In reply to Post #373 as it was at least 3 bites ?
I think apart from losing his purse he should have his license revoked no question fingers crossed
In reply to Post #371 Absolutely looking for a way out gerry. He should have just not come out for the round if he wanted out. Calling pricey a quitter all week so I guess he figured he couldn't just quit himself, but this is worse
In reply to Post #370 Exactly, disgraceful
Mans game of the highest level, you give it your all or eat humble pie when you know you have met you master, utter ****
In reply to Post #369 MMmmm was he looking for an easy way out ? he didnt appear to be in the sort of rage that would drive someone to bite ?
seemed to me to be more cold and calculated ? or am I reading it wrong ??
What a disgrace Ali is, should have his license revoked after tonights performance.
Tough fight so far, Hughes and Davis
Cmon Price, needs to focus on the job not in hand not just trying to smash him
Should not have stopped it they should have let him spark hiim out, dirty ****, cheating *******, ****ing coward
In reply to Post #364 Bit like you bullying all them turnips, come to the badlands it’s a different kettle of eh son
In reply to Post #366 Definitely mate, pricey is never in a dull one...
In reply to Post #365 The problem is everyone knows he can be knocked out so no one will box him , they will all go for the knockout , one thing for sure its always exciting when hes about , he will knock ali bongo out.
In reply to Post #363 Fingers crossed for him mate. Hope in his anger he doesn't leave himself open though.
| Fozzy | Posts: 17232 |  | aka Elephant Man | |
In reply to Post #361 I like pricey but he'll beat him, step up again and get ironed out.
In reply to Post #362 Yeah spoke to him yesterday said he wants to rip his head off ,
In reply to Post #361 Should be a goodun jeff. Pricey got a bit of spite about him for this one by the looks of it. Not seen him like that before, hope he gets the w
Good night of boxing tomorrow night my mate pricey v kash ali , liam smith v eggington, anthony fowler etc , I will be ringside cant wait.
In reply to Post #358 edit
Charlie was on a different level what a great workout for him