In reply to Post #25 This is bait summed up perfectly.
Give any half decent angler any boilie sold they’ll catch on it. Baits a confident thing, I’m yet to find a bait that hasn’t worked. Certain types may work better on some lakes but as mentioned location is key and regular feed
In reply to Post #22 Buy 5 kilos and just sling it in..
By that I mean
Just walk around the lake throwing them in everywhere so the fish find them and find free safe food.
Then buy some more and put more out in small clumps that might be likely spots sling one out with a hook in and they will eat it without hesitation.
Carp will just eat any old sh1t
sometimes a kebab just fills the need rather than a piece of steak.
In reply to Post #24 Any bait from a reputable firm will catch them. Where you put it is the important thing. If you want a good selection to choose from then probably active bait solutions would be a good bet
In reply to Post #23 So nothing special then, anything you'd recommend?
In reply to Post #22 Looking at it, it's a standard fishmeal bait. Nothing out of the ordinary at all. Put it in the right place and it will catch fish just like any other
In reply to Post #21 Really like the sound of the sea monster was looking for some feedback
In reply to Post #20 Sea monster is a Tails Up bait
Jim Rawclif run Moretakes bait so not connected, other than Jim did own Tails up but sold it over 10 years ago when he was ill
In reply to Post #19 No idea mate, jim is/was trying to sell the bait rolling company a month or so ago
In reply to Post #18 Anyone used the sea monsta , the write up sounds good
In reply to Post #7 I seem to recall the Nirvana rods were built on Century blanks ? They were 2.75 and 3.5 TC respectively.
Pro-Liver was popular, even Shelley was on it at the time, not that that's any recommendation, Jim's now running moretakes with his original recipes, I found Pro Liver to have a coffee aroma but there you go.
In reply to Post #16 Has anyone used this company since??
In reply to Post #7 I had a goliath sleeping bag off the original owner almost 20 years ago now after hearing great reviews.
200 quid later my bag proved to be crap in winter (and Autumn for that matter).
Turns out he had used a cheaper filling (may as well have been cotton wool) and the company who supplied the top quality filling stopped supplying him due to outstanding payments.
In reply to Post #12 Protavit Liver was a very simple base mix. Pretty much liver meal, maize meal, soya meal or flour and semolina, with an added liver flavour. I'm also 99% sure that it also contained fenugreek in some form or another.
In reply to Post #1 The new sea monsta looks like a winner based on the listed ingredients.
In reply to Post #10 Never had a problem myself