In reply to Post #788 Nope mate, not having it. You are of course correct but after the Rossi incident and costing him the title I have nothing but dislike for him.
As a sportsman you can be fair, you can also be aggressively fair, and then there are the t**** who just have that nasty streak that says if I can't you won't. He's shown it time and time again, he's put riders in danger when he didn't have the bike to do what he wanted it to do.
The sign of a great rider..no..the sign of a great ego yes. I'd like to like him but I can't.
In reply to Post #787 No chance, greatest rider on the planet right now for me, closely followed by Mr Toprak. Different class, like them or loathe them, I was a Rossi fan, proper character, now MM, watch him ride a motorcycle, incredible, others are not close
Just watched the Thailand practice...fgs...looks like the Duc likes him
Odd going with the 24 engine over the 25....gives the opposition a chance I hope!
In reply to Post #784 Fancy him for the title, incredible rider
The dirty rat
Prefer him to boring Bangina, what a cock
In reply to Post #784 Nooooooo
Have you seen him in practice?
In reply to Post #783 MM looks to have got the Ducati working for him.
In reply to Post #782 The contact with MM made me laugh, ripped the fairing clean off his bike
I know, it didn't even look that much but the fairing couldn't handle it
I wasn't so keen on Martins changing room antics at the end, was expecting so much more...bet he was having a brew
In reply to Post #781 The contact with MM made me laugh, ripped the fairing clean off his bike
Should have won it last year for me JM
In reply to Post #780 Indeed, did what he needed to do, very very well done to him
Poor Costa in the sprint but what a finish overall for a rookie.
New MotoGP champion, Jorge Martin, well deserved
In reply to Post #778 And he still won. On the replay you could see him looking for it at the start. Still, you wouldn’t expect that to happen. I think the only similar thing I have seen was Jack Miller, who’s bike once overheated and blew up down to a tear off blocking the radiator
In reply to Post #777 That was unbelievable what happens to him at the start of the race
MM what a ride on a 2023 bike, still the best in the world, incredible
Broke Martin and boring Bagnnia
Just watched the Australian sprit race, horrendous crash, near on 200mph, thankfully both walked away!
I can’t imagine coming off at that speed, you think 100mph is quick to jump out of a car
In reply to Post #774 No I watched the japanese races (GP/Sprint) on time this time, well maybe slightly on catch up, but right day anyway which is a improvement
Felt for Paco in both races but he's some talent. That accident in the main race how wierd seeing the bikes tangle together!
EDIT, I seem to be doing a lost of posting on the hop at the mo, facts may well not be err...facts..take with a pinch of salt
In reply to Post #773 Running a 2023 bike, lacks straight line power, putting my money on him being world champ again next season
You just missed the Japanese round
Only just watched Indonesian GP, great ride from Martin and Paco, shale Bastianini threw it but you can't blame him for trying. MM title hopes up in flames maybe....
I'll get me coat
In reply to Post #771 I did wonder if Bastianini was going to take Martin out deliberately, glad he didn't !
In reply to Post #770 Good result that for JM. Deserves the title for me, was so close last year. Dodgey move that by Bastianini, could have took him out.
Baggnia, just not convinced, OK if he is out in front, as soon as it becomes competitive he either crashes out or bottles it
Fab u lous , that was a proper race in the end 🤩 Ducati have lost a great rider, Martin had nothing to complain about, shame Paco didn't finish:-(
In reply to Post #768
In reply to Post #767 Certainly cost him, I want him to finish ahead of boring fekin Baggnia
In reply to Post #766 I saw him wobble a couple of times, stick his foot out iirc, but it was in the end a bad decision.
The commentators were saying the odd bit of rain had been forecast but nothing to cause a rider to change tyres/bikes. Very odd and a few paid the price, maybe they took a wetter line on the track, who knows, it certainly cost them!
In reply to Post #765 That was just a crazy decision that costs him, wtf was that about
In reply to Post #764 Yes, hate to say it but I agree! Martin, some times it pays, some times it doesn't, the main thing is he didn't feel safe and acted, could just have easily carried on and taken somebody else out.
In reply to Post #763 MM masterclass today, from 9th on the grind on a 2023 bike. Untouchable
In reply to Post #762 Only just watched last week's race, that crash how lucky were they both.
That bike on top of PB, surprised when they said it only weighs 23 stone, for some reason I was expecting it to be a lot heavier, even so!
I didn't really enjoy those races, in fact I turned the sprint off half way though.
PB starting grid woes, it can't carry on. Very dangerous spinning up, sliding into the path of upcoming bikes that are doing at least 40mph more than you. I'd be having words as a race director, if they don't sort it they should be made to start on the last row where they don't endanger others.
Finally, dirty tracks...wth already saying the next track will be worse. Only 2 Q's, why hasn't it been sorted and if not why hasn't it been removed from the calendar?
MM, one word, incredible
Anybody who has not seen the AM and FB crash, have a look
Thankfully both OK
In reply to Post #760 Completely different level that lad. Best rider in the world right now for me. Can’t see him been in WSB much longer, enjoy it while you can, incredible rider that can do unbelievable things on a motorcycle
Great Superbike race, Toprak is going to take some beating, 11 consecutive race wins to equal the record
In reply to Post #757 I've heard ref to them but not seen them yet.
Shame both Trackhouse went down in yesterdays main race, I never did see what happened.
Did anyone watch the pre race with Acosta throwing that bike around, pretty much put it into practice after the coming together too! The how much life do you get out of tyre Q 🤣
Hi All
Oh and giving Simon Crafar the rece directors job gets a big thumbs up from me.
Hopefully mot 3, moto 2 and rat boy will be properly punished for pi$$ing about looking for a tow, I know he hates it
Hi All
Does anyone know if liberty had any input into the 2027 rule changes or was it solely dorna, moto gp and the motorbike racing association?
Just looked at some of them and it comes across as very nascarish
In reply to Post #754 I will say one thing, he has some proper minerals and is not afraid of an off, unlike FB and this will be the difference, super, super competitive
I laughed at this interview after the main race, what was he, 14th on the grid again and ended up second! FM nearly had him off and he basically said after that moment, that was it, rage lol, a lunatic but calculated of the highest level!!!
Martin ffs, how much bad luck, giving it away like last year
Nobody close to the dirty rat
In reply to Post #754 MM highside at the waterfall in qualifying was quite impressive also
In reply to Post #753 Did you see MV's 'off' in Q2 Saxon, bucking broncho style
In reply to Post #752 Martin is one of the best, he can battle too like MM. something that FB and MV haven’t got the true minerals for. It will be interesting to see what he can get out of the Aprillia.
You know what, I'm going out on a limb here but I reckon Ducati have made a mistake. Yes it's a clever commercial decision but looking at Vinales yesterday I think Martin is capable of using that bike (or next years) to beat the Ducatis strangle hold on the top slots.
Martin to Aprillia and MM to Ducati, I can see why but imo more legs in Martin.
EDIT, Sprint was a bit 1 dimensional, best bit, ratty falling off. Paco a bit average on this 1 but he can't be expected to be good at every circuit so soon.
In reply to Post #749 Magnificent as usual pal. Proper lunes which is nice to see
As you say, Dunlop was incredible ✊
In reply to Post #739 And what a show it was, Dunlop incredible as always, JM still enjoying himself.
In reply to Post #747 I watched some footage, VR commented on MM, he is a monster, basically incredible, ells you all you need to know
In reply to Post #746 To be fair, what I have seen this season, I do believe he has another championship or two in him, which if he does would be incredible.
Got to agree and when he gets the factory ride I think his ruthlessness will be the difference between him and whoever else, no matter what the other person tries. I can't see Tardozzi putting up with them knocking each other off!
In reply to Post #744 To be fair, what I have seen this season, I do believe he has another championship or two in him, which if he does would be incredible. FB ain’t going to rub fairings with him, ain’t got the minerals, he is ruthless on a bike, crazy
In reply to Post #744 An unpopular tosser, he's got it all then over JM
In reply to Post #743 mm aint that popular. I've seen him out many times in platja d"aro and even many Spanish call him a tosser...
In reply to Post #742 I like JM, I hope the Aprillia move works out for him, bike seems competitive
Read that MM got the factory ride over JM due to his popularity not just his skills, really
I’m sure he will ruffle FB next season, deffo worth a watch, surprised me that tbh
If I was Jorge Martin I would do everything I could to win the championship even if he has to be dirty. He should of had the chance in the factory team
Not so much a great GP but about right results wise, great to see Bastianini taking MM on the last corner and another solid finish for Paco
That blue smoke on MM lowering device, what was all that about, I was waiting for a blow out.
In reply to Post #739 The greatest show on earth is back. The TT. ITV4 9pm, no room for error
Thanks for the heads up I don't wathc much terrestiral telly any more so always miss it!
Going in August
Lucky bugger
In reply to Post #738 MM star of the day again for me, what a ride!
The greatest show on earth is back. The TT. ITV4 9pm, no room for error
Going in August
Shame for Paco about right for the rest. What was Bastianini 🤔
In reply to Post #735 DP, twitchy finger
In reply to Post #735 Yep, great Sprint 🙂 Why oh why did the front runners push so hard for no reason, plain stupidity! Another great result for Paco
In reply to Post #734 Deffo Toprak, best in the world for me
Why he is still in WSB is beyond me
Bridewell doing well in BSB on the Honda, must be paying him a packet, champ last year with Ducati, now with Honda!
