In reply to Post #20 Nice one.
In reply to Post #21 The arms were given to me, and the lad had had them for years, so I don’t know I’m afraid. They have curved ends that the chord attaches to is that helps!
When I say bored out, that’s a fancy way of saying I drilled them myself with a hand drill and 12mm bit. A bench vice helped though
The mesh is a free spirit one
In reply to Post #17 hi i have the same handle and block but no arms.have some northwestern 50"carbon arms that im temted to cut down but see you got nes net and arms complete.
what arms with ferrules did you end up purchasing in the end please?
will get mine bored out to 12mm aswell as they seem a bit worn.
In reply to Post #19 I might polish the block yet, and should probably repaint the collar black, but I am ok with it as it is.
In reply to Post #17 Any pics mate?.
In reply to Post #17 Nice one
The handle has now been scotched smooth and refinished. The block holes have been bored out to 12mm (previously worn out 10mm) to fit arms that have 10mm ferrule, as 2mm seems about the right amount of play.
New mesh has been ordered and it’ll be back in use next time out👍
In reply to Post #12 It's on the handle just out of shot Jeff..
In reply to Post #14 I only use the torrix or aviator handles or the new 2 piece push fit harrison handle and harrison arms . I get my blocks and net fittings from custom angling solutions
In reply to Post #13 I cried when mine broke
Is this kind of thing something you can make Jeff?
Thanks all, Ultracult it is then!
I'll try the heat gun Jeff, thanks. It's not that I don't like the block, it's just the holes are slightly worn, and not a good fit for the arms.
It's been confirmed that the arms aren't original, so that explains the poor fit. So if I can find suitable replacements I'll keep the original block.
In reply to Post #11 Cant see a net 😊
In reply to Post #7 That's a ultra cult net..
In reply to Post #4 Just heat the block with a heat gun and twist it out then you can fit a different one if you dont like it.
In reply to Post #8 It could easily be that old.