In reply to Post #29 Thanks for liking
You are certainly the first to use this function since I put it 'live' a short while ago
I tidied the top of the topics/thread page too, on some screens the Create Thread buttons didn't fit width ways.
Oh yeah, also added some outline buttons to View Profile or Send PM on the members list pages...looked neater than the text only and will help (slightly) on a mobile phone as the 'tap area' is bigger.
Just need to redesign the whole site/layout next (to make mobile friendly)...but not tonight
In reply to Post #28 Just liked your post. Maybe I'm the first one to use this function
I got around to re-writing the LIKE functionality today.
So the little heart will have a number against it if the post has any likes.
If the heart is solid it means you have liked that post (you clicked the heart)
The heart is a toggle. Click to like, click it again to remove the like
Sorry it took me a while to get back to this task.
Some forums have an "ignore" facility whereby [for instance] a user that constantly seems to start a ridiculous and totally unnecessary argument on an otherwise sensible thread can be hidden from view by the person not wishing to take part in it.
on the whole it generally improves the forum and makes it a much better place.
the amount of genuine people posting increases as they don't have to suffer the argumentative trolls.
In reply to Post #25 Thanks for all your efforts, Karlos!
Thanks for the feedback.
Tribal is a good way to describe what I am trying to avoid. Well, that's naive of me, we will never avoid tribal...but I don't want to accidentally encourage that mentality.
Originally I did NOT show usernames against likes because I felt that would offer a bit too much transparency, and to reuse the word tribal, possibly encourage users to like posts because their friends (tribe mates ) liked a post.
I hoped the anonymity would encourage genuine feedback. Obviously I do store the user against the like in the database, that's what stops a user from liking the same post multiple times.
I will definitely reinstate the thumb to like/agree with a post and probably a heart to love it.
Not sure if I can easily make 2 types of icon using the old database structure...but I might just make it from scratch again (it was just the webpage code I lost, the historical likes are saved in the database, so they would all reappear once the code goes live)
If there are other features you guys would find handy feel free to whack a suggestion in this Feedback section...you might have noticed I have spent more time on the site in the last couple months than I have in the last 5 years.
Thanks again,
I liked the thumb up because I could show that I liked a post without boring everyone else with a fresh entry. Yet why would I want to say that I didn’t like a post but not give a reason?
In reply to Post #7 Imho, I think having a Laugh icon would be too much - just the Laugh Smiley within the post is fine.
The 'Heart' and 'Thumb' could work together - at least worth a go.
I can't think of any others.
In reply to Post #21 But you said earlier there are despicable posts and you want to know who's liking them.
That's dangerous in my opinion.
If a moderator deems a post unsuitable I'd imagine they'd remove it however many likes its attracted.
Are you a trouble maker?
In reply to Post #20 Indeed not, I'd much prefer to see who Likes stuff rather than having a Thumbs Down. Can do that with emojis anyway.
In reply to Post #17 But
Do they have a thumbs down icon ?
In reply to Post #18 This is the section to give feedback on the forum, which is what we're doing.
I mentioned earlier why I find it interesting - post 15. You suggesting that I want to "judge and classify people" I find somewhat.......judgemental. In any case, it's easy enough to do that without having a thumbs up or like function.
<---- to myself.
In reply to Post #17 The Thumbs Up how it used to be was fine IMO.
The reason this forum is still going is that it hasn't turned into FB, Twitter etc.
We don't need people putting up pics of what they had for breakfast to get 'likes'
I can only think you want a Thumbs Down as well as UP is so you can judge and classify people.
The minute we get ......I know your type because you Thumbs Upped/Down something then it's all downhill IMO
That's my opinion, as was said earlier it's up to Karlos
In reply to Post #16 Pretty much every social media platform has a "Like" function that shows which users have clicked it....Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc....it's not controversial! Nor much like voting.
In reply to Post #15 Bit like voting thought RKB…….most want to keep it to themselves so not odd really…..