Great sprint race today if you have not seen it, pleased with the results for me
In reply to Post #733 Pretty amazing how BMW have got it together this year in WSB, looking like really strong contenders, can't just be Toprak making the difference, then again why not, and a combination of both
You're not wrong re Hondas resources, it is very odd, like they've taken their eye of the ball
Not sure if it was on here but I read Honda are having a hard time with EV's, might even consider pulling the plug on MGP, that would be a real shame
In reply to Post #732 Sad times for the Jap brands, they lead the way for years, now it’s Ducati, KTM and as you say BMW that seem to be leading the way, in Europe anyway
WSB and BSB, bit of a mixed bunch and still seem competitive track dependant, nothing can touch those V4s for torque and straight line power. Saying that, Honda has been running one for years, bike seems un-rideable so I’m guessing it’s more chassis and geometry’s that’s their problem but with the resource they have you think they would have fixed it a while ago!
In reply to Post #731 As for factory Baginia, might be just me, I call him flippin boring, character, zero
It'll be interesting to see if Bastianini can do it this year, Bagnaia gauranteed nothing if he does, MM likely to be pushing one of them out.
I can't see any way back for Honda/Yam for the forseeable, would they leave :-0
I'd like to see BMW come in and move them further down the pecking order
In reply to Post #730 Saw it, a fine margin
Acosta like a breathe of fresh air, like Martin myself, you have to respect MM, incredible, Aprillia riders hit and miss and FQ on the Yamaha, surprised he has stayed, the money must outweigh the chance of a championship or they have promised him something special, a V4 rumour!
As for factory Baginia, might be just me, I call him flippin boring, character, zero
Anybody remeber Honda! What has gone off here, bike seems unrideable, how can you go from so right to so wrong with all that backing
Brad Binder and KTM, love it, I think I will be taking Jack Millers place next year, or Acosta lol
Pacos having an amazing start to his rookie season, he's my new fave, shame he had the off on this one but he'll learn.
How he didn't collect Digi and Esp on the way down is beyond me
For those who haven't seen it
Click Here
In reply to Post #728 Agree 👍
In reply to Post #727 If ratty gets the red ride next year I can't see anyone keeping up with him!
Pleased for Martin but that was some race from MM
In reply to Post #725 Just read about F1 buying Moto GP..hmm, take over apparently complete this year from Dorna though they retain some aspects of it.
click here
In reply to Post #724 Cant say I'm not worried about a second coming of rat boy. Was it Paco last week that said he was riding beyond the limits of his steed. Ratty reminded me of (was it Stoner) in the way he's starting to slide that bike around, very impressive. I doubt very much if he won't be in red very soon :-(
Personally I'm still finding WSB more entertaining at the mo in general.
In reply to Post #723 Great start indeed and love or loathe him but MM seems to be getting to grips with the duke.
What a great start to the season got to say I've got a new fave in Paco, what a star
In reply to Post #721 Looks like they've jumped into RNFs slot at short notice and were planning on 2025. A name change on paper at the moment, but on a quick read about them in Nascar I dont think your wrong long term, can only be a good thing. Looking forward to see how they get on, Olivera's no slouch!
(Press release blurb:- Trackhouse will essentially take over the old RNF squad and its staff, while Miguel Oliveira and Raul Fernandez – who are contracted to Aprilia – will remain as riders.)
I am a big NASCAR fan and if Trackhouse can do what they have done in a shot space of time it will be interesting to see what they can do in MOTO.GP
In reply to Post #719 Yes me to, live moto gp testing on tnt tomorow so that's my morning and afternoon sorted..looking forward also to see how rins does on the yamaha.
In reply to Post #718 Yay, so very pleased for him
In reply to Post #714 He has signed.
In reply to Post #716 Everything to go for I guess, had to be first. Great rider, sure he will be a world champ one day
In reply to Post #715 I didnt get why JM rode the way he did. He was 14 points behind so in reality he needed Bag to fall off and it he did 15 point would have done for him so why he pushed so hard I'll never know. Yes there's the must win mentality but he could have seriously injured himself instead of just his pride.
Factory boy with no zero personality wins
Disappointed for JM, wish he would have won, run out wide then and incident with MM ffs
Bugger! Digi to VR46...I'd like that
Monster energy and red bull . Who will marini choose..? Its all about the coin.
In reply to Post #709 Watched it earlier, Masia and Sasaki fair enough, thought Masia had a cheek waving his hand about though. How did Adrián Fernández get away with that, where are the stewards standards. I read a article about Sasaki being punished for a similar incident a few years back, has someone got it in for him?
Good race for the observer though
I hope JM wins, great rider and seems a really nice fella. I wouldn’t put it past some factory sabotage though, let’s hope FB slide out of the main race. JM deserves the title
Yep, we'll be routing for him, just hope I don't have to think it was won unfairly if not!
The leopard team didn't deserve that moto 3. Very dirty riding,I agree rubbing is racing but 4 times asaki pushed wide.
I've not seen that race yet.
I keep hearing about this progidy coming to GP, can't remember his name, going to have to go back and find some of his races to watch too.
In reply to Post #706 Was a great ride for Digi
I hope JM wins, great rider and seems a really nice fella. I wouldn’t put it past some factory sabotage though, let’s hope FB slide out of the main race. JM deserves the title
The leopard team didn't deserve that moto 3. Very dirty riding,I agree rubbing is racing but 4 times asaki pushed wide.
In reply to Post #707 Dodgy tyre apparently!! How convenient for the factory team!!
Isn't it just. He certainly seemed to be shaking his head a lot during the race and at the end he looked like he was indicating it was spinning.
What were all those wierd dashboard messages about too, mapping 8 for no reason, 0000 on the boards
In reply to Post #706 Dodgy tyre apparently!! How convenient for the factory team!! would be a shame if Digi doesn't get a ride in moto gp next year, proof has been there all season that moto gp is a big step up from moto 2!
Made up for Digi, he's had some terrible luck. I cant believe he's potentially losing a ride while others keep circulating who've never got close to a podium.
Edit, and wth with Jorge .....someone from Ducati fettle with his bike then....hmmm
In reply to Post #703 Honda will not intend been in the shadows for long, massive for them now, they have had the poster boy for a long time, not now!
In reply to Post #703 The commentators on BT were saying it's because he feels he's too far down the pecking order at Ducati. Not sure I'd swap the VR46 for the Honda but he must have been told or be expectant of that Honda being more competitive. TBH you never know, there have been un ridable bikes that have been tamed by individuals.
Hi All
WTF luca in talks to replace rat boy at Honda???
Valentino will be fuming!!!!
In reply to Post #701 Cracker wasn't it
I'm beginning to become a real fan of those wider tracks, so much more opportunity to make it a interesting race.
I thought A Marquez was a complete tool, has he been taking lessons from M, god help the other riders next year with 2 idiots on the track, but I live in hope!
Cant remember if it was this race or the last where Bagnaia past both those other riders in the corner...pure class
I was convinced Martin would bin it, hats off to him!
Here's to more races like that, should be a thrilling climax.
Cmon Jorge Martin, would I love to see him beat factory Bagnia at to post
The tyre situation is coming in to play more and more, sadly its starting to get like F1 with tyre strategies winning races and not the riders skill! Pleased for Zarco though
Made up for Zarco and Digi, again another good race. I know what Martin was trying to do but I'm surprised he couldn't make it stick. Think Michellin need to go. I don't get the excuses about not having tyres for a certain track, it's not as if they don't tend for the contract not knowing what tracks will be used, granted some are added but on the whole.
Well, that was a bit more like it
Wth was that corner all about, I'd love to know if they ever find out a reason for the riders dropping there. It was almost as if there was a area with absolutely no feedback to the riders very odd. All the comments on the track being dirty, not really buying that from Donna. Surely they have a very basic responsibility to the riders and fans to ensure the track is at least as clean as it could be. Kept bleating on how it was such a narrow track due to only having grip on the racing line, yes....but on other tracks there is much more grip off it. Not sure I've seen such a dusty looking track.
In reply to Post #695 To be fair the none factory Ducati are competitive. Ducati ain’t going to bring rat boy in to upset their boys
Be interesting because for me he still wants it, deffo not in it for the money, more likely the passion which you have to respect that bearing in mind his medical conditions
In reply to Post #695 I wasn't expecting that, looks like he didn't get his way.
Only a 1 year deal and couldn't take his techs.
I'm quite looking forward to seeing what he can do from a racing perspective, I think there's some life in ratty
Hi All
Just woke up to the news that rat boy is swapping €12 million and a factory ride for €2million and a second hand ducati.
Can't wait to see how this turns out
Watched the Japanese sprint, same old pecking order, excluding Jorge (what are they feeding him)...lol.
Mrs said I'm watching the GP....I'm thinking I might give it a miss....but then....rain
More excitement in half a race than in 2 normal dry ones.
Really sad saying that, something needs mixing up, the status quo is getting boring.
In reply to Post #689 You're not wrong really enjoyed watching him and was rooting for a podium, would have been too good to be true!
