In reply to Post #32 99% of the ads that you’ll see are served by Google, so are not chosen by CarpForum/me.
Sometimes I will go for days/weeks without getting annoyed by ads, then all of a sudden I’ll get a load of them one evening (and yes, they are annoying when it’s like that)
Unfortunately they’re a necessary evil as I can’t pay ALL the web costs out of my own money…so I use Google ads to help scratch a few quid back.
I get maybe 1 add a day at most. Usually some kind of American fly tackle store, I refresh and it goes away. So I assume its very user dependant, and not really related to the forum.
In reply to Post #30
In reply to Post #29 The subscription would be optional.
If you felt it worth it (for whatever features I would 'bundle' in there) then it would be an easy way for me to remove ads for that subscribers login.
Otherwise, continue to AdBlock or tolerate the ads as we all do at the moment
In reply to Post #27 On my phone so not easy to quote....but..
I'm not sure subscription is the way to go to remove ads Karlos.
Just from my own point of view, I won't be contributing photos if I have to pay for it. I have to upload them, then link them at my own expense time wise and your thinking about me having to pay rather than some seeing a few ads because they can't be bothered installing a add blocker
I used to co own a forum, after we were no longed involved those who ran it tried the same thing, it didn't work.
Just to repeat, I don't get ads with duckduckgo on my phone, maybe a bit inconvenient to some but not hard to install to use if you really don't want to see ads!
EDIT, The way we avoided needing ads for revenue to cover server costs, we had a add banner at the top of the page which sponsors paid to have their own click able link/tile on. Personally we ran none profit but there would have been scope for more revenue if needed
In reply to Post #24 I switched to Brave browser (on a Mac) and most - if not all - ad issues are solved.
In reply to Post #24 Seems to be a mix of fly tying kit, office furniture and leather knickers
I'm swapping from Chrome to Safari then....
On a more serious note, I am not sure about stopping ads on iPhone etc.
On the PC it's easy with adBlockers built into (or easily added) to common browsers
If I get around to creating the subscription add on for CarpForum (classifieds access, photo uploads etc) I can ensure that Google Ads are NOT served to those users.
I use Dudckduckgo and don't get any ads.
In reply to Post #24 I use
Adbloc plus and BlockBear on safari
Probably could do it with just one of them but they both doing the job
I’m definitely getting more pop up ads on an iPhone using safari. Seems to be a mix of fly tying kit, office furniture and leather knickers
I’ve used ad blockers with safari in the past but they tend to slow everything down and you invariably end up having to switch them off for blocking the wrong thing at some point. This is the only site that has a problem at the moment.
Anyone recommended a decent one?
In reply to Post #21 Just use an adblocker
In reply to Post #21 What pop up adverts?
It might be falling again due to all these pop up adverts !!!
In reply to Post #19 It's good, isn't it
In reply to Post #18 Since the site has returned after a couple of months off, it seems quite busy lately
Whether there's still bait bickering I wouldn't know, see my previous post.