In reply to Post #9 It's amazing some of the stuff they do with super clue and baking soda that's shown on YouTube.
In reply to Post #8 Something I learned on here is mixing baking soda with super glue.
Not only does it set quick you can mix it as a paste for filling and it's super strong.
In reply to Post #7 Yeah, its CA glue basically...and has the aerosol activator.
"CA (cyanoacrylate) glue is the general term for super glue"
We use it in woodworking for a quick fix to hold the piece in place whilst slower drying glues do their job. It sets in about 10 seconds, or 1 second if you get it on your finger!
In reply to Post #6 I discovered what is essentially the same thing
Not used it on a landing net but it's been great around the house.
Hi Andrew,
I have this net handle. I bought it probably 8 to 10 years ago.
I suffered exactly the same issue, it broke on my first or second trip out.
A friend of mine suggested I tried Mitre Bond glue/activator on it.
Done that and it has been perfect ever since (and it's been used to lift 20lb+ carp up an 8ft vertical bank at the river without creaking/cracking/breaking)
It's the glue/activator shown on this homepage:
Since discovering this glue it's all I've ever used to mend things since.
p.s. Just to state the obvious, if you want to glue yours clean off all the current crud first so it has a good surface area to make contact
In reply to Post #4

In reply to Post #3 They work as direct links, to put them on the forum you need the 'full html link' code
In reply to Post #2
Thanks. These links should provide the photos:
Shaft : https://ibb.co/0yGvLgT
Insert (sitting on top of,shaft) : https://ibb.co/qMRypmz
Your pics, redirects to FB
Click here
and here
Pics, click 2 arrows next to web link left of page
remove "http://" target="_blank" insert your link then add text between ><
That's for external links, pics direct need hosting somewhere ie, IMGBB
Purchased mine new 9 months ago, on the basis of some reviews, and that it is rated as a substantial (strong) item.
Can’t argue with the strong, seems like you could hammer a wall down with it. It is fairly heavy and I found that a large float is needed to ensure that it doesn’t disappear under the water when waiting for the fish to finally go in.
Unfortunately, strong construction (materials) hasn’t equated to strong construction (assembly).
First issue was the threaded insert (into which the net spreader block screws) simply falling out of the ‘block’ on the end of the shaft. Root cause was easy to diagnose: almost total absence of epoxy on the insert. Easy to fix too (fortunately, since Gardner did not reply at all to me).
Now another issue, but apparently due to the same assembly person being stingy with the epoxy : the end block has completely fallen off the shaft. Again due to negligible epoxy.
A real shame that a ‘quality’ item is flawed by such shoddy assembly.
Not sure how to post photos here, hopefully these facebook page links will work…