In reply to Post #782 The contact with MM made me laugh, ripped the fairing clean off his bike
I know, it didn't even look that much but the fairing couldn't handle it
I wasn't so keen on Martins changing room antics at the end, was expecting so much more...bet he was having a brew
In reply to Post #781 The contact with MM made me laugh, ripped the fairing clean off his bike
Should have won it last year for me JM
In reply to Post #780 Indeed, did what he needed to do, very very well done to him
Poor Costa in the sprint but what a finish overall for a rookie.
New MotoGP champion, Jorge Martin, well deserved
In reply to Post #778 And he still won. On the replay you could see him looking for it at the start. Still, you wouldn’t expect that to happen. I think the only similar thing I have seen was Jack Miller, who’s bike once overheated and blew up down to a tear off blocking the radiator
In reply to Post #777 That was unbelievable what happens to him at the start of the race
MM what a ride on a 2023 bike, still the best in the world, incredible
Broke Martin and boring Bagnnia
Just watched the Australian sprit race, horrendous crash, near on 200mph, thankfully both walked away!
I can’t imagine coming off at that speed, you think 100mph is quick to jump out of a car
In reply to Post #774 No I watched the japanese races (GP/Sprint) on time this time, well maybe slightly on catch up, but right day anyway which is a improvement
Felt for Paco in both races but he's some talent. That accident in the main race how wierd seeing the bikes tangle together!
EDIT, I seem to be doing a lost of posting on the hop at the mo, facts may well not be err...facts..take with a pinch of salt
In reply to Post #773 Running a 2023 bike, lacks straight line power, putting my money on him being world champ again next season
You just missed the Japanese round
Only just watched Indonesian GP, great ride from Martin and Paco, shale Bastianini threw it but you can't blame him for trying. MM title hopes up in flames maybe....
I'll get me coat
In reply to Post #771 I did wonder if Bastianini was going to take Martin out deliberately, glad he didn't !
In reply to Post #770 Good result that for JM. Deserves the title for me, was so close last year. Dodgey move that by Bastianini, could have took him out.
Baggnia, just not convinced, OK if he is out in front, as soon as it becomes competitive he either crashes out or bottles it
Fab u lous , that was a proper race in the end 🤩 Ducati have lost a great rider, Martin had nothing to complain about, shame Paco didn't finish:-(
In reply to Post #768