In reply to Post #4 Far from easy, those fish have seen it all, though some do slip up, they will get away with it without you knowing about it.
In reply to Post #3 I don't think it's an easy venue to be honest, I just got lucky.
My mate blanked and most people I spoke to hadn't caught.
Only 2 swims free...damn :(
Weds is the new Friday...you're lucky to get a decent swim on popular lakes nowadays unless you go mid week
In reply to Post #1 I’ve only just seen your post! Thanks! I rocked up on the Friday and there were two swims available from 32! Absolutely rammed due in part to it being the last weekend before the winter ticket starts. It switched the place off. Lovely venue though and clearly a great stock so I’d like to fish it again.
In reply to Post #1 I watched this last night, might give you some pointers.
LINKY POO™ https://youtu.be/uBOAjrDmqLs?si=LD71tSw0U58kYSqT
Funny thing is, Kev and Leon walked around the lake whilst I was packing up.
Kev dropped in to my swim after I left.
I told him to fish down the right margin. I had 3 fish from there including Tyson @43lb+
All those bubblers at 11 wraps was fish on my bait
Not able to give you many pointers on the lake as that was my first visit but hopefully there will be others on here that fish it and they can chip in
Best of luck mate
Off to swan valley, Yateley for three nights this weekend from Cornwall. Grateful for any advice/info 👍