For any keyboard carpers out there "Ultimate Fishing Simulator" is on sale on Steam at 85% off - £2.24
You can also buy the newly released early access "Ultimate Fishing Simulator 2" and the original one for just over £10, about 65% off.
Not played this at all but looks like there is a variety of fishing types covered, reviews so far on steam are mixed. To play either of these your PC will need to be more powerful than a potato with low-medium gaming specs.
Ultimate Fishing Bundle on Steam
Sale ends 25th August.
Go Outdoors \ Fishing Republic are doing their 10% plus additional 15% off bait promotion again. Not the greatest of ranges available but OK for Sticky Bait Krill or Manilla
Fishing Republic site is free delivery over £40 as well
In reply to Post #150 bottle gas butane calor gas or camping Gaz
or do like I did and change the regulator and use propane
In reply to Post #144 What gas does that one take ?
In reply to Post #148 Good deal on dewalt batteries (2x4ah) for £70 - add a USB charger adapter and you've got a decent little powerpack.
In reply to Post #147 You don't live in Darwen do you?
Used to have a customer in Sharples Street when in the flooring game back in the day, loved it up North👍
| mal | Posts: 8986 |  | |
Posted this a few weeks back
My local (Blackburn) go outdoors still has its closing down sale on. Loads of good stuff
Happy to take orders
JRC contact barrow
76 quid at fishdeal.co.U.K.
In reply to Post #143 I would have had some of those Infinity Rods if they didn’t have the 50mm Butts too
Go Outdoors are selling the Cadac Safari Chef 2 LP for £89, usually £150.
Sorry, cant get the 'link' doodie to work.
TFT (if you can stand to give them your hard earned) having a clear out of the DF range of Daiwa rods.
Longbows 99.99 and 2.75 Magnum Tapers £119.99. If only they didn’t have the 50mm build I’d take a set of MTs.
In reply to Post #141 That's a great price, thanks
Angling direct have the Penn Affinity 3 8000 for 74.99 each.
In reply to Post #135 Thanks for sharing this, ordered straight away and they were delivered today.
In reply to Post #136 Glad to be of help