What a little gem they've got in India, all that build up about it probably not being ready and then it turns out like that! Shame for Marini in the sprint, didn't look that bad but after some of the lucky escapes for riders lately being reminded they're human isn't a bad thing.
What the hell were Dorna thinking* with Jorge Martin, delaying the podium ceromony, he shouldn't have been on it, disgraceful.
10 year anniversary of Marco Simoncelli's death on the 23rd, what could have been
Where does the time go!
* not actually asking, just in disbelief they'd do that
In reply to Post #691 That’s interesting, I wouldn’t though he would be in it for the money. I think he has one last title in him!
To do it on a non factory bike is some ask though!
Hi Scozza
My "man in the paddock" said rat boy has signed a big money pre contract deal with Faenza which is dependant on them getting the ducati deal.
Can't see him riding a 1 year old bike personally, but I wouldn't put much past the slimey little sh#t
In reply to Post #688 I had seen that. That’s Kawasaki ****ed!
See if he can get more out of it than TR. They must have promised him something
Mr Honda on a Ducati, is it a factory ride, could be interesting that, the dirty rat strikes again
Hi All,
I think the phrase is "you can never relive your childhood"
But I did this weekend, thank you Mr Pedrosa for taking years off my life for a couple of days
Never the #1 legend as that goes to Vali for me, but you truly are a legend in your own right
Probably one of the greatest race weekends ever
In reply to Post #687 MM on a Ducati next season and Johnathan ray Yamaha.
Bagnaia o.k for Misano, he's a tough lad. I wasn't expecting that or the domino effect of the crash, not seen a proper high side like that for a while.
Apart from that the race was better down the pecking order, some good tussels, when we got to see them. Not sure what fun there is to be had watching a race leader 1.5 seconds ahead with the odd pan to the 2nd place.
In reply to Post #685 Great rider JOH, meet him a couple of times, proper nice guy, great rider ☝️
The Yamaha is lacking otherwise he would win everything
In reply to Post #679 Finally got to watch Thruxton, that Ohalloran is something else, the rest of the field might as well give up when it came to those 3 corners Didn't get to see Cardwell but caught the Motorad there, again not too exciting.
I'll have a nosey for the MM rumours, not been keeping up to date last couple of weeks :-(
In reply to Post #682 Ducati dominance
The best rider for me is on a Yamaha towing his nuts off
In reply to Post #682 Did see the rumour MM on an MV in 2025 season via KTM.
Agree getting boring ,the Manx GP qualy is good with 230+ classic lap.
Last race back to the same order of things....boredom for me
Most exciting bit was Bezzecchi near high side, was it on the 1st corner...hmm
Missed the Sprint and based on the GP didn't watch it, how bad is that !
In reply to Post #680 Go for it, have you a race licence ? Interesting what MM said about KTM but if he really believes it why not go to them next season when honda said they wouldn't stand in his way.
In reply to Post #678 Like the BMW series, wouldn’t mind a crack at that lol
In reply to Post #678 Still haven't got round to watching it, caught a 10 second clip live that's about it :-(
In reply to Post #677 Good weekend BSB thruxton.
MotoGP pretty flat at the moment for me!
Glad it's not just me thinking that, however Silverstone peaked my interest again, fabulous, got a bit of my GP mojo back
Commentators...hmm..half the time they're contradict themselves
and the camera angles haven't been great lately, as for the race directors choice of duels to watch it's been infuriating at times!
I need a spell checker
In reply to Post #675 Agreed but think they are changing soon ? TM did good in the suzuka.
Hi All
Anybody else feeling a bit flat with the new commentators on the moto gp racing?
I don't know who any of them are, but for me they are boring as hell
In reply to Post #673 Got the win in the WSB super sport TM, rookie ride, up the Brits
In reply to Post #672 Will be interesting to see if raz can get the BMW to handle on the brakes the way the yam does. See Tarran Mackenzie has got a ride in suzuka endurance race.
In reply to Post #671 By far the best racing, MotoGP pretty flat at the moment for me!
Good results for Rea, needed them, too late though, reckon he might be going to Yamaha? Needs a competitive bike ASAP if he wants to challenge for another title
Toprak the great, what a rider, 2nd race, had to laugh at Batista, straight line power from behind, passes him then he does him on the brakes, every time lol, far superior rider, shame the jap bikes don’t have the straight line speed!
In reply to Post #670 Wsbk Rea win , both races and superpole were superb.
In reply to Post #669 Yeah wsbk and the road racing for me, imatra was great to watch and a great ride by Hicky.
In reply to Post #668 The man gets better and better, has to be one of the best riders on the planet at the moment. It’s a surprise he had left Yamaha as that was an open door to MotoGP if he wanted it. No complaints from me, WSB is where it’s at, at the moment for me, some of the best racing I have seen in a long time, so competitive and everybody riding on the limit
Sliding it into nearly every corner lol, incredible, not to mention the brakes!
In reply to Post #667 Crashing out race two win for Oggy, not sure going to BMW is a wise choice
In reply to Post #664 Interesting....why is it I hope he doesn't get a good ride...oh yes...the Rossi incident....I'll never forgive him
In reply to Post #664 Reckon it’s the dump for me sadly
In reply to Post #663
In reply to Post #663 Honda commented that MM could leave before his contract ends if he wanted too, talk was he may goo to KTM but with his lack of development skills would they have the budget for all the repairs he may cost them.
In reply to Post #662 Doubt it, the vapour trail would see your Ducati electrics failing aaand shedding its paint in no time.
What’s the standing 1/4 of a mile 7.6 seconds, must have warmed the tyres up to get that steam power down and that time lol
Top end 180mph, could pass that on my back wheel on the Ducati lol
You have to love people who like to tinker, crackers
In reply to Post #658 There are some stupidly fast electric cars out there, my god
Saw a chap has just taken the land speed record with a steam powered motorbike (I kid you not)! Built in his garage and it looks bloody good. (To me)
Edit, said garage in another tabloid, obv not by this link.
In reply to Post #659 Yeah bad one for Sykes as you say leg is bad as well by the sound of it.
WSB on Sunday for me, some great racing and JR in the mix and after the last race TR rides straight past me at the foggy esses on the front wheel and then stops it mid air, got a great picture ✊
Just read, Tom Sykes had a massive high side at the Coppice in the last race, red flagged it, took Rinaldi out too, sadly, says 10 broken ribs and some other damage, that’s him done I guess, dangerous game when it all goes wrong
In reply to Post #656 Agreed but sadly the future is electric and even Ferrari have hybrid road cars now that out perform their petrol cars.
In reply to Post #656 Agreed but sadly the future is electric and even Ferrari have hybrid road cars now that out perform their petrol cars.
In reply to Post #655 How could anyone be proud of owning a electric vehicle 100%
For me a bike is, what it looks like, what it sounds like and what it goes like!
Long live petrol
In reply to Post #654 I think unless they can get an electric commuter model
You had to use that word didn't you doing my best 'spit the dog' impression, aka a Carragher to us ex Mancs
Oh, you've started me off......How could anyone be proud of owning a electric vehicle, the claim of saving the planet while paying for companies to employ modern day slaves mining Nickel on 30p a hour (if they're lucky) some as young as 6...but if you were part of the slave trade from the 1800's your pure evil and any modern descendants must pay retributions...hypocrisy.
Or mining Cobalt from deep sea areas that haven't even been explored yet, where their attention was drawn by crustaceans (unknow to science) that decorated their bodies with the bright blue stuff.
The day GP goes electric will be the day I switch off, as have most reading this
In reply to Post #653 Asia is a massive market and honda are being pushed further down the sales leader leader every year and I think unless they can get an electric commuter model to compete with the Chinese they will slip further behind.
In reply to Post #651 I cant see monies affecting Honda too much, I would imagine it pales into insignificance compared to worldwide moped sales/revenue
Has the U.k market changed a lot since the mid O's? It was nearly all Asian back then, Ducs were expensive to service...and the intervals
I'd love to see BMW and Kwakkers in the mix, naturally Suzis back too.
I'm not sure where the GP is going tbh. There clearly aren't enough manufacturers to make it a full field, the answer, concessions and satellite teams.....hmmm.
Quite frankly I don't care who finishes past say 6th unless its a tight field.
Is GP getting above its station, prohibitively too expensive?
I think GP would be more interesting if the bikes were the same base with tweaks and riders making the difference.
To that end the Mrs said it'd be interesting if there was a race where all the bikes were the same, rotated through manufacturers/satellites per race and it was the riders who made the difference.
In reply to Post #651 I wouldn’t be surprised if Honda were not back at the top in a couple of years, massive funding and they can’t say it’s the V4, they have been running one for years!
I would love to see Aprillia win one too, stunning bike that sounds immense. Yamaha needs something radical by the looks of it, they have the rider if they can keep him, already lost TR in WSB. Donnington this weekend for me
In reply to Post #650 Personally I think the future isn't to bright for the Japanese manufacturers in Moto GP unless they have a big resurgence in sales to fund development and invest in bringing riders on like Rossi is doing with his race school. Would love to see April's get some serious funding long term to invest in more development.
