In reply to Post #32 Inttttttteresting!
Bit weird that some ex members had their entire post history wiped for arguing about bait, yet a convicted nonce still has his bullsh*t all over the place.
In reply to Post #32 I have used it by adding it to blank pop ops after boiling. I don't see the point to adding it anything preboil as all of the soluble parts near the surface that I want to leak out will be be lost in the boiling water.
I add a small amount to an empty tub, add a few ml of flavor, ee's & butyric acid shake it up & then half fill with baits & shake them up again so all the baits are coated.
I had some lightning quick bites on them in the spring - I can think of at least 3 times when I have put one on & the rod has gone within seconds of the lead hitting the bottom.
Anyone any more recent thoughts on this stuff ?
In reply to Post #29 It’s prohibited as a feed ingredient, lures only I.e hookbaits
In reply to Post #29 1 litre for 1kg boilies?
I would calculate the quantity of liquid you will use to soak 1kg boilies and dissolve 1,5gr of dmpt in that liquid
In reply to Post #28 Is dmpt ok to be diluted in to a liquid and added to freebies? Thinking fish brand liquid as it’s thin and it will dissolve easily in to it. What levels of dmpt for 1 litre of liquid?
In reply to Post #1 Used it at recommended doses in both bottom hookbaits & various popups, pre & after boiling, and my conclusion is "don´t even both, waste of time"
In reply to Post #22 White papers are the clues that help us build the puzzles, try reading them, its boring as hell but so is digging for treasure til you find it.
In reply to Post #24 Yes I believe so too but most of the white papers mostly focus on growth.
In reply to Post #22 While I do read some scientific stuff it's only looking for clues to what I can experiment with, like you I do it for the fun.
In reply to Post #23 I would have thought for feed pellets the most important figures are the cost v benefits and by benefits I mean growth, health and taste (of the fish) also in the overstocked environment fish are reared in, the amount of waste must surely be important.
I doubt your average boilie purchaser worries too much about any of this he just wants a bait the fish will eat.
In reply to Post #21 I believe scientific papers are very valuable to anyone making bait but it's obvious that a bait is very different to a feed pellet.
Unlike most baits the feed pellets wil usually be ingested within seconds after getting in the water.
Also a boiled bait will have lost some solubles during boiling and the rest will be partly bound by the eggs.
Last the ratios suggested by the papers is for optimum growth not for maximum attraction and maximum feed intake.
In reply to Post #21 Simple answer, for the fun of it. The day I start to read scientific papers about bait is the day I give up and become a golfist.
I like to do my experimenting by actually trying stuff out. Tinkering is part of the hobby I enjoy.
In reply to Post #19 But why would you guys try to reinvent the wheel when white papers state that certain inclusion are nefast?