Has anyone been here recently?
Looking at booking here but was looking for some information on what it's like and peg advice before booking.
In reply to Post #22 I checked your claim directly with the owner. Not true, not true at all. No fish is being (or has been) moved from the lake towards Leon's Land.
Has anyone had any experience with fishing La Grande Saussaie this year? Heard anything about the owner moving the fish to Leon’s Land? I have pegs 11 and 12 this October. Any tips are greatly appreciated!
In reply to Post #18 Hi,
We fished those two swims in October last year and only had cray action in the margins not open water. Didn't see a bream all week but had 5 fish to 59lb.
In reply to Post #20 Thanks all.
Appreciate the info
In reply to Post #18 We were there in late April last year and had no problems with crayfish or bream. We did see some large bream but they were more intent on spawning.
In reply to Post #18 Crays were a nightmare when we were out there last year. non protected baits lasting 4-5 hours tops!
Hi all
Due out to this lake in April this year. Swim 11 & 12 .
Does anyone know if theres any nuisance species in there. Got ruined by bream last yr at a venue, so want to be well prepared this year.
In reply to Post #16 Thanks for the update.
In reply to Post #15 I had 4 and lost one to a cut off with the biggest being a 59lb common. There were only 4 other takes to 7 anglers that week. A lot less fish in there than we were led to believe according to a local that fished it. Like you i believe the lake is being kept open but only until the other 3 are ready to open so may not be a full year??
In reply to Post #14 Well done, great fish. What weight and anything else caught?
It appears that the lake will now remain open for at least 2023.
In reply to Post #13
In reply to Post #10 Thank you for your PM and reply sent.
In reply to Post #10 The only info was that I obtained whilst fishing the lake in April. Please send me a PM and I will provide help. Have you booked a swim and if so which one and who did you book through?
In reply to Post #7 How was Leon Lake , going out tgere in a couple of weeks...thanks