In reply to Post #648
Be interesting to see how it pans out for Honda and MM, as they say, nobody bigger than the name over the door
In reply to Post #648 love it
In reply to Post #647 Think a 100k is conservative bearing in mind an engine is 200 to 250k and frame and swing arm 500k brakes 70k all in euros but who knows what it actually costs honda.
In reply to Post #644 maybe there should be a rule limiting the number of times you can crash at each venue.
Maybe that’s Hondas bank balance, got to sell a lot of bikes to fund that lot, say 100k a crash
Anybody hear Neil Hodgson comments about the Ducati, even on the slower tracks they are still quick now due to them squaring off and just using the power to drive out of them
Rat boy and Honda just seem in a total mess, don’t know where they are going and as for Yamaha, gone!
In reply to Post #644 I think mm will leave Honda for another team next season. Or listen to his grandad and retire.
In reply to Post #643 The rules of the long lap penalty is the rider must keep in-between the white lines. Acosta crossed them and hit the outside green paint so should of had to re take it.
In reply to Post #643 Despirattion for MM and honda, after five crashes last week ,maybe there should be a rule limiting the number of times you can crash at each venue.
In reply to Post #641 I think so for the moment, just hope they become a bit more competitive for next season.
Just read Quat has a long lap penalty at Silverstone for taking out Espargaro. Personally I thought there was room for him to try it, losing the front end was incedental, it didn't seem like he went to fast in but I guess its conjecture.
Might have my wires crossed here but that long lap where he went in the green, if rules are rules.....
Marc Marquez declaring himself fit with 2 broken ribs, what are Honda thinking, simply shocking, glad race directors stepped in.
Jake Dixon, I was rooting for him, is it 9 third places before finally getting his win, thats what you call quite consistent. The futures looking very bright indeed.
well chuffed for Jake Dixon,what a ride..well pished of with race control though. demoting brad binder twice from 3rd place, in the sprint then again in main race. ok rules are rules but that track seriously needs some of the green paint removed in places. and race control need to re look at acostas long lap penalty in the Moto 2 race. or is it because Acosta is going to be dornas next mm..
In reply to Post #640 Prila and KTM third and fourth, has the Japanese era come to an end ?
In reply to Post #639 Yep, how can he blame the bike for rear ending someone
It was embarrassing, you could almost hear his brain whirring, stare at the bike, no that'll look silly so I'll half heartedly gesticulate at the other rider...
I do hope Bez can do the double today, he didn't seem that confident in his post race.
As for the Ducati, how they can still be the fastest on the straight by some way is just crazy though KTM seem to be catching up.
Edit, did you see Bez blast past Bag on that corner, I could have sworn he was going wide, thats a lesson in late braking I didnt think was possible, but it is the sprint, perhaps Bag didn't want to push it.
In reply to Post #638 Agreed and five crashes for MM.
Great ride by JM today
You don't get to win six Moto GP world championships without a huge amount of talent but I think the bike was then the best out there and had been tailored to suit him as nobody else could match his success. Things moved on though and rival manufacturers caught up , Ducati always had the performance but only Casey stoner could ride it but now they have improved it's handling and made all that power more user friendly. Always been a Ducati fan and Audi have helped refine them and bring reliability they once lacked but for me they've lost a little of their character that made me love them.
In reply to Post #633 Marc, I'll never like him after the Rossi incedent but as of late hes had me shouting at the screen
Super competitive but always been a dirty rat for me
Reckless is another word. I agree, he is involved in a lot of crashes. He was claiming he could only find the limit of the bike by crashing it out, fair point if he is not taking others out but he is crashing out all the time and some of the dives up the inside just show a desperate man for me
I am certain that the Honda has been developed for MM because Mir is a good rider and is getting nothing out of it. Like mentioned, must be an expensive game for Honda!
I am having my doubts now about if he will ever win a championship again myself, Honda’s demise with MM and Yamaha’s straight 4. I can only see KTM or Aprillia been a serious challenge to Ducati for a a while now. Makes you wonder if Japanese manufacturers have stagnated whilst Ducati and Audi have developed something very special in the V4. Bearing in mind Honda have run a V4 for a long time!
In reply to Post #634 Personally, NO. If he had the straight line power he still wouldn't have the ability to late brake like Bagnaia, maybe he could learn and I'm being a bit harsh. I'm fairly certain he wouldn't think twice of trying though even if he knew he wasn't there yet, that's not drive, that's recklessness.
On a different note, Zarco, I wish he'd get his timing to push those tires right, could be a exciting dark horse if he does.
In reply to Post #633 MM must be the costliest rider any team has ever employed, not just the salary he commands but the repair bills must be horrendous. Thing if you were a team boss with bikes capable of winning would you gamble on him if the opportunity to take him on came your way ?
Not been on the forum for a while, still been watching the GP though and somethings really irritating me greatly and it ends with Marquez on both counts. 1 of them with expectations and skill beyond his equipment but he just won't compromise.
Marc, I'll never like him after the Rossi incedent but as of late hes had me shouting at the screen. So his bike won't do what he wants it to do and he's more capable than the bike. Normally, falling off would serve as a warning but no, not even the threat of losing his sight is enough for his ego. So, if you have a rider that won't tone it down, with a bike that will go down the track in his hands because..err...they don't know why and a garage that lets him do it surely someone running the race should be looking at it. The amount of time he falls, causes craches and the potential for a serious injury is simply getting ridiculous. Who's protecting the other riders, it's shocking. It's not as if it's just the 1 incedent in the race, your watching it thinking not again, and even when it calmed down before he lost the front end I said to the Mrs he won't finish anyway, he'll bin it, he can't help himself.
Think it was Marc that could have T boned someone in this race on the corner when he went in too hot, with commentators saying it's happens getting caught up in the other bikes air streams...it probably does..but in his case.
I know he's a champion, I know he's a winner by nature but he has to say in his head , I'll do 6th as my bikes not good enough (unless something external happens to the better bikes).
Anyhoo. Miller, I so wish he could get it together on that bike, you see glimpses but he's not there and Zarco, very impressed, but I'm loving B&M @ 46, aren't they doing well
As for the bikes, wierd, now the Ducatis are turning can anyone stop them, always had the extra grunt for years over rivals. The F1 connection, I get it and if KTM get that power difference sorted they could verly likely dominate, looking very good.
We've got a couple of nice little twisty tracks coming up, S&E, should be very interesting...if I can block MM out of my head or he gets injured before the sprint ...only joking.
In reply to Post #630 Read something today which I found interesting. All about the aero dynamics according to KTM, Honda and Yamaha, apparently Suzuki could not afford to compete so the last year they let the engineers play around with the bikes and add wings etc. everybody is saying if they had the right aerodynamics they would be untouchable. Yamaha talking about chucking out because they cannot afford to compete, Honda in development with the F1 teams, KTM In F1 Red bull pocket and have some funding
Hears me thinking it’s V4 power, I can smell some bull**** somewhere, our bikes are not at the races or we don’t have the tech to compete?
In reply to Post #629 Weather was perfect again and some quick times by all. Some race the senior TT and another lap record. How long before somebody hits an average of 140mph lol
In reply to Post #628 If you look back through the history honda, Yamaha ect have had their times of dominance but unlike those Ducati have a policy of sharing their data with any teams using their bikes which maybe why there are so many of them on the grid.
In reply to Post #628 Super sprint was good, lots of elbows out. Hicky in the senior incredible, best TT ever.
Ducati dominance
FQ needs to leave Yamaha, NOW!
Jap bikes gone
In reply to Post #626 Yeah I'd love to see Dean win another one, josh Brookes isn't having any luck at the moment either.
In reply to Post #625 Dunlop means business. Straight off the start line, head on the tank, flat out!
Some good racing with the top 3 as expected all in the mix. I wish Dean Harrison would get a win, riding well as usual
Hicky wins super stock. Saw him at Donnington a few weeks ago at BSB, must be down to the luck I wished him, saying that the last time I did that his chain came off in the first race
In reply to Post #624 First superbike race Dunlop looked incredible, so relaxed , Hicky impressive with a broken quickshifrter and having to pump the brakes to slow down mental.
In reply to Post #623 Thank he has been training and eating healthy for some now.
TT is on ITV4 for any bike fans that are interested. Weather is looking good, should be super fast
Edit - wasn’t expecting that. Michael Dunlop new lap record 135.5mph
In reply to Post #621 Hickie's well and truly on it.
In reply to Post #620 Yeah I do wonder what they have promised in terms of the bike.
In reply to Post #619 Seen it, unbelievable that if im honest, guessing they are throwing the kitchen sink at WSB
I bet Yamaha are gutted
Saying that, you don’t get many chances to become a world champion and you want a decent bike to be that man
In reply to Post #618 Toprak Razgatlioglu on a BMW , mistake with ducati's dominance?
In reply to Post #617 FB out again!
That Honda is poor, Mir crashes out again, PE did nothing last year and I thought MM was nailed on for second until that, you could see it coming, it’s was sliding all over losing grip
Even the independent Ducatis are extremely competitive!
Right about the jap bikes, Suzuki were close last year, Honda has no grip and the Yam has zero power in comparison, FQ said he had one overtaking opportunity and that was turn 4 running on the outside, flat as a fart. Reckon he will be gone soon if they don’t give him a competitive machine
In reply to Post #616 How moto gp has changed with the highest placed Japanese machine only seventh. Another DNF for MM I think his glory days in the sport are over as I can't see honda developing the bike enough to be competitive with him on it and as you say I don't think he has the knowledge to help in development.
