In reply to Post #3 Nice one
In reply to Post #2 I did not remember the old issue, no.
I just managed to reproduce the problem, so I've fixed it
In reply to Post #1 Just need to fix the following pages of results when searching using "" Karl
Hopefully you'll remember the old issue when searching like
"best line"
All good changes recently though mate
When you do a search now, the topic names down the left also have the Forum name against them...it was something that helped me in a chore I was doing earlier so I added it.
It doesn't look that pretty, but it's functional.
I'll pretty things up at some point...still not decided on the new layout yet.
I'm replacing the old grey standard buttons with the newer blue/green/red/orange theme and and when I find them. If there are any awful pages when things look horrendous, feel free to take a screenshot and email to the address bottom right