In reply to Post #622 On eBay there is at least one company with 10% off on Delks. Not too long ago on EBay there was one site with 20% off I dithered and regretted it
In reply to Post #633
Maybe I'm getting confused with the RX+ I had off them.
In reply to Post #638 I think it's the ev-d only
In reply to Post #635 Aren't they discounted on angling direct at the moment?
tony at ff used to do them at a good price
In reply to Post #634 When I got dells from a retailer I paid full whack but the retailer gave me £100 voucher so that’s their way of giving you a discount off delks
In reply to Post #634 Delkim don't like it and threaten close accounts if they discount them
In reply to Post #632 What's the story with no-one doing discounts on delks ?
In reply to Post #629 not sure parkfield have a delkim account mate
In reply to Post #631 The e-mail does say exclusions apply, I just thought as spring was lower case in his post it might be that reason. I hope he has success elsewhere
Not surprising with Delkim tbh, sites can't be seen to be reducing them, diff story sometimes face to face or on the phone
In reply to Post #630 Apparently the spring10 works on most but not all things. They told me delkims are exempt from the sale. Don't know why
In reply to Post #622 Use capital letters, it still works, SPRING10 ends muddy 28th
In reply to Post #623 Maybe Parkfield Angling if you call them. Seem to remember AndyClarke saying they do good prices but that was a while ago.
In reply to Post #625 Oh man that's a shame, good shop gone