Its a beautiful relationship, a man desperate for success and money.
Preying on an audience desperate to look like they're living the best life they see on SM.
10 year old BMW
XL Bully
Bird with **** eyebrows
Dwarf Rods
Can't get on a syndicate
Flogging gear bought on Klanner to pay for the Aldi Christmas
No etiquette
Can't read or write
You don't get the above in Pike or Trout fishing , I wonder y
In reply to Post #40 ****"half witts so called anglers are falling for it"
you just described 80% of modern "carp anglers".
Sitting in a £1k bivvy, catapulting out £13/kg boilies with a paid subscription to some carp channel****
However i'd say ifs far MORE than ya 80%....more like *98%*....not to brag i've been in this game 45 years, AND its PATHETIC what carping has become...
In reply to Post #41 Very ‘Moreish’ apparently!
In reply to Post #39 I have tried most recreational drugs but smoking crack has never really appealed to me if im honest. Is it any good?!
In reply to Post #39 "half witts so called anglers are falling for it"
you just described 80% of modern "carp anglers".
Sitting in a £1k bivvy, catapulting out £13/kg boilies with a paid subscription to some carp channel
In reply to Post #38 Are you on crack - that **** is driving around in flash motors because he is a con artist ripping blokes off and half witts so called anglers are falling for it.
Will be to busy making a fortune from his competitions. He must be doing alright as he has two audi rs6’s so one musnt be enough. Hes still a **** mind and i cant stand that other **** hassan who works for him now. “Here he is” 🤜🏻😴
In reply to Post #36 Madness mate - people paying for mugs to show them how to tie a feckin rig. 300 notes of your hard earned down the swanny.
Same as all these subscribing channels - biggest bunch of two bob mugs you will ever meet, all the stories are a joke and as far from the truth as you can get. Having fished syndicates with so called celebrity heroes. I can tell you the truth. They spend 4 nights a week, every week piling in kilos of bait into a spot, sitting in a tent rotting. Thats what they do anyone who tells you any different is a lying ****.
As for the mug selling tickets to win a T5, it's the biggest ****house concept trying to bluff decent anglers that they have a chance of winning. The bloke is a feckin clown and anyone who supports him. Total Con, all of it.
Save your money and learn your craft the proper way.
Quote.... "There's a patch of bubbles over there, that'll be £300 please"
I understand it's probably pretty strange to say it. But reading that entire post, not only made me laugh pretty hard. But also actually made me really proud that you are one of our customers. Weird eh.
That post needs framing.
In reply to Post #34 I myself prefer the quietness away from the busy waters and surprisingly the few public lakes I’ve fished especially the one now are relatively quiet maybe 2/3 on the water in spring/summer at any one time,and then there’s the canals miles and miles of it and sometimes I’ve not seen anyone all day or even few days,I loath fishing the busy waters at £20/£30 upwards a night crammed in like sardines can’t be down with all that now it’s not angler v fish it’s angler v your neighbour
In reply to Post #26 What a wonderfully put post, some of my fondest memories are of my father taking me to an estate lake as a kid and looking down off the bridge at the shadows of the carp, only dreaming one day I'd catch one.
I remember the days of my rods and alarms not matching, sat on a 7 acre gravel pit in Cambridgeshire on an August bank holiday and only 3 other anglers there, unfortunately life has moved on and not for the better.
Don't get me wrong, I've still got all my gear but I have no interest in the race and circus it's become.
I now get far more pleasure going with my kids surface fishing during the summer for fish that may scrape double figures on light gear.
In reply to Post #26 Nailed it ...
In reply to Post #31 But most of those things need hard work or talent. Let’s face it, carp angling today needs neither on most lakes in the UK
In reply to Post #26 It’s not just angling though - it’s everything. Music, sport - most cultural stuff - all eroded in the name of capitalism. Best to find your own groove and disappear under the radar…
In reply to Post #26 Says it for me. Great post.
In reply to Post #28 That rather amused me as well!
In reply to Post #26 "There's a patch of bubbles over there, that'll be £300 please"
In reply to Post #24 He must of done something wrong to punish him like that
In reply to Post #23 "To be fair he has successfully used his high profile to create a lucrative business"
It's all a bit sad really. The magic of when I was mooching about Darenth or the local pond as a seven year old trying to catch six pounders on maggots has now been replaced by this, being surrounded by blokes who strive for a bait deal or some sort out clout within a tiny community who in essence, are complete strangers to the outside world.
