Sorry guys
The email just won't work...it's the new server
I have found a way to manually send emails from the server ... create a text file and stick it in a certain folder on the server...it then gets picked up and sent as an email.
I might have to resort to re-writing the email code to do it that arse-about-face way...
TBH, once I found out it was going to be a major pain, I put it on the backburner as I wasn't missing receive tons of email from CarpForum server each day (error reports, messages etc etc)
It will get sorted, hopefully soon
In reply to Post #6 No me neither, that was my point
i havent had any type of email notification for a while now
In reply to Post #4 Hi Karl,
Did you have time to look into this, please? This was always a favorite function of mine.
In reply to Post #3 Yeah, it's the email set up that I haven't done...
Just on it now, been busy earlier
In reply to Post #2 Thanks Karlos, while you are at it I don't seem to getting thread notifications either
In reply to Post #1 My bad...I knew there was something I hadn't done when I rebuilt everything!
I'll go and try and sort it in a minute
I no longer seem to be receiving these, is there a way to toggle them on/off, can’t seem to find it?