In reply to Post #935 Has anyone actually got their stuff from browns yet?
In reply to Post #934 Total fishing tackle are doing them for £230
The new shimmy 14K XR XTDs AD are selling at a big discount. 👍🏼
In reply to Post #931 Now that is a bargain.
Total Fishing Tackle Early Boxing Day Markdown sale has started, see their site
Bank Tackle 15% OFF all items in our Hooklink and Leader Category Use Code LINK15 at Checkout
Terry hearn 12'9 rods 149 each at Bristol Angling
In reply to Post #928 People ain't going to leave much on the shelfs with that discount. It's a live system. By the time you get to checkout, it's gone. If it weren't for the fact Crimbo is just around the corner. I'd be filling me boots myself.
Couldn’t find anything in stock when they said multiple in stock
In reply to Post #926 I hate it when that happens, or when you go to check out and it says 'some of the items are out of stock'! There was some good Catfish gear on offer.... was probably being the operative word. I'm half expecting a message saying sorry but...with my order, but you never know !
In reply to Post #924 I had a look, tried to add a few predator bits to my basket, but everything I choose then threw up an out of stock error message (despite me avoiding items it said was out of stock)
Never mind, saved me a few quid buying bits I probably won't use!!
In reply to Post #924 Thanking you, got a few bits winging my way
Browns Angling. Closing down sale 30% of everything in store.
Don’t know if it’s been said but aqua baits has 15% off atm.
In reply to Post #919 I've got the terrain x. Does exactly what you want it to, very light and the x has adjustable front and rear bars. I've got a black panther pod coming from Keith (defiant MPS) soon so I'll be selling mine if you're interested.