In reply to Post #12
| Jon | Posts: 4271 | | |
Thought non-carp was strictly sport / celebrity RIP / niche DIY nowadays.
Boring, but not like we needed another 'migrants' / 'Boris' / 'are brave boys' thread to understand who the ****s are.
In reply to Post #9 I was around in the 80s but have to say it took off in the late 80s and 90s for me
In reply to Post #8 Exactly
In reply to Post #7 Some of it was ok, some of it passes the test of time, some of it was **** then and even ****tier now.
Plenty of **** music in the 1980's, have you seen those TOTP repeats they do on BBC4? you get one decent tune per episode if you're lucky.
In reply to Post #7 Now you're just being silly.
In reply to Post #5 synth
Now that is everything that is wrong with the 80s ffs
In reply to Post #2 You want thrashing with birch if you listen to that, bunch of pufftas. Saying that you would probably like it
I got their first 6 albums but by the 7th they'd gone too bubblegum and I lost interest.
I did hear they made some good albums afterwards but by that time it was too late, I'd got back into guitar based music.
And from what I've heard of the recent release is it's too synth based, I know they are synth group and that's what it's supposed to be like but it's OTT for me.
In reply to Post #3 Same here one or two tracks on their new album that aren't bad.
They're touring again next year, must be in their 70's now.
In reply to Post #2 I’m an omd fan but I’m not feeling that
In reply to Post #1 https://open.spotify.com/track/50kuEBhW238M3eA6OZmhvA?si=XtTkqgnrRfmY6R2oN7RO5w
Dead as a door nail in here.
This is what happens when you ban people and delete threads about none carp subjects in the none carp section 🤔 if you dont like it scroll on by 👍
Im even beginning to miss my mate Lefty Mal 🙈🙊🙉