In reply to Post #1145 The Herb is the one for me,my mate is more for the skipjack squid.We both catch well on either baits but Herb with a super squid wafter or dark sting wafter just does the business for me
In reply to Post #1145 I’d have to say herb
Works for the masses
Proven results
Just adapt how much you use when the cold weather comes but it does work well in winter!
In reply to Post #1145 I hate it when that happens
Just taken delivery of some sample baits; was hoping this would help me make my mind up, but it doesn't as they all look good. Any advice / suggestions for something I can use all year round - cheers.
In reply to Post #1143 Glad you lads like it. Lots of messages at handcraft this week regarding new items which I have tried to answer. We have been very busy for February and I have already seen some huge orders come in so apologies if you have been calling this week and I didn’t answer. I’ll get back to you when I can as I’m on my own again for a few days 😩😩
I have landed some lovely carp this winter up 49lb but I haven’t actually done lots of fishing again due to work and shooting etc.
the good times are just around the corner 😉
Just had a look at the latest Vlog Gav . Even went back and had a look at some of your earlier vids A very honest account of the bait game. Reminded me again to take a look at the baits you have on offer. Sample order incoming.
In reply to Post #1131 superb vid from HC
In reply to Post #1140 Well ideally 20kg but I can often piggyback orders onto other orders if our timing is right
In reply to Post #1139 What’s the minimum order for the nutriplex Gav?
In reply to Post #1137 Nutriplex is still Pre order only for the simple reason that we have to hold so much of the herb and skipjack and Tricknut during peak season.
I will start making more Nutriplex in November and we are taking some plex with us on our next trip away.
Nutriplex has great winter form and is a very old proven recipe, it has a low fat content and an all round basemix like the other baits so it will work well in cold water.
Are the primers pva friendly? You can dunk a pva mesh bag in them but I don’t pour them into solid bags!
Mega things those primers, I wouldnt fish without them
Are the 'Primers' pva friendly?
In reply to Post #1135 When are you starting producing the Nutriplex again? Am i correct in thinking this is the bait you suggest for winter use?
In reply to Post #1135 Quite a cold day yestrday with that wind and the water, much colder than I expected but it gets a good wind all day, even so at over 15' you'd think it wouldn't cool off that fast (note to self, get a new thermometer!) In any case, white Trick Nut pop up producing a fish this time and a lost fish on a bottom bait, still doing the do. Those bottom baits are nice and soft but it still held on a rig screw for 90mins until the take.
EDITED, not a white wafter, a pop up! thanks Braders
In reply to Post #1134 The media thing will have to be sorted one day buddy. I have had lots of offers to help but like you have just said,I don’t like the idea of pestering people as it makes you seem desperate.
I have always concentrated on the actual products and tried to make things how I want them to be (and Pidge) but there are some clever lads out there who know how take pics and work social media.
Maybe next year I’ll take on someone who can drive that bit for me and take some of the pressure off us.
This year has been an eye opener for us and it’s not all positive, I have been doing far too many hours and two weeks ago I very nearly broke 😂
The company and the lakes take it out of you physically and we have grown so quickly that we need to take the next step and that means more help!!
The blog is a good way to vent and show you guys how we work and how I want it to be!
Haven’t had much chance to film anything for 3 weeks on the bounce now but I will get back on it this week.
God bless the tricknut……..just taken a large shipment of the nuts again and I’ll be back on that mixer by lunchtime 😂😂
In reply to Post #1133 To be fair Gav, I suppose it depends what you want from your business. You might find bringing someone onboard to do all the social media type crap which is so en vogue these days might pay for itself, and that doesn't mean you don't have to do it your way.
I use another bait firm and I quite often find myself unsubscribing from the e-mails as I simply get too many. I'm sure the youngsters like to be kept in touch but good god, how many times do you need reminders about stuff ...I can only imagine what their 'feeds' are like, if that's the right word.
I was out on Fri, it was surprisingly tough on a 'easy' water, weather conditions did not help & the water was surprisingly cold. 5 anglers and 2 fish, 1 to me on a Trick Nut wafter. Nothing absolute about that but confidence slowly building in Trick Nut