In reply to Post #615 Been away, got back today and watched all 3. Nobody has got a chance of competing with that v4 with a flyweight on it at the moment, saying that, he is getting the best out of the package
Rea and Toprak to fight it out for second, needs some luck though. Insane on the brakes TR again
Got my tickets for the Donnington round
In reply to Post #614 A Bautista T Razgatlioglu race one,two and sp, JR third in race one , fear it may all be over for the season unless something dramatic happens.
In reply to Post #613 Great ride from Binder, looking strong KTM, Hopefully mixes things up a bit!
Feel for FQ, that Yamaha is not at the races as the saying goes
In reply to Post #612 Good race with KTM 2nd and 3rd but close to a win.
In reply to Post #611 I think they have done a lot of work with the Kawi, last season it was well off the mark, still sounds like he is suffering with front end grip though.
The V4 is some engine, I noticed FQ is feeling the pinch too, he has been vocal about Yamaha needing to bring out a V4, which I would love to see. Saying that, the cross plane crank is still one of the best sounding bikes around for me. Can’t see a straight 4 been truly competitive for a while, Audi / Ducati have done some work on that V4 power plant and they are now reaping the rewards, like looking back to the 916 days
Saying that Honda have run a V4 for years. Somebody in the press was blaming MM for Hondas poor performance the other week, saying he was a great rider but he was poor at developing the bike
Qualifying and the sprint race today
In reply to Post #610 JR clearly had more corner entry and mid corner speed but was slower out of the corner. Vtwins always generated more mechanical grip and grunt than straight fours but lost out on top end but Ducati have the best of both with the v four.
In reply to Post #608 Not good
Ducati straight line speed is crazy, like cheating. I see they are trying to get another 500rpm for the Kawasaki, they need it!
Ducati dominance
Saying that just bought myself a 1299 Panigale on a 17 plate, last of the big twins, I had been looking out for one for a while tbh
In reply to Post #608 No catching Bautista this year. Great rider on best bike , hopefully it doesn’t end up boring
In reply to Post #607 JR on the limit all weekend payed the price race 2.
FB out again, amateurish lol
What a ride from Rins
3rd for Yamaha and FQ, good ride that, need some magic Yamaha
In reply to Post #604 KTM win
VR46 second and third
Hopefully stops FB running away with it
Feel for FQ on the factory Yamaha, poor that
In reply to Post #604 Copying WSB. Not watched one as yet?
To be fair as a fan there for the weekend it has to be more entertaining that just the free practice and qualifiers on the Saturday
sprint race needs ditching..
In reply to Post #602 Deffo wants it
If it’s like last year I much preferred WSB. Needs somebody to shake it up a bit, Aprillia or Yamaha in the mix for me, saying that we had quite a few years of Repsol dominance
In reply to Post #601 Enjoyed the race but can't help thinking MM will end up seriously injured or seriously injuring someone else.
MotoGP anybody?
Rat boy takes one out already
To be fair I hope he does well and FQ, Yamaha have some work to do there!
KTM looking better too
In reply to Post #599 You may find he couldn't ride it competitively but would have been interesting watching what he could do without all the setup data .
In reply to Post #598 Can’t see Rea going nowhere, all the data they must have is unreal, just need to sort the bike out for me
I would like to see him on a Ducati though just to see what they could really get out of it!
In reply to Post #597 Don't want revs lowered on the duke, they all work to the same regs so it's up to the other manufacturers to up their game. Would like to have seen JR switch manufacturer last season.
In reply to Post #596 Bit of a shambles for Rea
Say one thing though, other than the Ducatis needing some revs taking off them,straight line speed is a bit of a piss take and takes the edge off it for me, it’s competitive, quite a few in the mix. Locatteli looking good too
In reply to Post #595 Bautista again in race one.
In reply to Post #594 V4 power!
To be fair Batista won all the Phillip island races on his debut by a country mile. See what happens throughout the rest of the season, even more competitive, some more good riders and fast teams
Straight line speed of the Ducati with a flyweight is ridiculous
In reply to Post #593 Three nill for Ducati at the season opener.
In reply to Post #592 Mate has a super duke, nice bike to be fair
Posted before, my mate got pulled doing over the ton and he got away with it, speed awareness course
I’m not riding my bike enough, I’ve done 2,100 miles since I got it in 2021. As I see it now, a sports bike would be more useful for the summer. I sold my 2018 GSXR and wish I hadn’t, now, the Panigale is very similar, riding position too, to be fair when I sat on it, it wasn't that bad, surprised me really. If I’m honest nothing wrong with the supersport other than it won’t do more than 138 up over the mountain lol
What started me off was, i have been fancying and looking for a 1299 with full Akros, last of the V twins, just for the IOM and a few rides out, trouble is for a decent one with low miles you can pick a V4 up for similar
JR gets a win
In reply to Post #591 Don't do the v4 pan, you will definitely lose your licence, got pulled by an unmarked while test riding a superduke GT a few months ago , luckily I spotted him pull out from his hideaway and slowed down while he followed me and eventually pulled me over and how fast were you going back there when you passed me. Obviously he didn't know so got off with a warning.
In reply to Post #590 Agree
JR and Toprak, two of the best ever, had my picture took with them this year
Some of the best racing I have seen, every circuit it has been crazily close!
No doubt though, the Ducati needs some revs taking off it, up to and over 12 bikes lengths on the straights! Became a joke for me, close racing then on the straight leaves everybody for dead, thats the only reason AB has won it, good rider but not in the class of the other two
Went into my local dealer the other day to book my bike in for a service, nearly ended up with a Panigale V4
In reply to Post #589 Has this been the best wsbk season ever. ? While I loved it when foggy was racing this season has seen some incredible close racing.
In reply to Post #588 Ducati dominance MotoGP and WSB, straight line speed is ridiculous in comparison
I hope FQ wins it, to be fair Yamaha are due for a good race, not been competitive for a while now. Probably nailed on that FB wins it
championship decider this weekend...im going for peco if he don't chuck it in the kitty litter. but, will miller and bastiani be helping or fighting him. even zarco could be in the mix and helping Quattro . overall hopefully will be a good and safe race.
MM is back, 1 crash already and what a save in free practice 3, incredible
In reply to Post #585 Not the same anymore I'm told. Used to be alsorts on track at same time from vans to tuned supercars.
In reply to Post #583 Worked with a bloke who used to go there regular, he had a souped up golf, was on Top Gear with it. Mental place and crashes galore, very dangerous!
In reply to Post #582 Nice one
My mate told me a story about Porto that made me laugh. He was on a practice session, litre bikes and thought he was fast, bloke past him on an R1 on the outside of one of the corners like he was stood and went on to leave him for dead, later talking to him in the pit lane he only had one arm
Think if I retired and had some brass there loads of circuits to ride, would love a blast around Phillip Island myself, corkscrew at Lagua Seca etc, wouldn’t mind a blast around Aragon either 🏍
One thing like you say though, on TV you never get the same perspective of how a tracks goes up and down, blind summits and corners etc. until you see it for real
In reply to Post #582 Nurburgring over twenty years ago, scary fast with with all sorts on track at same time.
In reply to Post #581 done most of the uk tracks
the abroad ones
Porto was by far my fav, followed closely by estoril for its elevations...Mad track
In reply to Post #577 Only did Donington, Silverstone, Thruxton but my favourite by a long way Brands Hatch.
In reply to Post #579 Nice one, what class were riding in, couple of my mates were racing at one time
Need to get my finger out and have a blast around Donnington, could do with a track day bike though, no wrecking my beautiful baby, Mate was telling me people from insurance companies go and watch nowadays and record all the registrations ffs
In reply to Post #578 Both mate
In reply to Post #577 You been a racer at some point then Joss or track days?
Great circuit, every corner is pretty iconic for me
In reply to Post #576 My fav ever track in the Uk ive rode
In reply to Post #571 Echo that, WSBK has never been as competitive
MotoGP I watch but can say I’m buzzing to see the next round at the moment
Donnington had a good attendance yesterday which is very pleasing to see since there are less and less folks with big bikes. To be fair the prices around were not that extortionate either. Cracking circuit been a few times over the years, great memories too
BSB next for me
In reply to Post #566 talk your mates into the Malaysia race.1 or 2 nights in Kuala lumpa,taxi to the track and back, then a quick flight to Langkawi for a week.
In reply to Post #571 silverstone is the worst. I've been in and out with no probs at San Marino longest cues was for rossis shop and pizza restaurant. Catalunya is fine if you park up in montmelo town and not the circuit car parks.
In reply to Post #572 Never thought I'd give up after following Foggy through his career. Never got to se you race unfortunately. Highlite of this year was five legends on their two strokes at Goodwood Festival of Speed, very emotional moment.
In reply to Post #571 yeah the getting in and out of circuits can be a bit of a nightmere, as can booking the TT
I've given up going to the circuits now, big events takes ages to get in and out, waiting for over priced food and drink, see a lot more of the action on telly. Enjoying the WSBK more that moto gp this year. IOM ultimate racing, scarey if you don't know what to expect and get almost within touching distance as they come past. Remember Rossi saying he couldn't believe the speed they were going on roads with flint walls and trees lining them.
