Glad you’re enjoying the benefits of your lithium batteries. Lead acid batteries are now seriously outdated.
However anything from Angling Technics is expensive and Phil Fry knows his way around a £20 note so finding them cheaper elsewhere is not surprising.
I have a microcat mk3 and in need of some new batteries.
I looked on the AT website and to buy 2 sets of 10ah batteries I could not believe the price.
I noticed they now sell lithium ion batteries for the microcat.
I contacted them to ask if they were safe with with my boat they said certainly in fact they are better than lead batteries they are last longer and your boat will be faster.
I found a video online showing a race between 2 microcat HD one with lead batteries and one with lithium ion batteries. It was no contest the boat with lithium ion batteries was much quicker. I knew I had to get some the stumbling block was the price.
I shopped around and found this company boatchargesolutions.co.uk.
I exchanged a few messages and placed an order 48 hours later my batteries lipo bag and charger arrived and less than half the price from AT.
The batteries are brilliant and made with CB and CE approved standards which in my opinion is really important.
I have had the batteries a while now they will last at least 50% longer if not more than 4 x10 ah lead batteries. They are lighter so the boat sits a bit higher in the water which if anyone has owned a microcat is not a bad thing as they sit really low especially with 10ah batteries.
I say lighter they still have quite a bit of weight to them but much lighter than lead batteries.
The increase in speed is amazing and these batteries are an amazing upgrade to my boat.
They sell batteries for a great range of boats I would really recommend them.
Contact them for a chat if you have any questions I am sure you will not be disappointed.
Great price brilliant product 12 months guarantee cb and ce manufacturing standards what more could you want