Just bought a 600m spool and I think I can see meterage marker labels. Can anyone confirm? And if so what distance. Cheers
In reply to Post #14 That's marketing for you,put the price up, reduce the quantity, as long as the customer complies nothing will improve.
The only way to beat this is by not buying it in the first place.
In reply to Post #12 Didn’t say they had stolen it, but one way or another they have the distribution on it. Never see it on 600m spools, I used it on and off for a while, Johnson Ross only ever sold 250m or 1000m and if I remember rightly 1000m was £70 odd quid.
Either way it’s besides the point, I just can’t see how they can justify the price hike for something they haven’t even sourced themselves, fishing tackle is dear enough as it is.
In reply to Post #12 I’m pretty sure Big Carp/ John L just put a different sticker on an existing Japanese or American fluorocarbon product and marketed to carp anglers at a time when other carp brands did not have a flouro.
In reply to Post #11 It was always available in 600 metre spools, how do you know that Gardner robbed the I dependant supplier ? Maybe the manufacturer wanted a company with a larger distribution network.
In reply to Post #7 I think it’s disgusting that a major tackle manufacturer has taken on the distribution of this line, off an independent, with absolutely no investment into any technology or development surrounding it, and some how managed to cut the amount on spools by 40% and upped the price of it. Mercenary, don’t they make enough ****ing money as it is.
In reply to Post #9 That’s a fair comment, getting each spool loaded correctly is a pain, lot easier if it was 1000m, but yes it’s an option
In reply to Post #8 Unless you can cast more than 200m with 16lb flouro why not back the spools and put 200m on each?
In reply to Post #7 Tried JR thanks, they only have the 1000m spool at 12lb, I was after the 16lb
Tiger Line 1000m at 16lb was £69.90, which I thought was bad enough
Tiger Line with the Gardner stamp at 600m is £75.99!
Think that's the way its gone knowing you cant fill up 3 spools with 600m
Back to mono
In reply to Post #6 They will probably fase out the old 1000m spools in favour of charging you the same for 600m in the new package. I think Johnson Ross has some in the old style packages depending on BS you require.
In reply to Post #1 Interesting thanks. Shame Gardener don’t seem to do the 1000m spools, it seems out of stock everywhere I’ve looked
In reply to Post #1 I was a longtime Tiger line user
and when I had trouble finding some I bought some Gardner Mirage and I must say it performed as good as my beloved Tiger line
In reply to Post #3 Manufactured by segur same as gardeners flouro I guess?
In reply to Post #2 Biog fan of tiger line moved over from X line and havent looked back and currently in the market so I hadnt known about this - interesting on gardners site they only have 16lb
In reply to Post #1 Doubt they actually produce any line.