In reply to Post #468 No 22nd,very tricky conditions on the pass with strong winds and rain and brain dead camper van drivers not stopping at the passing spaces, even had one expecting us to stop when coming down and reverse. Saw a few stuck on single track roads that were too narrow for them to continue and not possible to turn around.
We're you in Applecross today Goose, saw around 20 bikes and a bloke with a grey Tash riding a multistrada
In reply to Post #466 Must admit the track limits and regulations are becoming a bit of a joke, they are or they are not, similar to the footy with VAR
Some great racing again though
Hi All
Loved it as usual, congrats to Bastianini's ride
Yamaha putting in a protest for Peco's jump start kinda leaves it all up in the air though. Leaves a bit of a bitter taste
It's a professional sport though with small margins and if they're gonna do Mir for track limits on the final lap, I suppose Peco's got something coming.
Penalty for jumps is 2 long laps, but I don't know what they'll do with this one if the protest is upheld?
In reply to Post #464 Was a great bit of racing that, loved it
MM is a great rider, I just can’t help thinking he is pushing it too far all the time, ditched it 18 times this season and the run wide cost him, great last few laps those though, the thing that makes the sport great!
Is it the lack of bike development time, not sure myself, I think others have come on and he is pushing it far too hard trying to keep up, people can blame the shoulder, not sure it is, the competition is quite strong, great ride by the rat though and I think everybody could see that he would press, press and press
In reply to Post #462 The pundits were saying before this weekend his arm will never be any better and he will never ride at his previous level.
In reply to Post #460 Yep great race and sorry great ride for MM you can't be a pussy at that level.
Yeah 70k for super, 50k for the desi when he bought it, the other bikes he has are similar value. He works in the city but is a great guy that loves his bikes and rides them hard not just garage queen's.
Off on tour Tuesday, can't wait.
In reply to Post #460 Hi Chris,
Loved that, I'm smiling like a Cheshire cat again
Huge for Peko and thouroughly deserved , and Rossi lost his bet as he didn't cry
That image guy Honda hired for Rat boy whilst he was recuperating paid off massive, he was a completely different person in his post race interview, notably likeable (Which I never thought I'd say)
In reply to Post #459 Can’t be bad, the super must be 70k!
Get in! What a race!!!
Some ride that by Bagnaia with rat boy all over him!
Dirty rat pushing and pushing, ain’t good enough, ran it wide lol. Brilliant
In reply to Post #458 A guy I know had his desmodesi and superlegera shipped out there for a three dayer while he flew out. His garage also contains 3 more Ltd edition bikes and 2 supercars.
In reply to Post #457 My sister lives in Spain, not too far away from Motoland. Out of interest I have had a look at bike hire, s1000rr, the £3600 damage wavier put me off
Three days on that track would be a nightmare unless your fitness is at professional athlete level, you would also need a van with spares including tyres and fuel is not available on cercuit. A track day at brands used to take me at least two days to recover.
In reply to Post #455 Thats a bargain mate, go for it
Ducati one two, Bagnaia lap record and FQ in 3rd, 0.5 sec of pole, rat boy in 6th, what’s the odds he crashes out again!
In reply to Post #454 Hi Scozza
Because Moto hasn't been here for a while I forgot about Phillip island. Looked it up and track days work out at £80 / day but you have to bring your own bike.
Off to check out moped prices now