In reply to Post #60 Pulev hard as nails but a lot older ! Fury will have to knock him out to win , can't see him getting a points win over there.
Fury vs. Pulev, weigh in is on the tube
Both look in great shape, should be a good un, and it’s free, ch 5
In reply to Post #58 Yeah dubois has a lot of potential. Nathan gorman is another heavy who's looking handy. Certainly a few coming through the ranks now. That Miller from the US looks a handful too, moves well for such a massive bloke
In reply to Post #57 I would too .I think in a couple of years Dubois is going be one to watch and his sister Caroline is supposed to be a bit special also
In reply to Post #56 Yeah he is quick for such a big bloke, but Parker is quicker and he couldn't catch fury, he's too negative so unlikely to walk into anything, and he goes backwards way more than he comes forward. If he lasted 12 against aj it will be because he's spent 12 rounds running away
In reply to Post #55 Joshua is quick for a guy of his size and if he catches him it's good night from him.Im not a massive aj fan but he does seem to be getting better
In reply to Post #53 Oh I don't know about that. Not because he's a brilliant heavyweight, but because he can go backwards better than any heavyweight of the generation. He hasn't got a chance of beating aj, but he might be able to stay away for 12 rounds like he did Parker. He hasn't got the power or the balls to go toe to toe with one of the top guys imo
In reply to Post #53 Possibly so, let’s see what happens on Saturday
In reply to Post #52 If he gets in a ring with Joshua I can see it ending badly for Huey
Huey Fury this week on TV
Gets through this potential Joshua fight
In reply to Post #50 No not a chance he looked like wanted be at home.Just watched that sharp fight and what a fight that shot in the first to put him down thought he won by more than 3 though
In reply to Post #49 Yeah he has been one of ajs sparring partners in the past. Looking at how he buckled regularly last night I don't see him lasting more than a couple of rounds against the top lads of the division
In reply to Post #48 I thought he had been sparring Joshua based on last night's performance he had better think of a new career.
In reply to Post #47 Yep, didn't want to know did he? And he's been calling out aj and wilder... If you want to watch a cracking fight, watch archie sharp from last weekend. Top 3 fight of the year for sure
In reply to Post #45 He looked totally disinterested and wanted quit in the 10th think he just thought he could use his 3stone weight advantage and knock him out whenever he wanted.Enjoyed the Lee Mcgregor fight looks like got a good future