I feel sad that kids aren't surrounded by that magic anymore, but I try to emulate it as much as possible for my boy. Quiet ponds, small fish, roach whips and no chaps covered in sponsorships like a race car driver. They even announce it like it's their ****ing pronouns.
Bitter? Probably. In denial? definitely not. Others are though, as they bemoan so many aspects of what was better in their lives 30 years ago yet don't want to admit that their quiet little past time has turned into a circus polluted by modern behaviours in society.
Grown men idolising salesmen and throwing money at them to show them what their own eyes can see.
"There's a patch of bubbles over there, that'll be £300 please"
I have it in my own family. It's sad watching a 60 year old man throw hundreds of pounds at these companies, chopping and changing every week because an underwater video tells him that after 30 years, he now needs a blob of tungsten on his hook to catch a fish...
In reply to Post #24 Does he even still do tutorials?? Where abouts did you contact him?
I know he's heavily involved with Capital carp competions. Might be worth contacting him on there.
Hi, can anyone tell me please how I can contact Mark pitchers. I’m looking to book a 24 hour tutorial for my son.
I have looked on the website and emailed and left a message a couple of weeks ago but I have had no response.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank in advance.
To be fair he has successfully used his high profile to create a lucrative business.
Looks very high profit margins for all the prizes so its good money for very little operating costs.
Such as simple business model that anyone could do.
I can see the big fishing shops like TFT and Angling Direct starting a competition sites as well as they already set ready to go.
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #20 I also quite like Pitchers, although I could see how he could annoy people. The old chllenge series were hilarious.
In reply to Post #1 Gambling is a bigger industry than angling, and he's realised that.
I've blocked most of them from Facebook. First they were raffling camo Pods, next it will be camo Porsches.
In reply to Post #18 Bit harsh I can't take the ego bit seriously as it's done so bady, worse than a politician, you can here the cogs turning in the pauses, that's why I find him quite humorous. I can imagine a convo with him is a lot of fun
In reply to Post #18 He's not quite as obnoxious as Hamidi. However I still can't watch his vids. He always seems a bit too smug for my liking. The faults probably mine not his.
The one person who could give hamidi a run in a ego competition .Not sure who is the biggest 🔔end
In reply to Post #16 I always remember the episode where they tied a line to the back of a car and pulled him along
In reply to Post #15 So you've not tried the 'elite' kettle pouring skill either
TBF, I did enjoy the early Fox 'The Challenge' vids, some really good humour in there, not to mention the tea and biscuit ratings..reminded me of the old Total Fishing ones, the one with Gord the piking pirate...I wonder how many takes that took
In reply to Post #9 Hippopatochunk?? Oh my god i feel old I thought this was a wind up until i googled it and found found "the most carpy carp fishing site ever " selling rebranded random items and sticker sets ...
In reply to Post #13 Replied mate, yep over my head, my bad
In reply to Post #12 I've sent you a pm mate.
In reply to Post #11 I was laughing because I took post 6 to read filming a series about his German wife, I take it somethings gone over my head again...doh.
In reply to Post #8 Oh here we go, laughing at people, trying to wind them up.
In reply to Post #9 Is he still employed by fox?
He has been very busy the last 2-3 years setting up Capital Competitions, Capital Angling, Hippopotachunk and Capital UK Holdings.
They have all expanded rapidly and I am sure he said they now employ 23 people on a recent video on social media. Speaking from experience taking on staff and all the HR stuff around it is no small task.
So I am sure he is OK just busy on other areas right now.
In reply to Post #6
Always read the quote number on posts I just spat my tea out I went from
Probably filming a new series
Or his German wife
In reply to Post #4 Didn't he do a few programmes around this time of year from where his wife lives, some invite only waters too iirc?
| VLT | Posts: 8945 |  | |
In reply to Post #2 or his german wife.
In reply to Post #1 Might well be filming new series
In reply to Post #1 Probably more Intrested in his competitions
Not seen anything of him on YouTube lately, is he ok?