everything up the line and cut a section off, I never remove any of the components.
In reply to Post #1 You can use standard quick change swivel with ring or some "new" round quick change. I believe Korda are selling those. And I place tungsten bead over the quick change part. In your case might work as counterweight for the pop up. LINKY POO™ https://kordatackle.com/products/quick-change-ring-swivel-round
In reply to Post #1 I pre tie the hooks to the hook length and keep them in an old Berroca tube. When you need to change rigs just cut the old knot off at the swivel and tie the new length on. Takes no time.
Hi all looking for some advice if ok.
Fished Chods lots of times, but I’m looking at playing around with the swivel end, and adding like a quick change Q-ring to it instead of the normal arrangement..
Reason is everytime I change rigs I’m breaking down my whole set up, losing stop beads and so on, and was wondering if had some sort of quick change ring or swivel incorporated, would be quicker and easier…
Has anyone done anything similar? Is there any better ways of doing it?