Had a lovely 18lb mirror last night on Tricknut wafter and Phil had a mid double on The Herb straight out the bag
In reply to Post #574 Fist play fella!! You lads have scored well.
Another mid 20 park lake common
In reply to Post #572 3 U.K. 40s sent in today and one was the hardwick lake record at 46.9
Sting 12mm pop ups doing the business
In reply to Post #571 And what a beauty she was mate
In reply to Post #570 21-8 fully scaled for me……..minter…….
In reply to Post #569 Glad you like them mate
Next week we are going to make a ridiculous amount of bait to see if we can catch up a bit! Some lovely fish coming out around the U.K., hopefully many have now spawned and will be in need of some decent food. Even I may wet a line this weekend 😉
In reply to Post #568 Tricknut and Herb for me,order will be coming in soon for more
In reply to Post #566 Hi mate
I’m afraid we can’t really run deals on boilies. I put too much into and not huge profit margins. I had an email today asking for more discount on 200k of herb, same answer really, I just won’t make anything so it will be a pointless exercise making it.
You will love the herb, it’s becoming one of those baits that carp and anglers are loving right now!
In reply to Post #566 I have to be honest here and say you will struggle to find a better bait at £7.80 per kilo in those quantities.
In reply to Post #565 Any deals on the Herb i want to take 10kg with me to France?
In reply to Post #564 Banoffee 14mm pop ups
Peanut praline dumbbell Wafters
Herb and tricknut paste kits all added to the website recently. I know several of you lads had asked.
Deep c Wafters due In soon!
Thanks for the photos you lads have been sending in.
In reply to Post #563 What a nice common it was mate!! Shared on Instagram and Facebook
In reply to Post #561 Alright gav I will email you a few pictures over but you might have to crop them a bit because like an idiot I forgot to move the water bottle out of the way lol.
Definitely impressed by the herb so far mate
My son and daughter had there 1st carp today on super squid over s7
Think the both have the bug and are wanting to go next week