BAF have a lorry load or two now so should work its way down the supply chain in the near future I would have thought.
In reply to Post #11 Thanks Lads.
bacarel unfortunately only shows up as out of stock when you add it to the basket.
I'd missed a couple of those AA baits ones - I was wondering about CPSP more for consistency, although I probably needn't be that fussy - far bigger things to worry about!
Good to know Jamie, no mega rush but I do need to put a decent order together in the coming weeks/months to get ready for the warmer weather. I'll keep an eye out but jump on one of the others if nothing is coming through.
If you can wait a bit I have heard there's a batch held up in UK customs apparently & should be available soon.
In reply to Post #8 AA sell several others. Shrimp, Sardine and Tilapia, as well as Actifish. I think Quality Baits still sell the Bio70 as well.
In reply to Post #8 Im not sure, bacarel express shows cpsp90 in stock in 1k and 25k bags
I ended up getting the actifish pdfm but haven't rolled any bait with it yet
In reply to Post #1
Quick Check - Is the Actifish the only PDFM still available in the UK for home-rollers?
Other than AA baits Actifish, all the usual places for CPSP have been out of stock for ages. I think I saw BAF mention they have some but thats out of reach now for us pick'n'mix small baggers.
In reply to Post #6
If only that were true of the old bonce, I'd be ordering in bulk
In reply to Post #5 Puts hairs on your chest, probably your arse too
In reply to Post #4 Yea, looks like my cold milk coffee drink, YUM
In reply to Post #2 Saturday night tipple for you that?
Love it
In reply to Post #2 Thank you for taking the time to do that it certainly looks good, hopefully it will perform in the finished bait on a similar level to cpsp 90
In reply to Post #1 I have some in the shed, if the rain goes off I will get a spoonful and give it a swirl in a pint of water and we will see...
It's supposed to be the nearest to cpsp90 pdfm. It's noticeably different, but what can you do!
Rain braved.....
One large teaspoon full stirred and squished into the water. I will give it some time to settle and see if the water clears (insoluble?), or remains murky with no sediment (soluble).

So, an hour or two later and it seems to have mostly dissolved. No visible sediment, although it did cloud up a bit when I moved the spoon after I took the picture.

Some hours later there has been some settlement but it's very fine particles, almost like smoke!
Has anyone used the actifish pdfm they claim its 100% soluble and how does it compare to the cpsp 90 pdfm, it seems most places are now out of stock of the cpsp 90