In reply to Post #569 its un real isnt it mate.
i love the racetracks, lord knows ive sent enough time on them and watching, but the TT is out of this world experience
I'd concur with Joss, had my days of going to the TT now but different gravy to watching them ragging a bike around a track, weather can be very hit and miss though so if anyone does book up take everything from thermals to flip flops watch out for German bikers and locals.
In reply to Post #566 go to the TT mate...
In reply to Post #566 Bang it on the bucket list pal, Take your missus or go alone, similar to me, my mates talk about it but won’t do it 70% of the time, just crack on
I bet there’s loads of options, fly over, hire a bike and ride the local roads etc etc!
Missed out myself, local dealer had something going with Ducati prior to Covid, visits to Misano, track day, full package etc, not seen it since
In reply to Post #565 I would love to go and watch a moto gp race abroad but my mates are not interested.
In reply to Post #564 Brilliant day mate, 32 degree, shorts and plenty of sun cream, fantastic
In reply to Post #563 Very nice I bet that was very hot there
Donnington today for WSB for me. Toprak treble, immense
And bike fans, whilst there I had a tour of the paddock. Had a chat with Johnathon Rea, Toprak and Scott Redding, pictures with them all too
In reply to Post #560 Hicky 4 wins, Harrison on the podium after smashing the screen on the first lap, great race.
In reply to Post #557 Saw the lap record bike at the NEC that year, machine
Watched first race last night, blew them away Hickman
In reply to Post #558 https://fb.watch/dyMTMCDvVE/
Quartararo taken lead from Espargaro and Bagnaia out, long way to go yet, would like to have seen aprilia on top of the podium.
Class act on a stunning machine.
In reply to Post #555 Think he would have gone faster but session stopped due to fatality.
In reply to Post #554 Mental, must have watched his on board lap when he broke the record last time about 20 plus times
Saw him in the BSB paddock last year, bit of banter, signed my program, wished him luck in the race, his chain snapped
As they say, the greatest show on earth. Let’s hope they all ride safe (as they can)
131mph average, that’s insane
In reply to Post #553 Hicky on it 131.957mph lap.
In reply to Post #547 its getting to much like f1,all to do with image and press conferences..gone are the days when Scott Redding had a stupid haircut and colour each week..
In reply to Post #551 Yep, nothing else like it Inc the northwest.
Moto2 felt for lowes
In reply to Post #544 PROPER nutters...
if one has never been before, you got to go, its mental to watch
In reply to Post #549 Sounds like Mir is going to Honda, that could be interesting
Result for FQ that, only straight 4 up there. I find the Ducati straight line speed rather boring, takes away some of the excitement from corner over and undertakes, what it’s all about for me
Great rides from the two rookies too
Hi All,
Must be big congrats to Peco and Acosta for a great weekend.
Will we ever see rat boy again? I don't like the guy very much, but I wouldn't want him to go out through injury.
Did anyone notice the helicopter, whoever was flying that is nuts!!! There was one camera shot from Fabio's bike where he was flying backwards down the main straight, he should have a chat with Honda about a GP ride
In reply to Post #547 That’s interesting, I bet 90% of bikers have a tat
If MM hangs up the gloves I will be extremely surprised, still has a lot to give and still competitive. He might announce he will win every race from now to the end of the season
If it’s for health reason, fully understood, the man is a multi millionaire and a legend of the sport already
Hi All,
OK, so silly season this year has gone particularly silly, but Canet losing his Honda moto gp ride because of the way he looks? Probably the most silly press of them all, hope it's bullsh@t
Honda and rat boy organising a press conference after moto 2 quali, that could be very interesting.......
In reply to Post #544 Yeah, saw a bit on breakfast TV. If it wasn’t for the covid disaster I would have been going, after the fiasco I had with Manx ferry’s, really pissed me off
TT = real racers, crazy, mental, o room for error, life on the line
In reply to Post #543 The real stuff starts soon,, #IOM TT.
In reply to Post #542 Just watched it
Racing at the highest level, incredible, that’s why he is a 6 x world champ
In reply to Post #541 WSBK edge of seat Rea playing points catch up incredible.
In reply to Post #539 Will have a look for that
Proper dangerous game road racing
Edit - seen it, lucky he wasn’t flat out in a corner!
The race organisers have been informed by Dunlop Tyres that the company has discovered a fault in a batch of their Superbike-spec slick tyres
In reply to Post #538 Time will tell, lap times are not far off, carbon brakes on MotoGP bikes are far superior to WSB. Like Colin Edwards once said, if diamond encrusting would make a MotoGP bike faster they would have it
In reply to Post #538 Anyone see Dunlop save it when the rear tyre delaminated in the North West 200.
In reply to Post #537 While I too would like to see toprak in I still believe the step from wsbk to gp is massive.
In reply to Post #534 Yamaha need Toprak, would love to see the king of the late brakers in Moro GP, what a rider! AKA stoprak lol
Deffo seats up for grabs, be interesting to see who gets them and more importantly if they bring new talent in
The Ducati seats will be interesting for me, Miller might keep his seat the way how the rest are performing!
In reply to Post #534 Martins lost that seat I'd say..what is it now 3 dnfs?
In reply to Post #532 Yes I know hence why I said wsb..
Hi scozza
They are now reporting down here that Miller is off to KTM with Martin or Bastianini getting the seat.
Yamaha no interest in renewing Morbidelli, but are in talks with Jake Dixon
It'll probably all change by the next race, but it really is getting a bit silly now so early in the season
Good racing, just watched the replay
I’m taking over from Vinales next year ffs
Seriously he has gone,,well gone, ain’t got the knackers for it, that Aprillia is competitive
I think MM will have a bike for life with Honda while ever he keeps racing. Mir would be a fantastic signing for them though, great racer, give him a competitive bike and who knows. Saying that, MM is struggling with it.
I expect quite a few changes next year, Jon’s list and some!
In reply to Post #531 Well rumour is suzuki won't be in moto gp.
after this weekends result I could see mir and rins going to wsb.
In reply to Post #529 Can believe that as I bet he's cheaper than MM.
In reply to Post #528 Hi Goose
I thought exactly the same
But the AU media (and I know they aren't the best out there) are reporting that Honda asked Mir's manager for numbers and their response was that's not a problem
They're also reporting Vinales is deff out
In reply to Post #527 All teams no longer looking who can we afford it will be how cheap can we get him.
Hi All
Suzuki gone at the end of the year?
Mir and Rins talking to Honda and P Espargero and baby rat boy out?
Vinales no option to re sign taken?
Fernandez no option to re sign taken?
Baby Binder no option to re sign taken?
Zarco out?
Miller in extension talks?
Dovi retiring?
I know this is the start of silly season re contracts, but this is Armageddon
In reply to Post #525 Just watched, wet and slicks, not good, I believe everybody walked away OK though
Just watched the premier class, Jack Miller, one word, rubbish. Can’t see him keeping his Ducati ride next season
Good result for the top 3 though and feel for Mir
carnage in yesterdays moto 2, glad the riders all walked away injury free..
In reply to Post #523 Forget MotoGP. This will be the best WSB season ever, so competitive, the bikes and the riders!
JR again, superb
Toprak and AB all in with a chance, some proper pressure and racing as a result, all 3 want it
I can see every race been the same, edge of the seat stuff
WSB incredible JR. Close racing gets a bit too close.
main man for me this weekend was our own Jake Dixon getting a podium.
In reply to Post #520 Yeah good ride MM, great see suzuki top of podium.
In reply to Post #519 Says he will go to Moto GP next year Toprak, can’t wait to see that
Just watched the GP, racer of the day for me, MM, what a ride from a start error
Jack Miller ffs
Well done Rins, good result that for Suzuki
In reply to Post #518 Wow, race 2 same three at it but JR second and ratsack third again.
In reply to Post #517 Was going to say the same mate, what a race that was, one of the best I have seen for a while
Again, that Ducati 10 - 12 bike lengths quicker on the straights
Looks set to be an excellent season for the fans this!
In reply to Post #516 That was a great race JR wants it back.
Well, Ducati on pole.
My money is on MM for the win
Cmon FQ and Yamaha, or a Suzuki would do
In reply to Post #514 Realistically I know I couldn't ride one in full race spec including tyres as could never ride it fast enough to keep the heat in the tyres or brakes. When guys come from moto2 and World supers and struggle what chance would a road and occasional track day rider have.
In reply to Post #513 300 bhp on a small contact patch of rubber, utter madness, would I love to have a ride on one
In reply to Post #512 Yes I've seen it. Not sure the Honda has been the best bike when only one guy could ride it and plenty have tried. No doubt you have seen the unrideables and I've spoken to a few ex racers that did ride them when at the festival of speed and revival. One told me that in those days it was a different world and most drank and partied harder than would ever be allowed by sponsors today and that today's top bikes are probably harder to ride even if they are twenty odd kilos heavier but they have a hundred and twenty more horse power and the modern riders are all athletes in their own right.
