In reply to Post #15 Yes, I've used pipe thermometers in the past and adjusted so there's a temperature difference between the flow and return. I can't remember the figure at the moment, maybe it was 10 degrees.
My concern at the time was putting rad valves with very small bores, on to very large radiators that are at the end of a long pipe run.
In reply to Post #14 When you commission a heating system you walk round and balance it normally staring at the furthest from the boiler being fully open and reducing the flow as you work back so that all the rads heat up evenly..
In reply to Post #13 Going back to my original post, I've only just remembered, when my plumber mate questioned the bore of the radiator valve I said to him about radiators with microbore and he said he didn't rate them either.
I think in hindsight his intentions are good but after starting as an apprentice at 16 and he is now approaching retirement maybe he's stuck in his old ways?
I'm surprised no one asked what the feed pipes are, if they're microbore full bore valves offer nothing, I redid our house a couple of years ago, went like for like 8mm micro bore, used valve reducers to take the valves down from 15mm. Read the current thoughts are 15mm min due to these new ground heat exchangers working better with faster flow, oh well, something for the next owner to worry about
In reply to Post #11 Most valves only have a small bore, you'll be fine.
In reply to Post #10 Thanks Steve good to know, just wish I known a little bit earlier as I've just printed out the return label.for the two pairs of valves with the smaller bore I bought @ £29 a pair (total £58)
I didn’t do it just to save a couple of a quid but I’ve just come back from Toolstation with a bigger bore version @£24 a pair (total £48)
All a bit of a faff but it's done now
They will be fine and work well. Designed for towel rails with the pipe work coming out the wall instead of the floor. Fitted hundreds like that with no issues. No more restrictions that some thing like a Drayton TRV4 thermostatic radiator valve, which are probably the most common valve in the UK.
In reply to Post #8 I sent them an email yesterday.
Just found out It only costs £3.39 to send them back with tracking, I'll do that on Monday and source some that I'm confident in.
In reply to Post #6 Why not give the manufacturer a call and voice your concerns.
In reply to Post #6 If it’s because you want full chrome versions I noticed screwfix do Flomasta thermostatic valves that are fully chrome, think they’re about £17 a set, I agree with you though no point in fitting them if you feel reluctant to start with or it will just bother you, best to replace them with something you’re fully happy with👍
In reply to Post #5 Thanks for the input Henry
Taking the clogging aside for a moment I can't get my head around why they would make something with such a restriction.
What if you had a large double panel radiator the furthest point away from the boiler,
where you'd want maximum flow.
Seems daft to me, I might send them back.
In reply to Post #4 Hi Bob, I’m not a plumber but I would have thought it very unlikely they would get blocked on a standard heating system with multiple rads as the flow will fined the easiest route and provided at least one radiator is open even if the rest are closed off then there is always a route for the flow and return, I would expect that even if the bore on this valve is slightly narrower it will surely just restrict it and then the flow pressure will find an easier route but some will still flow through this radiator, in any case it depends on how much crap is in the system to start with, I replaced three rads recently including a towel rad in the bathroom and the system was pretty spotless and the last time it was power flushed was when I had my present boiler replaced ten years ago, maybe worth going to a decent plumbers merchants and ask them
I should reiterate I’m not a plumber so maybe wise to not take my advice!😜
I know this is a fishing forum but are there no plumbers on here?
In reply to Post #2 The ones I bought last year were like this, a sort of half bore, which.

I bought from the same company this year and as you can see in the picture in my previous post they've changed them
In reply to Post #1 Would have expected to see “full bore” also