In reply to Post #668 The man gets better and better, has to be one of the best riders on the planet at the moment. It’s a surprise he had left Yamaha as that was an open door to MotoGP if he wanted it. No complaints from me, WSB is where it’s at, at the moment for me, some of the best racing I have seen in a long time, so competitive and everybody riding on the limit
Sliding it into nearly every corner lol, incredible, not to mention the brakes!
In reply to Post #667 Crashing out race two win for Oggy, not sure going to BMW is a wise choice
In reply to Post #664 Interesting....why is it I hope he doesn't get a good ride...oh yes...the Rossi incident....I'll never forgive him
In reply to Post #664 Reckon it’s the dump for me sadly
In reply to Post #663
In reply to Post #663 Honda commented that MM could leave before his contract ends if he wanted too, talk was he may goo to KTM but with his lack of development skills would they have the budget for all the repairs he may cost them.
In reply to Post #662 Doubt it, the vapour trail would see your Ducati electrics failing aaand shedding its paint in no time.
What’s the standing 1/4 of a mile 7.6 seconds, must have warmed the tyres up to get that steam power down and that time lol
Top end 180mph, could pass that on my back wheel on the Ducati lol
You have to love people who like to tinker, crackers
In reply to Post #658 There are some stupidly fast electric cars out there, my god
Saw a chap has just taken the land speed record with a steam powered motorbike (I kid you not)! Built in his garage and it looks bloody good. (To me)
Edit, said garage in another tabloid, obv not by this link.
In reply to Post #659 Yeah bad one for Sykes as you say leg is bad as well by the sound of it.
WSB on Sunday for me, some great racing and JR in the mix and after the last race TR rides straight past me at the foggy esses on the front wheel and then stops it mid air, got a great picture ✊
Just read, Tom Sykes had a massive high side at the Coppice in the last race, red flagged it, took Rinaldi out too, sadly, says 10 broken ribs and some other damage, that’s him done I guess, dangerous game when it all goes wrong
In reply to Post #656 Agreed but sadly the future is electric and even Ferrari have hybrid road cars now that out perform their petrol cars.
In reply to Post #656 Agreed but sadly the future is electric and even Ferrari have hybrid road cars now that out perform their petrol cars.
In reply to Post #655 How could anyone be proud of owning a electric vehicle 100%
For me a bike is, what it looks like, what it sounds like and what it goes like!
Long live petrol
In reply to Post #654 I think unless they can get an electric commuter model
You had to use that word didn't you doing my best 'spit the dog' impression, aka a Carragher to us ex Mancs
Oh, you've started me off......How could anyone be proud of owning a electric vehicle, the claim of saving the planet while paying for companies to employ modern day slaves mining Nickel on 30p a hour (if they're lucky) some as young as 6...but if you were part of the slave trade from the 1800's your pure evil and any modern descendants must pay retributions...hypocrisy.
Or mining Cobalt from deep sea areas that haven't even been explored yet, where their attention was drawn by crustaceans (unknow to science) that decorated their bodies with the bright blue stuff.
The day GP goes electric will be the day I switch off, as have most reading this