In reply to Post #511 Great rider, no doubt, style of his own copied by many, bit of a dirty rat though for me and he has had the best bike for a long time for me, a factory Honda
Agree there, shame Stoner packed in, great documentary if you have not seen it? Nobody could ride those Ducatis like him at the time for sure
In reply to Post #510 Can't see him going either, would he have won as many titles with another manufacturer we will never know but I'm fairly sure no other rider would have achieved what he has with the Honda. Bit like Stoner with his title winning ducati nobody else could ride it to the level required to be champion. The amount of times the honde has spat MM off and he has got back on is borderline insanity.
In reply to Post #509 Could be some truth in that mate.
Can’t see MM ever ditching Honda though. I will put my head on the block, he would never have won as many titles with another team
Always makes me wonder though, how other riders would perform on other bikes? That new Honda looks a proper handful!
The Honda has been the hardest bike to get to grips with for a very long time now and MM was the only one that could ride it but they have constantly focused on making it faster on a computer and forgotten a human has to ride it believe this is why rossi never went back and Danni struggled though on it. If MM ever got back to full fitness I would love to see him ditch honda and maybe go to suzuki.
Nearly time for lights out
Aprillia on the front row!
Says MM has now suffered double vision for the 3rd time in his career. Hope he is back to normal soon
Edit - what a result that
Hi All,
OK, so I'm not a fan, but rat boy is not racing Argentina this weekend. Finally a sensible decision. Puig has been pushing him to destruction, 5 falls last outing and he was pushing him to try fp1 and see how he feels.
I might not like / have any affinity for the guy, but I wouldn't want to see any rider retire through injury which was the way it seemed to be going
In reply to Post #505 I think the eye problems originally stemmed from the 250 GP crash that nearly blinded him? Fair play to the man, like you say, minted so could do whatever he likes but not much gives an adrenaline rush like the twist of a powerful motorbikes throttle. Take some walking away from that, has the world at his feet
In reply to Post #504 if mm carrys on the way he is I doubt he would reach rossis age..maybe a change of team would do him good, that Honda is a pig by looks of it..but going by todays news with mm getting back his eye problems I could see retirement coming..I wish him well with whatever he chooses, and would be good having him back on the grid at some point. his a very young lad with 100 mill in the bank,i think me mother would tell me what to do if it was me..
In reply to Post #503 Agree
I think he thinks he can, and I think he has the talent to win another one quite easily though, crashing in practice seems to be his game, understanding the exact limits of his bike. I was reading something a while ago and I think over the seasons he has had the most crashes
Not like Rins who can crash out at anytime though
That was a fast high side that though, watched it a few times and in the previous corner you can hear the rear wheel spinning and see the back end moving, spun a bit too much that time though!
Race conditions like they were, if he had raced he would have won that one!
Probably end up like Rossi droppijg down the field. When do you tell one of the best MotoGP riders of all time it’s time to hang the gloves up
As much as I think he’s a dirty rat 🐀 he is the one who could win anytime for me
In reply to Post #502 as much as I admire Marc as a rider, if I was his dad id have to sit him down and say call it a day son .your an 8 times world champion with multi millions of pounds in the bank.
In reply to Post #501 Been away, just watched the highlights and had a look. Bad one that. Hope he recovers soon. Flicks him straight over and his heads takes a proper impact
MM high side
Out 4 times in practice, pushing and testing the limits of that new bike all the time. Great rider
What a result for Olivero but the racer of the day for me was FQ, some racing that on the Yamaha
Miller ffs
In reply to Post #500 that mm93 high side was very nasty..
Hi All,
Not sure we should have been racing there at this time of year, but.
Foggia, amazing
Jake's gonna be kicking himself for a week at least
And for those that proclaim Fabio is crap in the rain?? Jog on boys......
Great weekend, loved it!!!!
In reply to Post #498 Not racing he fractured two vertebrae in training hoping to be back for the next round.
In reply to Post #497 where did John McPhee finish in qualifying? good result for Jake in Moto 2, look forward to seeing him and sam go toe to toe against each other. mm93 should of got a penalty for pulling out like that infront of dovi but then again his dornas blue eyed boy..not having it so easily nowadays is he.. as for the f1 the mrs is a big fan and booked us into the Abu Dhabi race in November, my part of the deal was to pay for the tickets, but fck me no wonder I follow Moto gp and not f1..bloody rip off..
Hi All,
I'm smiling like the proverbial Cheshire cat 😸
Foggia can't string race pace together (moto 3)
Jake Dixon gets pole (30-1 for the win down here)
And the 2 Primac boys are on the front row, ducati's year?, I hope so....
What a great day of qualifying!!!!!
Might even stay up to see how they fix the f1 this weekend just for a laugh especially as Jimm'l fix it Masi just got announced as the F1 race director for the simulator racing they do.
With all the crap that's going on in the world I figure I've got to find some way to laugh and smile 😃
In reply to Post #495 Sounds like a dream come true that mate. Saw something a while ago, long tours, off-road, over there, sound brilliant. Also looked into riding across Australia and the golden triangle, one day
My first Moto GP watch Donington. Massive Suzuki fan and Schwantz won on the Pepsi logo machine, stunning bike at the time, nuff said
Mentioned a while ago, bike shop near me has Wayne Rainey’s Marlborough Yamaha in, same era, bought for a steel, amazing to see!
In reply to Post #494 I like donnington seen a few gp races there in the past..brands is only half hour away from me, depending on bridge traffic so an easy reach..the Thailand gp might suit you, add on a motor bike tour and make a fortnight of it..
In reply to Post #493 I think they will drop most of the restrictions soon
Donnington for me, love that track
Going to have to put an abroads MotoGP trip on the bucket list, saying that would rather go and ride the tracks myself
In reply to Post #492 I've got tickets for brands hatch to watch rossi in the GT world challenge Europe..will hopefully get tickets for Silverstone gp race but will go to brands for wsb and bsb if I can..also like watching the motocross at Canada heights.. just hoping the un jabbed get a bit more freedom this year into other countries..
In reply to Post #491 Unlucky then
Tgypt for me next week
In reply to Post #490 unjabbed Chris, cant go far..
In reply to Post #489 Back on mate, enjoy the trips
WSB and BSB for me, might have to push the boat out
In reply to Post #488 another 2 laps I think Alex esp would off over took his brother,, certainly a better rider in my eyes..should be an intersting seasons racing..hopefully ill get abroad to see a few..
In reply to Post #487 Was an interesting first race mate. To be fair, concerned about Yamaha, think they will struggle big time!
Looks like Ducati and Honda domination for me
Like you say though, funny old game when the factory teams are poor. Something seriously wrong there
Riding a factory Ducati must be a dream but a jinx for many for sure
Ride of the day, AEsg on the Aprillia, did well for me.
Maybe Suzuki come strong
In reply to Post #486 good racing through all 3 classes..mm93 doesn't seem his old self so should(hopefully)be a good season..with different winners each race...the factory Yamaha's look **** as does the dukes...
It’s back, a new season
Hi All
They've just shown highlights of the Jerez test down here, and I know "a test is a test", but Peco looked awesome .45 seconds ahead of everyone.
Bastianini looked great on his first time out on what he's calling his "big boy" bike.
Year of the Ducati??? I F'in hope so, been a while......
In reply to Post #483 Team vr in moto 2 next year. Ducati 1,2 and 3.
In reply to Post #482 End of an era and a true modern day great of the sport, enjoyed the moments, all of the thrills and all of the spills along the way, a character and an entertainer
Hi All
Don't know what they showed in the UK , but they showed a few montages of Vale's career down here, all pretty emotional stuff.
Gonna be a bit wierd without him, glad it was a good race though.
Thanks for the memories vale46.....
Just watched a brilliant film for any bike fans. MotoGP films, unlimited. Marquez story of his 2019 campaign. Unbelievable, fitness, thrills, spills and more
Congratulations to FQ, new world and well deserved for me
In reply to Post #477 That’s Moto GP, whilst I agree, we don’t want anybody getting hurt I cannot help it’s nothing but a get me out and a publicity stunt, do they just start Moto GP racing at 18!
It’s a snob sport at the end of the day, rich parents funding their kids and living the dream, sad but true
Hi all
Big for Dorna, one of the very few governing bodies more interested in safety of their participants than $$$$
18 year minimum in all moto classes from 2023 and ongoing discussions regarding grid numbers in the Junior classes.
Gotta give credit where it's due
In reply to Post #475 There are a lot of bikes Jon I agree, dangerous game though motor sport, crashes into the first corner from the start are part and parcel of the sport as everybody tries to get in front, most of the others are an exception to this
Could be something in what you mention but generally after a lap there is a decent spread of bikes, could split them into two classes but there probably would not be enough time in the day?
The Moto 3 crash is a tricky one, you could say he cut him up but he could clearly see him too?
The majority of them in GP classes are highly experienced riders who have progressed, watch the 250 talent cup etc, about 4 1/2 foot tall and 12 years old, they start early and progress quickly
The worst ones do seem to be bike to bike contacts though
Accidents, look at Marquez’s career! Incredible really and I guess this dictates how successful you will be, if your body can take it and you have not destroyed it that much that you can still cannot be competitive
Watched a documentary on him a while ago, nearly ended his career when he rode in the 250 class, ran into the back of somebody and nearly blinded himself, think his eyesight has not been 100% since! A quick google whilst I’m bored
IT’S not supposed to be this way. If you crash 27 times in a MotoGP season, you’re meant to end the year with more hospital visits than trophies. Instead, Marc Marquez has been crowned as 2017 world champion as much because of his crash tally as in spite of it.
On October 21st, 2018, at Motegi, Marc Márquez wrapped up his fifth MotoGP title in six seasons, with three races to spare. He did so despite having suffered his 18th crash of the season so far during FP4, the front washing out as he released the brakes in Turn 7. He led the MotoGP class in crashes at Motegi, and would continue to do so through the final race in Valencia, amassing a grand total of 23 crashes at official events throughout the 2018 season.
He had gone one better in 2018 than he had the year before, finishing second to Sam Lowes in 2017, ending up with 27 crashes to Lowes' 31. In 2016, he was a lowly third in the crash rankings, ending the season with 17 falls, behind Cal Crutchlow and Jack Miller with 26 and 25 crashes respectively.
What’s he on this year, must be near on 15 after the injury!
Imagine the cost for Honda, not to mention his 14 million salary! Big bucks motorsport £
In reply to Post #474 Hi Chris,
Too many bikes on track in the lower classes with young and relatively inexperienced riders.
The sport has lost 3 teenagers already this year with a number of other horrific crashes as well.
The sports gotta do something and cutting the fields is the only way forward I can see
In reply to Post #473 Didn’t see that one Jon, had a look, on you tube, nasty one that, fast too!
Air bags, armour and technical advances, more and more people are walking away from them which is pleasing to see
Hi All,
Well I think the world championship standings had a lot of bearing on that race.
Second moto 3 crash that caused the second red card was horrific, couldn't believe the all walked away
In reply to Post #471 Been to Hexham quite a few times. Stop in a nice hotel in that area once a year and have a weekend up the north east, some really nice places
Rat boy wins, great ride must say, is he really back, that’s the question, looks like the bike was set up right, track surface was horrendous
WSB and JR, incredible, down and out twice in the first two races, cannot seem to get the front end set up, comes back and proves why he is a 6 time world champ, what a response!!!
BSB, so disappointing for Taz Mac. Great first race win yesterday, came from 13th on the grid to win, last race, the heavens opened up and he crashed out ffs, G Rea wins both wet races. Great day though for me
In reply to Post #470 Racing been good in all classes, must say Hexham was an eye opener for me, lovely place surrounded by great roads.
In reply to Post #469 brain dead camper van drivers not stopping at the passing spaces
Saw plenty of those, ****ing muppets on one track roads where the signs say...no camper vans, ffs
1400 miles clocked, great trip though
Night in Edinburgh then a night in Inverness
Applecross then to Gairloch
Durness, bleak!
Onto Thurso, John o groats and stopped in Wick
Edinbrough, home!
Fishing wise, one Pollock and then somehow managed to break two rod rings ffs! lol
Back to bikes
Not seen the Moto GP qualifying today
WSB, bad crash for JR, hope he is back tomorrow! Toprak, unstoppable, what a rider!
BSB and Donnington for me tomorrow
In reply to Post #468 No 22nd,very tricky conditions on the pass with strong winds and rain and brain dead camper van drivers not stopping at the passing spaces, even had one expecting us to stop when coming down and reverse. Saw a few stuck on single track roads that were too narrow for them to continue and not possible to turn around.
We're you in Applecross today Goose, saw around 20 bikes and a bloke with a grey Tash riding a multistrada
In reply to Post #466 Must admit the track limits and regulations are becoming a bit of a joke, they are or they are not, similar to the footy with VAR
Some great racing again though
Hi All
Loved it as usual, congrats to Bastianini's ride
Yamaha putting in a protest for Peco's jump start kinda leaves it all up in the air though. Leaves a bit of a bitter taste
It's a professional sport though with small margins and if they're gonna do Mir for track limits on the final lap, I suppose Peco's got something coming.
Penalty for jumps is 2 long laps, but I don't know what they'll do with this one if the protest is upheld?
In reply to Post #464 Was a great bit of racing that, loved it
MM is a great rider, I just can’t help thinking he is pushing it too far all the time, ditched it 18 times this season and the run wide cost him, great last few laps those though, the thing that makes the sport great!
Is it the lack of bike development time, not sure myself, I think others have come on and he is pushing it far too hard trying to keep up, people can blame the shoulder, not sure it is, the competition is quite strong, great ride by the rat though and I think everybody could see that he would press, press and press
In reply to Post #462 The pundits were saying before this weekend his arm will never be any better and he will never ride at his previous level.
In reply to Post #460 Yep great race and sorry great ride for MM you can't be a pussy at that level.
Yeah 70k for super, 50k for the desi when he bought it, the other bikes he has are similar value. He works in the city but is a great guy that loves his bikes and rides them hard not just garage queen's.
Off on tour Tuesday, can't wait.
In reply to Post #460 Hi Chris,
Loved that, I'm smiling like a Cheshire cat again
Huge for Peko and thouroughly deserved , and Rossi lost his bet as he didn't cry
That image guy Honda hired for Rat boy whilst he was recuperating paid off massive, he was a completely different person in his post race interview, notably likeable (Which I never thought I'd say)
In reply to Post #459 Can’t be bad, the super must be 70k!
Get in! What a race!!!
Some ride that by Bagnaia with rat boy all over him!
Dirty rat pushing and pushing, ain’t good enough, ran it wide lol. Brilliant
In reply to Post #458 A guy I know had his desmodesi and superlegera shipped out there for a three dayer while he flew out. His garage also contains 3 more Ltd edition bikes and 2 supercars.
In reply to Post #457 My sister lives in Spain, not too far away from Motoland. Out of interest I have had a look at bike hire, s1000rr, the £3600 damage wavier put me off
Three days on that track would be a nightmare unless your fitness is at professional athlete level, you would also need a van with spares including tyres and fuel is not available on cercuit. A track day at brands used to take me at least two days to recover.
In reply to Post #455 Thats a bargain mate, go for it
Ducati one two, Bagnaia lap record and FQ in 3rd, 0.5 sec of pole, rat boy in 6th, what’s the odds he crashes out again!
In reply to Post #454 Hi Scozza
Because Moto hasn't been here for a while I forgot about Phillip island. Looked it up and track days work out at £80 / day but you have to bring your own bike.
Off to check out moped prices now
In reply to Post #453 Bloody hell Jon, if there’s one race track I would love to ride it’s down your way, Phillip island, that straight down to the sea, incredible! Try one there!
Anybody see the Aprillia chat with Laverty, talks about the bike, stunning machine, what a weapon that is!
And then MV is on one lol
Suzi Perry in hot pants, would I love to smash her back doors in
In reply to Post #452 Hi Scozza
I've never ridden a bike, but I mentioned to Mrs Fubar it might be a bucket list thing to learn how to ride and do a track day.
She reminded me (yet again) that "lockdown is not an excuse to do dumb s**t"
She said I could do it on a moped though so I've still got a small chance
In reply to Post #451 Sounds like a bargain that Jon, think one day on a sports bike would be enough for me lol. Good package though that
Think if I was going it would be flight in and bike hire
In reply to Post #450 Hi scozza
Had to look that up
They do a 3 day "track day" for £680 plus camping costs
In reply to Post #449 I would love a track day there, love the massive oversized wall too, looks brill in the shots when the bikes go by
Hi All
I know we've only done FP1 and FP2, but I'll never get bored of watching riders follow each other through the corkscrew at Aragon.i can't think of a more iconic corner on the calendar, anyone?
In reply to Post #447 One of the best riders on the planet Toprak
Should have gone to MotoGP for me
Vinales riding in next gp, thought yamaha would have kept him in legal limbo for the rest of the season.
In reply to Post #443 End of an era moment today. The king has gone, long live the king
MM, just completely reckless, good news is he went down too, how many times now!
The new king maybe FQ, good race that and another win for the lad
ITV hub for free if anybody missed it
In reply to Post #442 Couldn't miss it, good race and great to see AE get on the podium for aprilia very well deserved.
In reply to Post #442 Hi Chris,
Tempted to delete my Vinales post, but if Aprillia announce contract cancelled on Tuesday and then say they can't wait to get him on the bike on Friday that's their problem not mine.
Decent race, not an Espargero bros fan but pleased for Aprilla's first podium.
Quateraro and baby Jorge deff a new era though.
Rat boy not even gonna comment.....
Loved the UK cheers for Cal, Vali, Jake and Sam, great to see and hear during difficult times
Dovi coming back
The constant tyre changes from track to track are becoming a bit of a lottery though, the riders who thrive on continuity are deffinately suffering and others took some very wierd gambles this weekend
Looking forward to this one
Anybody see MM 172mph off
Valentino Rossi’s last British GP
Hi All
I know the mgmt tow company lines with the mutual consent stances and all the company politics and apologies etc,j but Vinales has gone pretty hard core stupid to basically get sacked from 2 €6mill plus bonuses jobs in 1 week.
I think James Hunt did something along these lines back in the day but I can't remember the facts, it's got to go some to beat this though
FP1 commentary on Friday should be great though, can't wait.....
Wsbk superb, be hilarious if SR took the title now he's off to bmw.
#439 16 Aug 2021 at 6.48am | | |